Re­search News

Scientists call on German politicians to act in an open letter

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[Translate to English:] Symbolbild (Universit?t Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi): Paderborner Wissenschaftler entwickeln neue Technologie zur Manipulation von Licht.

Nano­struc­tured Sur­faces for Fu­ture Quantum Com­puter Chips

Researchers at Paderborn University develop a new technology for manipulating light

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Scientists are investigating the properties of polymers in a project funded by the DFG.

The use of polymers in general, and in particular in modern metal-plastic hybrid components, fibre composites and lightweight design has become increasing established due to the high degree of flexibility and lower cost of these materials.

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Photo (dSPACE GmbH): A simulated world that recreates a real environment allows for testing of automated vehicle systems, such as distance or lane change assistants.

Parking assistant, distance control, fatigue detector – the complexity of automated driving functions is constantly increasing. This also increases the requirements for testing and development methods.

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Picture (Paderborn University)

“Finding something so novel that it might be included in textbooks as fundamental knowledge is every scientist’s dream,” says Prof. Dr. Jan Paradies, a professor at Paderborn University. Paradies, a chemist, recently discovered a previously unprecedented reaction in which an entire molecular fragment migrates to another location in the particle.

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Picture (Paderborn University, Thorsten Hennig): Supercomputers (here Paderborn University's Noctua) can complete complex computing tasks in the shortest time.

A team led by Paderborn scientists Professor Thomas D. Kühne and Professor Christian Plessl has succeeded in becoming the first group in the world to break the major “exaflop” barrier – more than a trillion floating-point operations per second – for a computational science application. With this accomplishment, they have set a new world record.

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Bild (? TRR 318): Wie KI-Systeme funktionieren und welche M?glichkeiten und Gefahren der Umgang mit KI mit sich bringt, erforschen die Teilnehmenden in den Co-Construction 必威体育s.

Trans­re­g­io zu künst­lich­er In­tel­li­genz l?dt zum Mit­machen ein

Anmeldung für Studien an den Universit?ten Paderborn/Bielefeld ab sofort m?glich

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Eine von Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MWIDE NRW), eingesetzte Jury hat dem ESC.OWL der Universit?t Paderborn eine herausragende Leistung bescheinigt.

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Image (? Ilo Mobility): Tomorrow’s mobility: A cab will be available to examine on Paderborn University’s stand as part of a preliminary study.

From 30 May to 2 June, under the umbrella of Paderborn University, researchers from the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC), Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems (ILH), Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET) and SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn will be showcasing innovative technologies and concepts for a sustainable future at Hannover Messe.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Thorsten Hennig): (front row f.l.t.r.): Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Dinah Heidemann (BLB NRW), Prof. Birgitt Riegraf, (back row f.l.t.r.) Udo Littke (Atos Germany), Prof. Christian Plessl (PC2), Prof. Christof Schütte (Zuse Institut Berlin) and Hans-Bernd Janzen.

In­aug­ur­a­tion of Pader­born Uni­versity’s new high-per­form­ance com­put­ing centre

140,000 processor cores, latest generation high-tech and all in the size of a single squash court: On Friday, 29 April, Paderborn University celebrated the official opening of its new high-performance computing centre which houses the “Noctua 2” supercomputer.

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[Translate to English:] Das Projekt ?Climate neutral Business in Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Climate bOWL)“ wird im Rahmen des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL seit April für drei Jahre mit 1,86 Millionen Euro vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MWIDE NRW) gef?rdert. Quelle: Adobe Stock/Elnur

A growing awareness of sustainability among the general population, along with rising energy costs, means that companies are increasingly focused on the goal of climate neutrality. The first step is to improve material and energy efficiency.

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Paderborner und Braunschweiger Forscher*innen entwickeln neue Methoden für verbesserte Umwandlung von digitalen in analoge Signale

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The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is funding the SAIL research network

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Scientists at Paderborn University researched the contributing factors

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Photo (Paderborn University, Jan Tobias Krüger): Prototypes of a stent made from an iron-manganese-silver composite by the Department of Materials Science using LPBF, with a 1 cent coin for comparison.

Paderborn scientists conduct research into dissolving medical devices

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