Dr. Si­mon Strick

Simon Strick hat Amerikanistik, Kunstgeschichte und Philosophie in Berlin und K?ln studiert. 2011 promovierte er an der Humboldt Universit?t mit mit einer Dissertation über Schmerzdiskurse in der amerikanischen Kultur. Er war Mitglied des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs "Geschlecht als Wissenskategorie" unter der Leitung von Christina von Braun und Volker Hess. Nach Lehr- und For schungst?tigkeiten an der Humboldt Universit?t, der University of Virginia, dem Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung in Berlin, sowie der Charité Berlin arbeitet er seit November 2014 als Postdoktorand am Graduiertenkolleg "Automatismen". Simon Strick ist au?erdem Autor mehrerer Theaterstücke und Leitungsmitglied der Off-Theatergruppe Panzerkreuzer Rotk?ppchen.

Gegenw?rtig arbeitet Simon Strick an einem Forschungsprojekt zur Queeren Potenzialit?t digitaler Medien (Passing Technologies), sowie zu einer Mediengeschichte geistiger Behinderung (Media Idiocy).

Dr. Simon Strick
Universit?t Paderborn
Graduiertenkolleg Automatismen
必威体育 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Tel: +49-5251 / 60-3230
E-Mail: strick[at]mail.uni-paderborn.de
  • Postdoctoral Position at DFG Graduate Training Group "Automatisms", University of Paderborn, since November 2014
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Charité Berlin, Project "Sch?delbasiswissen" (funded by VW-Stiftung). Nov 2014 - Sep 2014
  • Postdoctoral Res earcher at Center for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin, Project "Sch?delbasiswissen" (funded by VW-Stiftung). Headed by Sigrid Weigel and Ernst-Johannes Haberl. May 2012 - Oct 2013
  • Visiting Fellow at the Department of English, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 2011 - 2012
  • Assistant professor at the Department of English and American Studies, HU Berlin. April 2009 - March 2010
  • Associated member of the DFG–Graduate Program Gender as a Category of Knowledge, HU Berlin. Headed by Christina von Braun and Volker Hess. 2005 - 2008
  • PhD-Degree with highest honors in American Studies; Humboldt University Berlin.
  • Dissertation: “American Dolorologies: Pain, Sentimentality, and Biopolitics in American Culture” (2011); Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Dietze (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Eva Boesenberg (Berlin). 
  • Book American Do lorologies: Pain, Sentimentalism, Biopolitics, published 2014 with State University of New York Press, Albany, NY. 
  • MA-Degree (Magister) received in American Studies, Art History and Philosophy; Humboldt University Berlin in 2004
  • Magistral/Master's Thesis: "The Performativity of Marginality in American Rap Music" (Degree 1,0); Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Günter H. Lenz ? (Berlin)
  • American Dolorologies: Pain, Sentimentality, Biopolitics. SUNY Press, Albany 2014.
  • "Structuralism/Deconstruction". Entry in Approaches to American Studies. Eds. Eva Boesenberg, Martin Klepper and Antje Dallmann. London/Routledge. Forthcoming 2015.
  • "Torture, Empathy, Democracy, and Torture again". In: Empathy: a Neurobiological Concept and its Cu ltural History. Eds. Sigrid Weigel and Vanessa Lux. Forthcoming 2015.
  • "Deformities, Essences, and Potentials: Cranial Knowledge, Children’s Heads and the Racialization of Disability", Medical History. Forthcoming 2014 (peer reviewed)
  • "Visceral (Auto)biographies: Pain, Plastic Surgery, and Gender". In: Embodied Politics in Visual Autobiography. Eds. Sarah Brophy and Janice Hladki. University of Toronto Press, 2014. (peer reviewed)
  • "Straight Screen: Begradigungsarbeit am iPhone". In: Feministische Studien, Nr. 2, Themenheft: The Queerness of Things not Queer, 2012: 228-244. (peer reviewed)
  • "Jesus". Entry in What Can a Body Do? Praktiken und Figurationen des K?rpers in den Kulturwissenschaften. Eds. K?rpernetzwerk et al. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2012.
  • "Schmerz in Photographien von Ex-Sklaven um 1863". In: Um/Ordnungen: Fotografische Ordnungen von Menschen bildern. Eds. Klaus Krüger, Matthias Wei? and Leena Crasemann. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2010
