Re­search News

Photo (Paderborn University, Jennifer Bounoua): How can the manufacturing process for small baked goods be made more sustainable? That's what a consortium from research and industry has been examining.

How does Tik­Tok tick? Re­search col­lab­or­a­tion with Pader­born¡¯s in­volve­ment is ana­lys­ing the so­cial me­dia plat­form

What are TikTok users shown when they launch the app? Which niches are they sent to? How and where do trends emerge?

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Photo (Paderborn University, Roland Mikosch): Testing is performed on model organisms such as these agar plates to determine whether or not the active ingredients bound to the DNA origami inhibit bacterial growth. This involves a direct comparison of growth rates with and without DNA origami.

Dr. Adrian Keller receives Paderborn University Research Award

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Die Physikerin Prof. Dr. Lingling Huang hat den renommierten Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung erhalten.

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School, studies or jobs generally give us a set daily routine. However, for many students and young adults, this often begins far too early.

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Foto(TRR 318): Die Teilnehmenden halten ihre Erfahrungen mit k¨¹nstlicher Intelligenz auf vielf?ltige Weise fest.

Ein Team aus Medienwissenschaftler*innen und Soziolog*innen der Universit?t Paderborn plant, in einer Studie Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters, Geschlechts und sozialer Milieus zu ihren Begegnungen mit KI im Alltag zu befragen.

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¡®Edi­phon¡¯: aca­dem­ic edi­tions of pop mu­sic us­ing an app

In a presentation given at the university, Professor Rebecca Grotjahn, 2020 Research Award Winner, presented the findings of her research project entitled ¡®Creating editions of phonographic music¡¯.

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The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (AWK NRW) today announced that Junior Professor Hans-Georg Steinr¨¹ck, a chemist at Paderborn University, is one of 17 researchers to have been admitted to its Young Academy (Das Junges Kolleg).

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New DFG-funded transfer project looks at software products

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Researchers at Paderborn University are working on a large-scale research project to develop explainable machine learning for large-scale knowledge graphs.

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By examining integer structures, the new collaborative research centre¡¯s research programme aims to bring together sub-fields of mathematics. Photo: Bielefeld University/S. Jonek

New col­lab­or­at­ive re­search centre for in­teg­ral struc­tures

Bielefeld University and Paderborn University receive €10.7 million in funding

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Photo (Shutterstock/ Chipless RFID tags work without a communication protocol. They use a grid of so-called dipole antennas, which consist of two straight metal rods or wires.

A Paderborn-led research project is examining the opportunities and challenges of chipless RFID technology

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Foto (OstWestfalenLippe GmbH): Freuen sich auf die Zusammenarbeit im Projekt: Vertreter*innen der zw?lf Partnerorganisationen in der Lehrwerkstatt des Richard-von-Weizs?cker-Berufskollegs in Paderborn.

Im Projekt ?5G-Lernorte OWL¡° entstehen neue Lernfabriken

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German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding two AI junior research groups at Paderborn University

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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards Georg Forster Research Fellowship to Colombian researcher at Paderborn University

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