Re­search News

Sig­nal gen­er­at­or sets com­pletely new stand­ards

Paderborn University research project presents product at the European Microwave Week

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OASE pro­ject: Sur­vey res­ults show need to pro­mote Open Ac­cess cul­ture at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Many researchers already make use of the opportunities to publish research results in freely accessible public publication options. However, current survey results from the OASE research project show that many existing offers are not yet well known. The project examines the existing open access culture and identifies further needs.

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Wo­men in Philo­sophy: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity awards Elisa­beth of Bo­hemia Prize in Rome

The World Philosophy Congress recently took place in Rome with the theme "Philosophy across Boundaries". The internationally recognised Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize??????? was awarded as part of the event. Prof Dr Marie Pauline Eboh and Prof Dr Concha Roldán Panadero are this year's prizewinners.

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New solu­tion for green hy­dro­gen pro­duc­tion

Scientists at Paderborn University research carbon materials for photocatalysis

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Fear of di­git­al es­pi­on­age

Paderborn scientist investigates technology-related conspiracy theories in new study

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Three women sit at a table and look at a document

The aim of the programme is to enable talented young female academics to pursue a successful career in research and teaching after completing their doctorate.

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No­bel Prize win­ner Herta Müller and Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

New publication examines the poetics of the ‘sense of self’

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A crowd in front of the stage at the Asta Summer Festival

Par­ti­cipants wanted: Sur­vey on the vis­it­or ex­per­i­ence at cul­tur­al events

Opinions, interests and wishes are in demand: the Department of Information Systems, in particular Business Information Systems, at Paderborn University is conducting a survey to improve the visitor experience in the cultural sector. Participants have until August 31 to share their experiences here.

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"Centre for the His­tory of Wo­men Philo­soph­ers and Sci­ent­ists" at the World Philo­sophy Con­gress in Rome

‘Philosophy across Boundaries’ is the theme of the international philosophy congress in Rome, which will be attended by around 5,000 representatives from all over the world from 1 to 8 August.

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Can­did­ates wanted for ex­cel­lent doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tions

The deadline for proposals is 15 September

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity achieves top rank­ing na­tion­wide

The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University in the Netherlands has once again recognized the publication achievements of researchers at Paderborn University this year.

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Fur­ther mil­lions in fund­ing for PAD in­nov­a­tion air­port

"AeM Speedport" project with the participation of Paderborn University

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New vo­ca­tion­al train­ing centres for sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment in three fed­er­al states

Over the next two years, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) will support the establishment and expansion of three regional centres for vocational training in the field of sustainability.

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The founding commission for the German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI) has submitted its recommendations for the establishment and expansion of DATI to the Federal Minister of Education and Research, Bettina 必威体育-Watzinger.

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Award-win­ning Mas­ter's Theses Res­ult in New Re­search Pro­ject

Paderborn graduates focus on flexible workplace concepts

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