  • "Vorher Nachher: Zur Erz?hlbarkeit des kosmetischen Selbst". In: Sch?n normal – Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf somatische Selbsttechnologien. Ed. Paula Villa. Transkript. 2008.
  • “Respect and Repression: German Rap Music as Cultural Translation”. In: American Music in a Transcultural Perspective – A Fresh Look at Blues, Country, Folk, Jazz, Rap, Rock. Special Edition of Amerikastudien / American Studies. Eds. Wilfried Raussert and John Miller Jones. Heidelberg 2008.
  • “Erl?sendes Make-Up: M?nnlichkeit, Medialit?t und Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ”. In: Erl?ser – Figurationen m?nnlicher Herrschaft. Eds. Sven Glawion, Jana Husmann-Kastein, Elahe Haschemi Yekani. Bielefeld 2007.
  • “Geschlecht als Gewinn: Zum S pektakel der Normierung in The Swan”. In: Plurale. Heft 5: Gewinn. Eds. Mirjam Goller et al. Berlin 2005.
  • “Rap and Death”. In: testcard: Beitr?ge zur Popgeschichte. #14. Ed. Martin Büsser?. Berlin 2005.
  • “Graffiti – Zug und Entzug der ?ffentlichen Signaturen”. In: Plurale. Heft 4: Werkzeug. Eds. Mirjam Goller et al. Berlin 2005.
  • Organization of 必威体育 Digital Technologies in Surgery, ZfL Berlin, July 2014
  • Organization of international conference Culture meets Surgery: Images, Models, and Interpretations of the Human Skull, ZfL Berlin. Together with Uta Kornmeier. November 2012
  • Organization of interdisciplinary workshop Gender, Race and Violence in Pho tographs – Images and After-Images, University of Virginia. April 2012
  • Organization of Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium, with participants from English, History, German, Jewish, Philosophy and Gender Studies, University of Virginia. Fall 2011 to Spring 2012 
  • Co-Organizer of the international conference De/Constructions of Occidentalism at HU Berlin (DFG-Application, Concept, Organization). Together with Gabriele Dietze. June 2007
  • Organization of international conference Capturing the... Truth? Changing Practices of the Documentary at HU Berlin. Together with Bj?rn Wieders. 2005
  • Organization of Annual Students‘ Conference at the Institute for English and American Studies, HU Berlin. Together with Philip Kneis. 2001-06
  • "Learning from Game Studies from Queer Studies". Lecture at 必威体育 RuptureDynamics: Cultural Studies in Transition, Universit?t Konstanz. June 2014.
  • "Anatomie und ?sthetik: Der Sch?del als Objekt formgebender Chirurgie". Invited Lecture at Ringvorlesung Object Histories, Institute of Medical History, Charité Berlin. April 2014. 
  • "Digitale Sch?nheit: Avatare, Geschlechterideale und das Uncanny Valley". Invited Lecture at Museum for Communication, Berlin. Januar 2014
  • "Medical Narratives of Children's Cranial Deformation". Paper at international conference Imperfect Children, University of Leicester. September 2013
  • "Von der Phrenologie zur digitalen Cranioplastie". Invited Lecture at Gender-Ringvorlesung Bodies of Knowledge, HU-Berlin. February 2013 
  • "Feeling Oth er People's Pain between 1750 and 1860: Aesthetics Politics Biopower". Lecture at international conference Empathy: a neurobiological concept and its cultural and conceptual history, ZfL Berlin. January 2013
  • "Cranial Deformity: Intersections of Race and Disability in 19th Century German Medicine". Lecture at international conference Culture meets Surgery: Images, Models, and Interpretations of the Human Skull, ZfL Berlin. November 2012
  • "Looking at Scars in the 19th Century". Paper at interdisciplinary workshop Gender, Race and Violence in Photographs – Images and After-Images, University of Virginia. April 2012
  • "Boys Culture Goes to Washington: Male Hysteria in the 1930s". Guest lecture at JFK-Institute for American Studies, FU Berlin. Feb 2012
  • "Milit?r, Mitleid und Weiblichkeit in Zeiten des Terrors". Dissertation Defense-Lecture, Humboldt University Berlin. July 2011
  • "Schmerz und Abolitionismus". Invited 031 Lecture at 必威体育 K?rper: Normalisierungsprozess und Widerstand, organized by Leena Eckert, Bauhaus-Universit?t Weimar. January 2011
