1002 projects were found

Semiconductor quantum wells excited by non-classical states of light: Interplay between photonic quantum correlations and many-body interactions in solid state systems

Compared to atomic systems, the theoretical description of the optical properties of bulk semiconductors and nanostructures is significantly more complex but also much richer and over a wide range designable by the choice of the nanostructure geometry and the material composition, e.g., in quantum wells. Whereas in atoms the electronic states are ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2022

Funded by: DFG

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FOR 2863: MEtrology for TERAhertz COMmunication (Meteracom)

For the advance of THz communication systems, the capability to perform precise measurements is crucial. Metrology at THz frequencies is however still in its infancy and as of today it only covers detector calibration for characterization of ultrafast devices and measurement uncertainty analysis of different spectrometer types available at THz ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2024

Funded by: DFG

Spectral correspondences for negatively curved Riemannian locally symmetric spaces

The central goal of this project is to describe Pollicott-Ruelle resonances of locally symmetric spaces using a - to be established - correspondence between these resonances and quantum resonances.There are close connections between the dynamical properties of a free particle on a negatively curved Riemannian locally symmetric space in the ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2023

Funded by: DFG

Multifunctional, active and nonlinear optical smart metasurfaces

Smart planar systems that can perform a number of concurrent tasks and actively control the linear and nonlinear optical response with compact footprint are highly on-demand in current optics and nanophotonics research. The proposed project will build on recent developments in the field of optical metasurfaces. Such metasurfaces are assembled ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2022

Funded by: DFG

Building Bridges between traditional throught and analytical philosophy - Rethinking Divine Attributes in Islam and Christianity

Die g?ttlichen Attribute geh?ren zu den traditionellen Themen theologischen Denkens. Jüngste Debatten in der analytischen Philosophie haben neue Ans?tze erm?glicht, die jedoch oft nicht mit diesen traditionellen Debatten verbunden sind. Das Projekt "Building bridges between traditional thought and analytical philosophy - Rethinking Divine ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 11/2021

Funded by: John Templation Foundation

Contact: Klaus von Stosch

Pilot project Schlosskreuzung

The project aims to optimize traffic flow in order to reduce emissions and waiting times for all road users in the test area Schlosskreuzung and Residenzstra?e in Schloss Neuhaus. To this end, the traffic routes in the test area and all influencing factors, such as the road network itself, existing traffic signals and their control programs and ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2022

Funded by: MWIDE NRW

The right to conquer - Legitimising Conquests in the early and high Middle Ages

Conquests required legitimation. This project aims to show that this is also true for the earlier Middle Ages (c. 500 - c. 1150), thus refuting the prevailing scholarly views on this issue. By demonstrating that the military expansion of rule required justification this work is poised to make significant contributions to the study of the concept of ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2025

Funded by: DFG

Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Evaluation an Modellschulen im Projekt ?Lernen mit digitalen Medien‘ in Schleswig-Holstein (3. Projektphase)

Duration: 01/2019 - 03/2020

Funded by: IQSH

Kunstpraxis Blog

Kunstpraxis BlogDer Kunstpraxis Blog ist ein digitales Pr?sentationsformat, das Einblick in die Arbeitsergebnisse von Studierenden aus den kunstpraktischen Seminaren der Universit?t Paderborn gew?hrt.Den pandemiebedingten Ausfall der j?hrlichen Siloausstellung im Jahr 2020 sowie die Einschr?nkungen, künstlerische Arbeiten auszustellen, hat die ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2025

Sprachentwicklung im Ganztag der St. Michael Schule - Angebot: Lesen-Sprechen-Erleben

Das Angebot zur Sprachentwicklung in der christlichen Gemeinschaft der katholischen Grundschule St. Michael zielt auf die Kompetenz, religi?se Sprache verstehen zu k?nnen. Studien haben belegt, dass es in den letzten Jahren zu einer religi?sen Sprachlosigkeit in der Gesellschaft gekommen ist. Dabei ist religi?se Sprache immer noch in unserem Alltag ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 07/2023