Dr. Oli­ver Leis­tert

Social Algorithms


Dr. Oliver Leistert
Graduiertenkolleg Automatismen
Universit?t Paderborn
必威体育 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Tel: +49-5251 / 60-3230
E-Mail: leistert[at]mail.uni-paderborn.de
GPG key   http://zimmermann.mayfirst.org/pks/lookup?search=0x50C5F558
GPG FP    8DE1 3F0E 1AB3 9530 ECCA A3F3 1BFF 509B 50C5 F558

Oliver Leistert studied philosophy, computer science and German literature. He is a member of the DFG Graduiertenkolleg "Automatismen" in Paderborn. His main interests are mobile media, surveillance media, protest media, social media, open source and open access, privacy enhancing technologies, media theory, and political economy of communication.

Since September 2014, Oliver is Board Member at the ESRC funded research project "Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Society: UK State-Media-Citizen Relations after the Snowden Leaks" at Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC), Cardiff University. The investigator team is comprised of Arne Hintz (Cardiff University), Ian Brown (Oxford Internet Institute), Michael Rogers (Briar),  Lina Dencik (Cardiff University) and Karin Wahl-Jorgensen (Cardiff University).

Since October 2013 Oliver Leistert is a Post-Doc at the DFG-Research Training Group Automatisms at University Paderborn.

From June to July 2013 he was a stand-in Post-Doc at the DFG-Research Training Group Automatisms at University Paderborn.

He received his doctoral degree from the University Paderborn in October 2013 with his thesis "Mobile Media: Protest and Surveillance: On the Political Rationality of Ubiquitous Individual Connectivity" ("summa cum laude"). The resulting book has won the Surveillance & Society book award 2014.

From October 2012 to March 2013 he was a lecturer at the Institute of Media Studies, University Paderborn.
From June 2011 to March 2012, he was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Media and Communication Studies at Central European University Budapest (http://cmcs.ceu.hu//)
From May 2009 to April 2012 he was a grant holder at the DFG-Research Training Group Automatisms at University Paderborn.
Oliver Leistert runs a little blog. Please check it out for his latest publications and research: http://nomedia.noblogs.org. Here you also find pdfs of almost all things published by Oliver.

Social Algorithms
outline coming soon


  • EN Oliver Leistert: From Protest to Surveillance - The Political Rationality of Mobile Media. Modalities of Neoliberalism. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien 2013.
  • DE Oliver Leistert, Theo R?hle (Ed.): Generation Facebook. ?ber das Leben im Social Net. Bielefeld 2011.
  • DE Maik Bierwirth, Oliver Leistert, Renate Wieser (Ed.): Ungeplante Strukturen. Tausch und Zirkulation. München 2010.

Articles and Contributions

  • DE Soziale Medien als Technologien der ?berwachung und Kontrolle In: Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik/Taddicken, Monika (Hg.) Handbuch Social Media. Wiesbaden 2015.
  • DE The kids are alright, but what about Face?book?. In: Othmer, Julius/Weich, Andreas (Hg.) Medien – Bildung – Dispositive. Beitr?ge zu einer interdisziplin?ren Medienbildungsforschung. Wiesbaden 2014: 171-188.
  • EN (with Theo R?hle) Crowdfunding of Academic Books: A Case Study. In: Alex Wardrop & Deborah Withers (Hg.) The Para-Academic Handbook. A Toolkit for making-learning-creating-acting. Bristol 2014.
  • DE Vom Umschlag mobiler Datenwolken in stabile Speicherung und den damit verbundenen Kontrollfantasien. In: Paul, Dennis und Andrea Sick (Hg.), Rauchwolken und Luftschl?sser. Tempor?re R?ume. Hamburg 2013, 185-195.
  • DE Tausch, Protokoll, Technik. Knapp mehr als 11.000 knappe Zeichen zum langen Traum der Theorie. In: Adelmann, Ralf und Ulrike Bergermann (Hg.), Das Medium meiner Tr?ume. Hartmut Winkler zum 60. Geburtstag. Berlin 2013: 167-174.
  • DE “Der Beitrag der Social Media zur Partizipation“. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 2/2013: S. 39-48.
  • HU “K?z?sségi média és részvétel“. In: replika 84/2013: S. 37-46.
  • DE “Mietmodell Software Adobe“. In: POP. Kultur und Kritik. 3/2013: S. 39–42.
  • EN “Smell the Fish: Digital Disneyland and the Right to Oblivion“, First Monday 18 (3), 2013.
  • DE (with Theo R?hle) “Das Beste aus Beiden Welten? Wissenschaft und Crowdfunding“. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 8 (1), 2013: 191-196.
  • EN “Resistance against Cyber-Surveillance within Social Movements and how Surveillance Adapts“, Surveillance & Society 9 (4), 2012: 441-456. Winner of the Surveillance & Society Paper Prize 2014.
  • EN The iPhone’s Failure—Protests and Resistances. In: Snickars, Pelle and Patrick Vonderau (Ed.), Moving Data. The iPhone and the Future of Media. Columbia University Press, New York, 2012: 238-248.
  • EN “On Data Retention, Postfordism and Privacy Movements in Germany“, Open Cahier 19, 2010:  92-99.
  • NL “Dataretentie, postfordisme en de privacybeweging in Duitsland“.  Dutch version from Open Cahier 19.
  • DE Individuation, Nachbarschaft und Protokoll. In: Bierwirth, Maik; Oliver Leistert, Renate Wieser (Ed.),  Ungeplante Strukturen. Tausch und Zirkulation. München 2010: 33-46 (pdf).
  • DE Automatismen werfen das Problem des Beobachters auf. In: Bublitz, Hannelore; Marek, Roman; Steinmann, Christina Louise; Winkler, Hartmut (Ed.) Automatismen. München 2010: 99-102 (pdf).
  • EN “Data Retention in the European Union: When a Call Returns“, International Journal of Communication 2, 2008: 925-935.
  • DE “Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Das europaweite Ende der Privatsph?re für elektronische Kommunikation” in: Malm? 43, 2008.
  • DE Digitale Verteilungsk?mpfe, digitale Z?une und digitale Schlupfl?cher. In: Weiss, Volker und Sarah Speck (Hg.), Herrschaftsverh?ltnisse und Herrschaftsdiskurse. Berlin 2007: 144-157.



