Welcome to research group 5208: Model-based determination of the nonlinear properties of piezoceramics in high-power ultrasonic applications (Modellbasierte Bestimmung nichtlinearer Eigenschaften von Piezokeramiken für Leistungsschallanwendungen - NEPTUN).



Pro­ject Mem­bers at­tend DAGA 2024

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Suc­cess­full present­a­tion of res­ults at the IWPMA 2023 in Korea

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Nep­tun pro­ject mem­ber re­ceives award at 2023 ICU in Beijing

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First res­ults presen­ted at the 93rd GAMM an­nu­al meet­ing in Dresden

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Kick­off meet­ing in Lehnin

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Project summary

Model-based determination of the nonlinear properties of piezoceramics in high-power ultrasonic applications

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Bernd Henning

Head -

Office: P1.5.18.1
Phone: +49 5251 60-3022
E-mail: henning@emt.uni-paderborn.de

Con­trib­ut­ing groups

Meas­ure­ment En­gin­eer­ing

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Henning

Math­em­at­ic­al Op­tim­iz­a­tion

Prof. Dr. Andrea Walther
Dr. Benjamin Jurgelucks

The­or­et­ic­al Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing

Prof. Dr. Jens F?rstner

Dy­nam­ics and Mechat­ron­ics

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Hemsel

Par­tial Dif­fer­en­tial Equa­tions

Prof. Dr. Michael Winkler

All Con­trib­ut­ors


The resarch group 5208 is funded by the German Resarch Foundation (DFG).


Untersuchung piezoelektrischer Materialeigenschaften unter hydrostatischer Last

O. Friesen, M.A. Pasha, M. Schwengelbeck, L. Claes, E. Baumh?gger, B. Henning, in: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 2024, pp. 1117–1120.

Inverses Verfahren zur Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter unterstützt durch neuronale Netze

K. Koch, L. Claes, B. Jurgelucks, L. Meihost, B. Henning, in: D. Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (Ed.), Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 2024, pp. 1113–1116.

Randomised material parameter piezoelectric impedance dataset with structured electrodes

K. Koch, L. Claes, Randomised Material Parameter Piezoelectric Impedance Dataset with Structured Electrodes, zenodo, 2024.

Machine learning in inverse measurement problems: An application to piezoelectric material characterisation

L. Claes, K. Koch, O. Friesen, L. Meihost, Machine Learning in Inverse Measurement Problems: An Application to Piezoelectric Material Characterisation, International 必威体育 on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications (IWPMA), 2024.

Randomised material parameter impedance dataset of piezoelectric rings

K. Koch, O. Friesen, L. Claes, Randomised Material Parameter Impedance Dataset of Piezoelectric Rings, Zenodo, 2024.

Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics

C. Scheidemann, T. Hemsel, O. Friesen, L. Claes, W. Sextro, in: 2023.

Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics

C. Scheidemann, T. Hemsel, O. Friesen, L. Claes, W. Sextro, in: 2023.

Inverse procedure for measuring piezoelectric material parameters using a single multi-electrode sample

L. Claes, N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, L. Meihost, H. Kuhlmann, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, B. Henning, Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 12 (2023) 163–173.

Inverse procedure for the identification of piezoelectric material parameters supported by dense neural networks

L. Claes, L. Meihost, B. Jurgelucks, Inverse Procedure for the Identification of Piezoelectric Material Parameters Supported by Dense Neural Networks, GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden, 2023.

Parameter Identification of Piezoelectrics improved by Neural Networks

B. Jurgelucks, Parameter Identification of Piezoelectrics Improved by Neural Networks, GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden, 2023.

Parameter identification in piezoelectricity based on all-at-once and reduced regularization

R. Kuess, Parameter Identification in Piezoelectricity Based on All-at-Once and Reduced Regularization, GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden, 2023.

Identification of piezoelectric material parameters using optimised multi-electrode specimens

L. Claes, N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, B. Henning, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 2022, pp. 1326–1329.

Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens

O. Friesen, L. Claes, N. Feldmann, B. Henning, Estimation of Piezoelectric Material Parameters of Ring-Shaped Specimens, International 必威体育 on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA), 2022.

Optimal experiment design with respect to electrode configurations for a piezoelectric problem

V. Schulze, S. Schmidt, B. Jurgelucks, N. Feldmann, L. Claes, Optimal Experiment Design with Respect to Electrode Configurations for a Piezoelectric Problem, GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel, 2021.

Modelling damping in piezoceramics: A comparative study

N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, L. Claes, B. Jurgelucks, L. Meihost, A. Walther, B. Henning, Tm - Technisches Messen 88 (2021) 294–302.

Optimised Multi-Electrode Topology for Piezoelectric Material Characterisation

L. Claes, N. Feldmann, B. Jurgelucks, V. Schulze, S. Schmidt, A. Walther, B. Henning, in: 2021, pp. 237–238.

Piezoelectric BC Modeling for Electrode Shapes with OED

V. Schulze, S. Schmidt, B. Jurgelucks, N. Feldmann, L. Claes, Piezoelectric BC Modeling for Electrode Shapes with OED, GAMM Juniors’ Summer School 2021, Graz, 2021.

Ein modellbasiertes Messverfahren zur Charakterisierung von Piezokeramiken unter Verwendung eines einzelnen scheibenf?rmigen Probek?rpers

N. Feldmann,   Ein modellbasiertes Messverfahren zur Charakterisierung von Piezokeramiken unter Verwendung eines einzelnen scheibenf?rmigen Probek?rpers, Universit?t Paderborn, 2021.

Inverse piezoelectric material parameter characterization using a single disc-shaped specimen

N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, L. Claes, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, B. Henning, Tm - Technisches Messen (2020) 50–55.

Arbitrary sensitivity for inverse problems in piezoelectricity

B. Jurgelucks, V. Schulze, N. Feldmann, L. Claes, Arbitrary Sensitivity for Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, GAMM Annual Meeting, Wien, 2019.

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