Counselling services

Do you have didactic questions about your teaching? Are you currently planning changes in one of your degree programmes and could use new perspectives from outside? Are you considering using students as tutors in your teaching? Do you find OER exciting and are unsure how you can integrate it into your teaching? Are you looking for inspiration to evaluate your digital teaching?

If you have these and many other questions, the Educational Innovation and University Didactics Unit is the right place for you. On this page you will find an overview of our current counselling services. We will also be happy to advise you on any other concerns you may have and, if necessary, connect you with other cooperation partners within and outside Paderborn University.

Innovative concepts for your teaching

Would you like to change something in your own course or perhaps for your department? Are you looking for new ideas, concepts and methods? Are you planning a completely new teaching project or innovative forms of examination?

We offer you comprehensive, personal advice on the didactic design and implementation of lectures, seminars, exercises, practicals, tutorials and entire modules and degree programmes. From initial planning to micro-didactic fine-tuning - our experts will support and guide you in designing your courses in a way that promotes learning. This can include the formulation of competence-oriented learning outcomes, suitable forms of examination, didactic methods, dealing with learning groups, analysing and interpreting evaluations and much more.

Work shadowing

We are also happy to visit you in your day-to-day teaching. You will receive personalised feedback from experienced university didactics experts after an observation - specifically on the topics that concern you. You can arrange individual visits with us for this purpose.

All counselling requests will of course be treated confidentially.

Your contact person: Judith Osthushenrich

In­nov­at­ive Konzepte in der Lehre

必威体育 sind Lehrende*r an der Universit?t Paderborn? 必威体育 m?chten in Ihrer eigenen Veranstaltung oder eventuell für Ihren Fachbereich etwas in der Lehre ver?ndern? 必威体育 suchen nach neuen Ideen, Konzepten und Methoden? 必威体育 planen ein v?llig neuartiges Lehrprojekt, eine Schulung für Tutor*innen oder innovative Prüfungsformen?
Wir bieten Ihnen umfangreiche Beratung bei der didaktischen Gestaltung und Umsetzung von Vorlesungen, Seminaren, ?bungen, Praktika, Tutorien sowie ganzen Modulen und Studieng?ngen. Von der ersten Planung bis zum mikrodidaktischen Finetuning – unsere Expert*innen unterstützen und begleiten 必威体育 bei der Formulierung von kompetenzorientierten Learning Outcomes, passenden Prüfungsformen, didaktischen Methoden, E-Learning, Qualifizierung von Tutor*innen und vielem mehr.

Pro­fes­sion­elle Hos­pit­a­tion

Erfahrene Hochschuldidaktiker*innen bieten Ihnen an, 必威体育 in Ihrem Lehralltag zu besuchen. 必威体育 erhalten ein individuelles Feedback, gezielt zu den Themen, die 必威体育 bewegen. Hierfür vereinbaren 必威体育 mit uns nach Absprache individuelle Besuchstermine. Im vertraulichen Gespr?ch behandeln wir Ihre Fragen und Anliegen.

Advice on the certificate programme and continuing education courses in higher education didactics

Are you interested in our "Professional Teaching Skills for Higher Education" certificate programme? We will advise you individually and confidentially on how you can best use your own prerequisites and strengths in the programme.

Your contact person: Judith Osthushenrich

Using e-learning profitably in teaching

Would you like to use e-learning in your course? Do you have some initial ideas and would like to discuss them? Do you have questions about suitable didactics or a digital tool that you would like to use? Then take advantage of our digital teaching counselling service.

Your contact person: Iris Neiske

Advice on Open Educational Resources (OER)

Would you like to find out more about Open Educational Resources (OER), use such resources or create them yourself and share them with others?

Then take advantage of our counselling services on this topic. We look forward to the exchange!

Your contact person: Tassja Weber


Seit dem WiSe 2021/2022 bieten wir eine offene, digitale OER-Sprechstunde an: Immer donnerstags in der Vorlesungszeit, 9:00 bis 9:30 Uhr. Den Link zum Zoom-Raum finden 必威体育 in unserem Veranstaltungskalender. Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich, loggen 必威体育 sich einfach spontan ein!

Individual university didactic coaching for professors

Are you a professor or junior professor at Paderborn University and would like to be coached by experienced university didactics experts in a 1:1 constellation with regard to your teaching activities? Then we would be happy to support you with our individual university didactics coaching.

The way in which lecturers organise their teaching is highly individual. As their experience grows, teachers develop their own routines and strategies for preparing and conducting courses, examinations and counselling students. At times, their own demands and the external framework conditions can be at odds, for example in terms of time resources.

Coaching in higher education didactics offers professors and junior professors at Paderborn University the opportunity to take a systematic look at their own teaching. In individual cases, experienced lecturers can also take advantage of the offer. In cooperation with an external coach, a selection is made from the spectrum of possible university didactic topics and then worked on in a solution-oriented manner.

Are you interested? We would be happy to arrange a non-binding preliminary discussion with you.

Your contact person: Dr Nerea V?ing

Organisational consulting for your team

A functioning team and clear processes are important prerequisites for achieving goals together. We work with you to plan team development measures in your organisational unit and support you in implementing them. We are also available as moderators if you would like to reflect on and optimise your processes as a team.

We would be happy to conduct a non-binding preliminary discussion with you. We will of course treat your concerns confidentially.

Your contact person: Dr Nerea V?ing

Support with curriculum development and accreditation processes

Competence-oriented teaching and assessment, programme design in terms of constructive alignment, studyability, subject-specific and interdisciplinary learning outcomes - we are happy to support and advise you in the content development and revision of module handbooks in accreditation processes. If necessary, we will work with you to analyse the causes of difficulties in implementation and develop ideas and solution strategies for the didactic implementation of module handbooks.

Your contact person: Dr. Nerea V?ing

Would you like to integrate tutors into your teaching or revise existing concepts for the use of tutors? We would be happy to advise you on how to organise tutorials in a way that promotes learning and on a possible training and further education concept for your tutors.

Are you a tutor yourself and have questions about your teaching? Then we would be happy to advise you on didactic issues in tutorials and possible qualification opportunities for you as a tutor.

Your contact person: Ulrike Trier