Researching Together, Creating the Future Together

Research at Paderborn University thrives on the curiosity and determination of our academics to cooperatively explore the challenges of the future and work towards solving them in an interdisciplinary manner. Our five key research areas and our interdisciplinary research institutions support these endeavours, as do our strong networks in Germany and around the world. The fundamental application-oriented research we conduct continuously delivers new findings that we make available to industry and society. Our five faculties offer a wide spectrum of research areas in Arts and Humanities, Science, Business Administration and Economics, as well as Engineering. Together, our researchers are looking towards the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation: socially, technically, and ecologically.

Date: January 2022
Collaborative Research Centres
Date: July 2023
Interdisciplinary research institutions
Date: June 2023

Key top­ics in re­search

Quantum Research

Quantum Re­search

For many years, the study of the smallest particles of light has been one of the key research areas of Paderborn University. Recognized experts conduct excellent fundamental research in order to shape the future through concrete applications. Thus, they are decisively advancing quantum research in Germany and beyond.

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Artificial Intelligence

Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

Artificial intelligence has long been a part of our lives. At Paderborn University, academics from various disciplines are researching the fundamentals and effects of AI in order to make human-machine interaction both useful and transparent for society.

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The responsible use of natural resources, as well as ensuring equitable access to clean water, modern energy, and quality education are among the most fundamental challenges of our time. Paderborn University wants to address the issue of sustainability with a wide range of projects in research and teaching.

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High Per­form­ance Com­put­ing

The "Noctua 2" supercomputer is the heart of Paderborn University's high-performance computing centre. Our scientists use high-performance computing to set international standards in computer systems research. Researchers throughout Germany benefit from the computing capacities to conduct science at the highest level.

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On­go­ing re­search pro­jects

At the centre of research at our University, cross-faculty discourse promotes numerous future-oriented projects that address pressing societal challenges. We focus on professional excellence, interdisciplinary cooperation, and close collaboration with other research institutions. This results in globally visible research projects that emphasise our innovative strength.

Research news


Quantum ex­per­i­ments and high-per­form­ance com­put­ing: New meth­od en­ables com­plex cal­cu­la­tions in the shortest pos­sible time

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The gender factor in re­search

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Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism in mu­ni­cip­al day-care centres - City of Co­logne and Pader­born Uni­ver­sity launch eval­u­ation

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Achieves Good Po­s­i­tion in the "Times High­er Edu­ca­tion World Uni­ver­sity Rank­ing 2025"

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Aca­dem­ic ca­reer

Are you looking for ideal conditions for your research projects and inspiring colleagues to help you break new ground? Then Paderborn University is the right place for you and your research. We offer attractive working conditions to academics at all career levels and support them with a wide range of offers and target-group-specific staff development.


Sup­port for your re­search

As an attractive research location, Paderborn University supports its academics in the planning and realisation of their research projects. We can advise you on application processes, help you manage your research data, and assist you with the publication, archiving, and utilisation of your research results.

Re­search cul­ture

At Paderborn University, it is not just about what we are researching, but also how we are conducting our research.

We are actively involved in shaping topics such as the upholding of ethical principles, academic integrity, equal opportunities in research, and open science, thereby safeguarding academic freedom.