Training as a peer writing tutor

As a peer writing tutor, you support students in their academic writing process. Together you will discuss goals, current needs and working methods in order to develop the next steps in the writing process. Text feedback can also be part of the consultations. This varied task requires skills and knowledge of writing methods, the writing process, the design of consultation sessions and consultations methods. And, of course, your own writing experience is also an important resource.

The content and scope of the training program are based on the "Rahmenkonzept für die Ausbildung von Peer-Schreibtutor*innen" formulated by the "Gesellschaft für Schreibdidaktik und Schreibforschung" (Gefsus). The training starts annually in the winter semester and is led by Susan Holtfreter, a certified systemic solution-oriented counsellor and writing didactician. Below you will find some answers to the most frequently asked questions about the training program. If you would like to find out more, you are cordially invited to the information event in August or contact Susan Holtfreter directly.

In­form­a­tion on peer writ­ing tu­tor train­ing at a glance

At the information event, we will introduce you to the process and content of the program. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the current peer writing tutors and clarify any questions you may have.

The next information meeting for the training round WiSe 2024 to SoSe 2025 will take place online on 12 August 2024 from 2 to 3 pm.

You can register now at studentische.schreibberatung(at)upb(dot)de.

The program runs over two semesters and consists of three modules. While you will learn the theory and practice of the writing process, the didactics of academic writing and how to conduct peer consultation sessions in the seminars Process-oriented writing didactics and Consulting at eye level, the practical phase gives you the opportunity to apply, reflect on and individually deepen your knowledge and skills in real counselling situations.

Building blocks of the training program

Process-oriented writing didactics and peer consultation (in winter semester, workload 90h)

  • Get to know the writing process, writing development and models, try out methods for organising the writing process,
  • reflect on their own writing, familiarise themselves with and appreciate individual writing strategies,
  • Giving feedback on texts, feedback attitude
  • Tasks and attitude in peer writing consulting.

Consulting at eye level - designing and managing conversations (in the summer semester, workload 90h)

  • Examine different counselling approaches, basic attitude in counselling
  • get to know the counselling process in more detail, design phases of the conversation, try out and internalise counselling methods and techniques,
  • get to know your role in peer counselling, question your own understanding of counselling.

Practical phase (70h + 1h)

  • Observation of consultation sessions,
  • Carry out your own individual consultation sessions,
  • In-depth self-study and preparation of the final portfolio, which serves as the basis for the final colloquium.
  • Individual customisation is possible by arrangement.

You can find more information here.

The training program is open to all Paderborn University students. If you are interested in writing, would like to further your education in the field of consultation or are generally interested in working as a peer writing tutor, this is the right place for you. At the same time, the training also gives you the opportunity to apply as a peer writing tutor at the "Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben" (or the writing centre of another university).

The benefits of training to become a peer writing tutor are varied and individual. We have listed the key aspects for you below:

  • You can benefit for your own writing.
  • You can benefit in the field of conversation.
  • You can benefit for your studies and beyond.
  • Upon completion of the training, you will receive a certificate that you can use for your application to writing centres or applications in general.

If you have any questions about the training or would like to register, please contact Susan Holtfreter.