  • DE Critical Web Studies 2. Von Twitterbarrikaden zu Amazons Mechanical Turk: Paolo Gerbaudo, Tweets and the Streets. Social Media and Contemporary Activism, London (Plutopress) 2012 & Trebor Scholz (Ed.), Digital Labor. The Internet as Playground and Factory, New York (Routledge) 2013. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 10 (1), 2014: 156-161.
  • DE Benedetti Brevini, Arne Hintz, Patrick McCurdy (Hg.), Beyond WikiLeaks. Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society. Basingstoke/New York; Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. In: Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 1, 2014.
  • EN Rowan Wilken and Gerard Goggin (eds.), Mobile Technology and Place. New York/London: Routledge, 2012. In: Mobile Media & Communication, 2 (4) 2014.


  • EN Paderborn, 20.-22.06.2013: Tracking. Targeting. Predicting. Epistemological, Ontological and Biopolitical Dimensions of Technosecurity. Published at H-Soz-u-Kult, 28.08.2013.

Other Publications

  • DE Das Delirium des Symbolischen hat eine neue Phase gefunden. In: Julia Oschatz, Inszenierte Blicke, Berlin 2014: 109-118.
  • EN and many more languages (together with many great people): Mobile Security Guide and Smartphone Security Chapter in the Security in a Box Guides by Tactical Tech and Frontline.
  • EN "Working together, getting things done" - Interview with Geert Lovink for "Herbst. Theorie zur Praxis", 2012, 71-73.
  • DE (mit Theo R?hle) "Facebook: mehr als ein Umschlagplatz sozialer Beziehungen", Falk Busse führte das Interview für die Revue für postheroisches Management, Frühling 2012, 92-99.
  • DE "Protest 2.0", Birk Grueling führte das Interview für das Asphalt Magazin, M?rz 2012.
  • EN "How to Put Up a Facebook Resistance", Online-Review of Marc Stumpel's essay, "Mapping the Politics of Web 2.0: Facebook Resistance" in: Digital Alternatives with a Cause, Book 2: To Think, ed. Nishant Shah and Fieke Jansen, 24-31, February 2012.
  • DE "Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Das europaweite Ende der Privatsph?re für elektronische Kommunikation" in: Malm? 43, 2008. 


  • DE Critical Art Ensemble, Die molekulare Invasion (The Molecular Invasion). Münster 2006.

Winter 2014/15:
DE Blackbox, Post-Graduate Seminar (Graduiertenkolleg “Automatisms”, University Paderborn, together with Simon Strick).

Summer 2014:
DE Kulturtechniken [Cultural Techniques], Post-Graduate Seminar (Graduiertenkolleg “Automatisms”, University Paderborn, together with Cristina Besio).

Winter 2013/14:
DE Kulturen des Spiels [Cultures of Games], Post-Graduate Seminar (University Paderborn, together with Marion N?ser-Lather). 

Winter 2012/13:
EN Mobile Media, Protests and Surveillance (Department of Media Studies, University Paderborn).
DE Kryptologie: Entwicklung, Einflüsse, Akteure [Cryptology: Developments, Influences, Players]  (Department of Media Studies, University Paderborn).

