The right contacts for your research

Third-party funding opens up scope for research projects, for networking and knowledge transfer and is an important component of an academic career.

The Re­search Unit (SG 2.2)

The team of the Research Department advises and supports you in all matters concerning the acquisition of third-party funds from public research funding - from the selection of the appropriate funding programme and the drafting of the application to obtaining the signatures of the university management as well as the required accompanying letters and certificates.

Learn more

Grants and ex­tern­al fund­ing (SG 2.3)

After your funding project has been approved and for all questions regarding contract research, the grants and external funding management team will advise you.

Learn more

R&D Leg­al ad­vice

Our lawyers (R&D) will be happy to assist you with legal questions during and after the application phase.

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Our ser­vice for your re­search

The services offered by the Research Unit (SG 2.2) cover the entire field of research, start-up and innovation funding. We have many years of experience with various funding bodies and can provide you with expert advice on classic and new funding programmes. During the application preparation phase, we support you with strategic editing, advise you on financial planning and obtain the necessary signatures from university management. We advise you on how to utilise the results of your research and work with you to find the best way to combine the scientific quality of the research results with patent protection. We advise you on all legal issues arising in connection with research projects (and co-operations).

Do not hesitate to contact us at an early stage!

Learn more about our ser­vice of­fer

  • Programme information and advice on calls for proposals from the federal and state ministries and at European level
  • Funding advice in the fields of basic research, applied research, research & development and start-up projects
  • Support in researching suitable funding formats for your project
  • Initial advice for newly appointed (junior) professors and postdocs
  • Strategic funding advice for researchers and departments
  • Feedback on the structure and persuasiveness of your proposal from a non-specialist perspective.
  • Feedback on the fit and consistency with the funding agencies' guidelines or topics in the EU Research Framework Programme
  • Advice on funding planning
  • Advice on project planning
  • Consultation with project promoters and EU contact points
  • Coordination with the university management and other responsible university offices
  • Advice on cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender equality, promotion of young researchers, research data management, internationalisation of research) and support with concrete formulation proposals
  • Office of the Senate Committee for Research and Junior Academics
  • Information on funding programmes of the Committee, assistance with applications and processing of funding applications
  • Advice on internal research funding through the research reserves
  • Information on patenting procedures and other industrial property rights
  • Support in completing the invention disclosure
  • Advice on industrial property rights and application strategy
  • Commercial exploitation of research results
  • Administrative processing of patent procedures, deadline management.
  • Cooperation agreements / subcontracts in connection with publicly funded research projects (e.g. BMBF, ZIM, EU)
  • Non-disclosure agreements
  • Accompaniment and management of contract negotiations with various partners from industry and research
  • Binational and bilateral doctoral agreements
  • Cooperation agreements with foreign universities
  • Legal questions on (grant) contracts of the DAAD, MIWF etc.
  • Grant and onward transfer agreements
  • Sponsorship agreements
  • Legal questions in connection with separation accounting
  • Accompanying the planning process for new Research Training Groups and Collaborative Research Centres at UPB.
  • Coordination of the committee process and coordination with the university management
  • Supporting the Research Commission in internal quality assurance at the university
  • Exchange and coordination process with DFG
  • Cooperation with the Jenny Aloni Centre in the development of measures in the qualification and counselling concept
  • Supporting the review process by the DFG


If you require a legally binding signature from the university management for your application, please contact us in good time, i.e. at least 10 days before the planned submission. Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take at least one week.

Fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies & Co

Na­tion­al re­search fund­ing

Find out about various funding programmes of the federal and state ministries, as well as the DFG and AiF. We offer you documents and useful information to support you in your application in the best possible way.

In­ter­na­tion­al re­search fund­ing

Get useful information and documents on international funding programmes such as Horizon Europe, Erasmus+ or the NRW Return Programme.

Com­mit­tee for Re­search and Ju­ni­or Aca­dem­ics

Get information on the different instruments of internal research funding.

Schol­ar­ship ap­prov­al

Receive information and advice on the awarding of scholarships in accordance with the framework guidelines at our university.


Find out everything you need to know about patents, from reporting inventions to patenting and exploitation.

Start-up sup­port

Find out about various start-up promotion programmes such as the EXIST Start-up Grant or EXIST Research Transfer of the BMWK or the Start-up Transfer.NRW line.

R&D Leg­al ad­vice

Find out more about our legal advisory services on research projects, binational doctorates, transfers and patents.

FIT News­let­ter

Register for the Research, International Affairs, Transfer (FIT) newsletter to receive a regular overview of all the latest funding announcements relevant to your own department on a day of your choosing.


Based on the pre-structuring by ELFI, users are able to access precisely the information relevant to them with the help of an individually definable search profile. The program makes it easy to obtain address information on funding bodies, lead partner and contact persons.

Fo­cus on cross-cut­ting is­sues

Cross-cutting issues are becoming increasingly important in the assessment of funding applications. These include the funding of

  • early career scientists
  • Knowledge and technology transfer
  • Internationality in research
  • Equality and family friendliness
  • Diversity
  • Research data management and open science
  • Sustainability

Paderborn University also attaches great importance to these topics and offers various services in this regard. An overview of these services, as well as initial assistance on how to take cross-cutting issues into account in applications, is provided in our handout, which you can download in the download area. Contact us and we will be happy to help you take cross-cutting issues into account in your funding application.