Diversity at Paderborn University

The recognition and appreciation of different living and working conditions of its members are essential pillars of the value orientation of Paderborn University. Heterogeneous social, cultural and/or educational biographical backgrounds are reflected in a diversity of abilities and skills, all of which have their justification and contribute to the success of the University as an educational institution. Equal opportunities and educational equity are an integral part of the University's understanding of diversity. The concept of diversity at Paderborn University includes the dimensions mentioned in the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), such as ethnic origin/nationality, age, mental and physical impairment, religion/belief, sexual identity and expands it to include the dimension of social origin.

Gender equality work is an independent field of action that is the responsibility of the Central Equal Opportunities Officer. Further information on the diversity dimension of gender can be found here.

Fo­cus on Di­versity

Di­versity in stud­ies and teach­ing

Paderborn University sees the heterogeneity of its students as an opportunity. Structures that promote diversity are reflected both in the working and study conditions and in the design of teaching and learning conditions on campus.

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Di­versity in re­search

Paderborn University considers the inclusion of diversity as an important factor for excellent research. It is committed to a discrimination-free everyday research life as well as to diversity of perspectives in research.

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Di­versity fields of ac­tion and ini­ti­at­ives at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In order to do justice to the diversity of all members of Paderborn University, there are different, target group-specific offers relating to everyday study and work at Paderborn University. The focus is always on the individual with his or her different abilities, interests and needs from which different fields of action can be derived. In addition to the fields of action of ethnic origin/nationality and social origin, for Paderborn University these are in particular the fields of health impairments/inclusion, gender identity/sexual orientation, religion/belief and age/generations.

Below you will find an overview of these six fields of action and the structures and services created within Paderborn University to address them.

Ethnic origin/Nationality

Learn more about how the topic is anchored at Paderborn University and find out about counselling and support services for internationals.

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Social origin

The Paderborn University offers various counselling services on the topic, and you can also find an overview of other support options here.

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Health impairments/ Inclusion

Click through the wide range of inclusion offers and health-promoting initiatives at Paderborn University as well as other information offers for university staff.

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Gender identity/Sexual orientation

Here you will find information on current initiatives and counselling services on the topic at Paderborn University.

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Information on the scientific anchoring of the topic as well as an overview of contact points within the Paderborn University can be found here.

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You can find more information about initiatives to strengthen intergenerational dialogue and about studying for older people at Paderborn University here.

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Fur­ther key top­ics and in­form­a­tion sources


As a tolerant and cosmopolitan university, it is a matter of course for Paderborn University to promote respectful interaction between all university members as well as an anti-discriminatory attitude and to ensure participation for all university members.

Con­tact points & coun­selling ser­vices

In order to reduce potential barriers on campus and to jointly design and strengthen inclusive study and working conditions, university members have access to various university contact points and counselling services.

Di­versity re­lated links

A diversity-sensitive university culture requires constant critical scrutiny of the actions and attitudes of all university menbers. Here you will find an overview of background information and further links for your own further examination of the topic.

?Paderborn University has long been actively committed to equal opportunities and diversity. The diverse potentials and competencies of our university members are thus recognised, appreciated and promoted regardless of gender, social and cultural background.”

Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf,
President of Paderborn University

News & Dates

18.09.2024 - 25.09.2024

Aware­ness train­ing for ori­ent­a­tion week team­ers in the winter semester 2024/25

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17.09.2024 - 17.09.2024

Train­ing on the top­ic of An­ti­semit­ism for em­ploy­ees

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15.07.2024 - 15.07.2024

Present­a­tion of the An­ti­semit­ism coun­sel­ing and re­port­ing cen­ters in NRW

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27.06.2024 - 27.06.2024

Event series “You too?! First-time aca­dem­ics at the UPB”

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More news

Di­versity Day 2023 - Pader­born Uni­ver­sity joined in!

Ger­man Di­versity Day in May 2023

This year, on the occasion of the annual German Diversity Day in May, Paderborn University took a look at various diversity topics with an action stand, tested knowledge about diversity with all interested parties with an interactive quiz and thus initiated exciting conversations about diversity on campus.

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Counselling services in the field of diversity

The Diversity Officer is the contact person for all members of the university who would like to find out about existing offers in the field of diversity or would like to start their own initiatives and offers advice in cases of discrimination. You are welcome to make an individual appointment for this.

She also offers events and measures on the topic of diversity and supports the further development and expansion of diversity-friendly structures with projects.

Are you interested in the advisory service? From the 19th of October 2023, there will be open consultation hours every Thursday from 12 pm to 2 pm (P52.02.6). It is not necessary to register in advance. Information on short-term appointment changes can be found here.

Get in­volved!

Our portal is still being developed.

Your initiative is not yet linked on the Diversity Portal? Help us to develop this portal and contact us.


Audit Family-Friendly University

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University underwent the audit family-friendly university and was awarded a certificate as the first university in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Audit Diversity-Friendly University

On 15 March 2023, berufundfamilie’s board of trustees awarded Paderborn University with the audit certificate.

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Paderborn University received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for its equal opportunities-oriented personnel policy for the first time in 2009.

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Diversity Charter & Association

In October 2011, Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter.

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Charter for the Reconciliation of Career and Care

In April 2023, Paderborn University signed the Charter for reconciliation of career and care.

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[Translate to English:] Logo Zertifikat ?audit familiengerechte hochschule“
Logo "audit vielfaltgerechte hochschule" certificate
Logo of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" initiative
Logo of the "Charter of Diversity" voluntary commitment
Charter on Reconciliation of Work and Care