  • EN "The revolution will not be liked. On the systemic limits of protests and political campaigns on commercial social media platforms", ECREA conference Lisbon, 12.-17.11.2014.
  • EN "The botherder's lure and the figure of the pirate: trespassing enclosures and tweaking affordances", Algorithmic Cultures, Universit?t Konstanz, 23.-25.06.2014.
  • DE "Zur politischen Rationalit?t von Mobile Media bei Protest und ?berwachung", Ringvorlesung Never being alone again. ?berwachung zwischen Albtraum und Utopie, Uni Paderborn, 12.5.2014.
  • DE "Solidarit?t nach Snowden", Wie (a)sozial sind die sozialen Netzwerke? Solidarit?t im Zeitalter von Vereinzelung und Vernetzung. Fachtagung des DGB-Bildungswerks Hattingen, 20.-21.11.2013.
  • DE "Effekte von Facebook. Welche Subjektivit?t triggert das soziale Netzwerk als Sozialisationsplattform Jugendlicher?", Verflechtungen: Medien, Bildung, Dispositive, Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig, TU Braunschweig, 31.01. - 02.02.2013.
  • DE "Was war Facebook? Versuch einer theoretischen Einordnung", #wishyouwerehere, Universit?t Bochum, 30. 10. 2012.
  • DE "Generation Facebook", Medien machen Schule 3.0, Universit?t Flensburg, 18. 10. 2012.
  • EN "Containing surveillance and control", Rethinking Small Media, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 6./7. 10. 2012.
  • EN "The algorithmic production of suspects", International Symposium on Technopolitics, University S?o Paulo, 14. 6. 2012.
  • DE "Vom Umschlag mobiler Datenwolken in stabile Speicherung und den damit verbundenen Kontrollfantasien", Rauchwolken und Luftschl?sser, 必威体育 an der Hochschule der Künste, Bremen, 17. 2. 2012.
  • DE "Die Verdatung des Gemeinsamen: Wenn Facebook das 'Wir' produziert", Communitas, Commune, Communismus: Symposium zur Ausstellung Aernout Mik, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI) und Museum Folkwang, Essen, 24. 1. 2012.
  • EN "Generation Facebook", Unlike Us #1, Understanding Social Media Monopolies and their Alternatives. Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, 23. 11. 2011.
  • EN "Protection against digitally mediated surveillance within social movements and the infrastructure as adversary", Cyber-Surveillance in Everyday Life.  Hosted by the New Transparency project, University of Toronto, 12.-15. 5. 2011.
  • EN "Mobile Media Practice and Social Movements in Pakistan and Seoul", 3rd European Communication Conference (ECREA), Hamburg University, 12.-15. 10. 2010.
  • DE "Location Based Dataveillance" at HyperKult XIX "Mobiles - Your Are Now Here", Leuphana University Lüneburg, 8.-10. 8. 2010.
  • EN Resource Speaker on "Open Source Technology",  Marinduque State College, Philippines, 5. 10. 2009.
  • EN "Media is neither good nor bad - it serves anyone" at MediFes 2009, Tokyo, 20.-22. 9. 2009.
  • EN "Mobile Media and Dataveillance" at Research Group on Public Policies for the Access to Information (GPOPAI), University of S?o Paulo, 8. 8. 2009.
  • EN "The revolution will not be liked. On the systemic limits of protests and political campaigns on commercial social media platforms", ECREA conference Lisbon, 12.-17.2014.
  • DE 必威体育 "Kulturen des Spiels II: Prozesse", University Paderborn, 06. / 07. February 2014 (with Christop Neubert, Marion N?ser-Lather, Julius Othmer, Theo R?hle, Andreas Weich und Serjoscha Wiemer).
  • DE 必威体育 "Kulturen des Spiels I: Strukturen", University Paderborn, 28. / 29. November 2013 (with Christoph Neubert, Oliver Leistert, Marion N?ser-Lather, Julius Othmer, Theo R?hle, Andreas Weich und Serjoscha Wiemer).
  • Team Member, Moderator and Curator for the "Mobile Use of Social Media" Panel at Unlike Us #3, Amsterdam, 22.-23. 3. 2013. Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures.
  • Verteilt. Vertauscht. Verhandelt. Entstehung ungeplanter Strukturen durch Tausch und Zirkulation in Kultur und Medien, Conference at the University Paderborn, 17. / 18. 4. 2009.
  • "Data retention on the Internet: Challenges for small, alternative and citizen-based internet service providers", 必威体育 at the CMCS, Central European University, Budapest, 19. 9. 2008.
  • "Recalling RFID", Seminars and 必威体育s at De Balie, Amsterdam, in cooperation with The Databodies research group at the Institute of Network Cultures and the Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam (UvA),  19.-20. 10. 2007.
  • Surveillance & Society Paper Prize 2014 for my article "Resistance against Cyber-Surveillance within Social Movements and how Surveillance Adapts" in: Surveillance & Society, 9 (4), 2012.
  • Surveillance & Society Book Award 2014 for my book "From Protest to Surveillance – The Political Rationality of Mobile Media".
  • Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM)
  • AG Daten und Netzwerke der GfM
  • European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
  • Surveillance & Society Network (SSN)
  • Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)