Equal Opportunity Grant 2023


Our project focuses on investigating the generation of quantum subgraphs within a network of N qudits, where each qudit is a quantum system with q levels. By exploring the intricate relationships and entanglements between these qudits, we aim to advance the field of quantum information processing. This research will provide valuable insights into the behavior of high-dimensional quantum systems and contribute to the development of next-generation quantum computing technologies.


Quantum networks represent a frontier in the quest for powerful and efficient information processing systems. While significant progress has been made in understanding networks of qubits, the potential of qudits—quantum systems with more than two levels—remains largely untapped. By investigating the generation of quantum subgraphs in qudit networks, we seek to uncover new possibilities for quantum communication and computation, ultimately pushing the boundaries of what is achievable with quantum technology.

Ziele und Vorgehen

The primary objective of our research is to explore the generation of quantum subgraphs in a network of N qudits. Specifically, we aim to determine the optimal scaling of entanglement required for generating arbitrary quantum subgraphs using local operations and classical communication (LOCC). We will extend existing results from qubit networks to qudit networks, examining how the entanglement between pairs of nodes scales.

Innovation und Perspektiven

Our project stands at the cutting edge of quantum network research, introducing novel approaches to understanding and manipulating entanglement in high-dimensional systems. By extending the study of quantum subgraphs to qudit networks, we are pioneering new methods for quantum information processing. Our work will not only enhance theoretical knowledge but also provide practical insights into the implementation of quantum network generation across various qudit platforms, such as photonic systems, ion traps, and nuclear magnetic resonance. This innovative research will pave the way for more robust and scalable quantum computing solutions.

Key Facts

10/2023 - 09/2024



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Dr. Zahra Raissi

Quantum Information Junior Research Group

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