Services for Early Career Researchers at Paderborn University

Below you will find interdisciplinary offers and programmes that support you in planning and implementing your academic career.

If you have any questions about the offers or are unsure who the right contact person is, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Aca­dem­ic Ca­reer De­vel­op­ment Of­fice

The Academic Career Development Office supports you on the path to a career in academia, business, and society. It offers you a comprehensive range of information and counselling services that focus on the specific challenges of the various career phases from doctorate to first professorship.

Learn more

Sup­port for Re­search & Teach­ing

Re­search Ser­vice and Con­sult­ing

Paderborn University's Research Department supports you in the implementation of research projects and iin the acquisition of third-party funding on a national and international level.

Research Department

Writ­ing Cen­ter "Kom­pet­en­zzen­trum Schreiben"

The Writing Centre (Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben) provides offers on academic writing targeted not only at students but also at doctoral candidates and teachers. Through its various offers, the Writing Centre supports you through the entire writing process, from the conception phase to the conclusion.

Writing Centre

High­er Edu­ca­tion De­vel­op­ment Unit (HEDU) for In­nov­a­tion in Edu­ca­tion and Uni­ver­sity Di­dactics

The Higher Education Development Unit (HEDU) for Innovation in Education and University Didactics offers professors, research assistants, and student tutors extensive further training and advisory services in higher education didactics.


Lan­guage Courses and Lan­guage Sup­port for Re­search­ers

The Language Centre offers doctoral candidates and postdocs courses on presentation skills, academic writing, support with teaching in English, and communicating in English or Spanish.

The Language Centre

Om­bud­sper­son for Good Re­search Prac­tice

The Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice assists researchers at Paderborn University with questions regarding good scientific practice.


Sup­port For In­di­vidu­al Ca­reer De­vel­op­ment

Staff De­vel­op­ment

Staff Development at Paderborn University supports and accompanies employees in all phases of their work. In addition to further education and training, conflict counselling and individual coaching are also available.

Staff Development

Ment­or­ing Pro­grammes for Fe­male Re­search­ers

One of Paderborn University's key equality policy tasks is the promotion of (prospective) female academics. For over 15 years, the mentoring team has been supporting the career development of women from the end of their studies, through their doctorate, and into the post-doc phase with mentoring programmes, networking, and coaching opportunities.


Ad­vice For Start-ups

The Technology Transfer and Start-up Centre at Paderborn University (TecUP) supports and advises researchers interested in starting a business.


Sup­port In Spe­cial Situ­ations

Fam­ily Ser­vices

The Family Service Office supports researchers at Paderborn University in reconciling work and family life.

Family Services


ProLernen is a university counselling centre that will assist you with procrastination problems, motivation problems, and self-regulated learning during the PhD process.


Dis­abled Per­sons' Rep­res­ent­at­ive

The Disabled Persons' Representative ('Schwerbehindertenvertretung,' SBV) is the primary contact for researchers and employees with disabilities at Paderborn University. It represents their interests and advocates optimal working conditions.


Sup­port For In­ter­na­tion­al Re­search­ers

Wel­come Ser­vices for In­ter­na­tion­al Re­search­ers and Em­ploy­ees

The Welcome Services support international researchers and employees at Paderborn University with all questions regarding their stay in Paderborn.

Welcome Services

Ger­man Lan­guage Courses for In­ter­na­tion­al Re­search­ers

Experience German together, broaden horizons, build bridges: The Centre for Language Studies offers German language classes as well as writing and learning get-togethers for international researchers.

German Courses

In­form­a­tion for Re­search­ers at Risk

Researchers at risk will find information on how to continue their academic career in Germany here.

Learn more