  • "Sklavenfotografie und Abolitionismus. Sentimentalit?t und die Erfassung von 'Black Suffering' im Amerika des 19. Jahrhunderts". Paper at international workshop Zwischen Konstruktion und Destruktion: Fotografische Ordnungen von Menschenbildern, Institute of Art History, FU Berlin. November 2009
  • "Carving Flesh". Guest lecture at American Studies Dept, University of Bremen. Juli 2009
  • "Master(ing) Pain: Contexts for a History of Pain and Subjection". Guest lecture at Department for German Studies, University of Virginia, USA. October 2008
  • “Transformationen von Geschlecht in künstlerischen Diskursen: Mischen, Anhalten, Aushalten. Jürgen Klauke und Orlan”. Together with Sabrina Kühn. Lecture at Ringvorlesung Gender Studies, WS 2007/08, Humboldt University Berlin. 2008 
  • “K?rperliche Ausnahmezust?nde und Subjektproduktion”. Paper presented at KCTOS-Conference, Section “Ausnahmezust?nde in wissensgeschichtlicher Perspektive”, Vienna, Austria. 2007 
  • “From American Exceptionalism to United States of Exception”. Paper at Transnational American Studies Summer School, UC Dublin, Ireland. 2007 
  • “Eine fr?hliche Chirurgie? Zu Technologie und Geschlecht in Orlans Reincarnation de Sainte Orlan”. Invited lecture at American Studies Institute, Graz, Austria. 2007
  • “The Corporeality of Gender Inscription”. Paper presented at European Association of Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Annual Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2006
  • “Crack Music: The Uses and Abuses of Drug Metaphors in HipHop Cinema”. Invited lecture at Conference Drugs in the A mericas, University of Erlangen. 2006
  • “Gender Inscription as Spectacle: The Swan”. Paper presented at Annual PCA/ACA Conference, Albuquerque, USA. 2006
  • “Evidence and Non-Events: Performance Art and Reality TV”. Paper presented at the Conference Capturing the... Truth? Changing Practices of the Documentary at Humboldt University Berlin. 2005
  • “White Rap and Counterculture”. Guest lecture at Research Colloquium Literature-Culture, JFK-Institute at the FU Berlin. 2004
  • BA Seminar "Einführung in Postkoloniale Theorien", University of Bielefeld. WS 2014/15
  • MA-Seminar "Teaching Popular Culture" at HU Berlin. SS 2013
  • Queer Theory Reading Group, with Claire Raymond, University of Virginia. Spring 2012
  • Seminar "Gender and Violence: Representing the Camp" (CPLT 3000). With Katja Baumg?rtner, University o f Virginia. Spring 2012
  • Seminar "Introduction to American Studies" (AMST 2001). With Sylvia Chong and Jennifer Rae Greeson, University of Virginia. Fall 2011
  • MA-Seminar "American Sexualities" at HU Berlin. WS 2009/2010
  • BA-Seminar "Questioning the Postracial Society" at HU Berlin. WS 2009/10
  • BA-Seminar "Introduction to Gender Theory II: Intersections" at HU Berlin. SS 2009
  • BA-Seminar "Gender and Media Theory" at HU Berlin. With Wibke Straube and Maja Figge. SS 2007
  • Seminar "Bodies and Images" at HU Berlin. With Elahe Hashemi. WS 2006-07
  • Seminar "Governmentality, Cultural Studies and Gender" at HU Berlin. With Prof. Gabriele Dietze. WS 2006-07
  • Open Seminar "Reading Michel Foucault" at HU Berlin. With Alexandra von Barsewitsch and Patrick Brunken. SS 2003
  • Organization of Students‘ Theses Research Colloquium - "Works in Progress". With Anna Katharina Otzen. 2001-04

Nominee for Humboldt Dissertation Price, HU Berlin

Berufungsliste for Junior Professor "Visual Culture" (2nd Place) at JFK-Institute for American Studies, FU Berlin

Visiting Fellow Scholarship, English Department, University of Virginia

Dissertation Completion Grant, DFG–Graduate Program Gender as a Category of Knowledge, HU Berlin

Research Grant, Wood Library of Medical History, Chicago, IL

Grant for Young Scholars, NaF?G HU-Berlin

  • Rey Chow. "Menschlich im Zeitalter der Wegwerfmenschen". In: Kritik des Okzidentalismus. Eds. Gabriele Dietze und Claudia Brunner. Bielefeld 2009. 
  • Beth Bjorklund. "Wie h? g0rt man auf ? Schlüsse in Mayr?ckers Prosa". In: Buchstabendelirien - Zur Literatur Friederike Mayr?ckers. Ed. Alexandra Strohmaier. Bielefeld 2009.
  • Media Theory and Archeology, Queer Theory
  • History of Knowledge, Medical History
  • Digital Embodiments, Popular Culture