Start­ing your PhD Pro­ject

On your marks, get set, go! In this workshop, everything revolves around the most important prerequisites for a well-prepared, motivated and goal-oriented start into the PhD writing project.

With short theoretical inputs, many practical exercises and exchange phases that take the different writing preferences and text projects of the participants seriously, we will clarify central questions around the start of the writing project:

  • Is my topic set, viable, and feasible?
  • Who has what expectations of my PhD project?
  • Which experiences have I had with writing?
  • Which procedure suits me?
  • How can I structure and plan my writing project?
  • How can I set concrete and feasible writing goals for myself?

This workshop is aimed at PhD students of all faculties who are at the beginning of their PhD program. If you have an initial idea of the topic and the planned time frame of the PhD project, you already fulfill all the necessary requirements for successful participation in the workshop.

Date: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. (online).

Important: This workshop will be held in German.

Contact: Dr. Andrea Karsten


For binding registration, please fill out the form below completely. The registration deadline is 48 hours before the workshop starts. Please note that we can only process complete registrations.

Important: If the registration form for the workshop does not work or the confirmation email does not arrive, you can also register by sending an email to kompetenzzentrum.schreiben(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de. Simply write all the data required in the registration form (name, e-mail, study program, semester) in the e-mail. 


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