Fin­ances and In­sur­ances

Statutory health insurance obligation and electronic data exchange (SMV) 
In general, students at German universities are required by law to be members of a statutory health insurance fund. This is checked during enrolment. Please note that there is an electronic data exchange (SMV) between the statutory health insurances and the universities. For ensuring that your insured status is reported to your university, it is essential that you inform your statutory health insurance fund about the university at which you are studying. Even if you are not subject to compulsory health insurance, you must contact a statutory health insurance fund, so that a corresponding electronic report is sent to your university. For a clear identification of your university you have to submit the operating number of your university to your health insurance. In this flowchart you can find the whole process at a glance
The operating number of Paderborn University is: 404 863 41 
Participants in the preparatory German course and the Studienkolleg are exempt from this regulation, because there is mostly no possibility to become a member of a statutory health insurance for this group of people.
More detailed information regarding the topic "health insurance for students" can be found in the following.

Statutory health insurance
In principle, every resident in Germany under the age of 30 is subject to compulsory insurance in a statutory health insurance fund. In Germany, there is not only one large state health insurance company, but a large number of statutory health insurance companies (e.g. TK, AOK, Barmer etc.) which are organised as public corporations and compete with each other. Health insurance can be freely chosen. Any statutory health insurance is accepted for the enrolment at Paderborn University. The "Techniker Krankenkasse" (TK) has a service office on campus in the ME building. You can apply for a membership mostly online via their webpages.In addition, an application for membership is also possible online via special relocation services for international students. A short internet search should lead you to a suitable provider.

Starting studies after the age of 30

Students who are already over 30 years old at the start of their studies are unfortunately no longer accepted in the statutory health insurance. Only membership in a private health insurance is possible. However, an electronic notification of the insured status must also be made to the university by a statutory health insurance for students over 30. Please note the information below regarding "Exceptions to the statutory health insurance obligation". 

Continuing your studies after the age of 30
Until you reach the age of 30, you are obliged to take out statutory health insurance. As a student you can also take benefit from a reduced membership contribution. After the age of 30, the special students membership is unfortunately no longer possible. However, the statutory insurance can be continued voluntarily with a higher contribution. If you do not wish to remain a member of a statutory health insurance fund, you can cancel the contract. The insurance will send a corresponding electronic report to the university then. Even if you are from the age of 30 free to choose your health insurance, we strongly recommend to stay with a statutory option or at least to take out private health insurance with a cover that is based on the benefits provided by statutory health insurance. In addition, you should note that the Foreigners¡¯ Registration Office for the granting and extension of a residence permit usually requires proof of health insurance.

Exceptions from the statutory health insurance obligation (e.g. EHIC)I

If you have sufficient private health insurance, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or if there is a social security agreement between your country of origin and the Federal Republic of Germany, you do not have to take out statutory health insurance. However, an electronic notification must still be sent to the university by a statutory health insurance company regarding your insured status. For this purpose, the statutory health insurance must check whether you are subject to compulsory insurance or whether your insurance coverage is sufficient. When applying, you will usually have to present an identification document and appropriate proof of your alternative insurance coverage (private insurance contract, EHIC, form of the respective social security agreement). The respective statutory health insurance company will then check whether an exemption from compulsory health insurance is possible. 
If the insurance coverage is sufficient or you are not subject to compulsory insurance, a corresponding electronic notification will be sent to the university. Please obtain a confirmation of registration from the statutory health insurance company and submit it to the university during enrollment. A simple confirmation of the insurance by e-mail is already sufficient. For a speedy processing of your application for enrollment, it is important for the university to know if you have already initiated this process.
The submission of further documents ( e.g. the insurance contract) is not necessary for enrollment at the university, as the verification of the respective insurance is the responsibility of the statutory health insurance companies.

Information on choosing a private health insurance
There are many insurance companies and relocation services on the market that offer products for international degree seeking students and participants in a full time German language course. With a little internet research, you should be able to quickly find an appropriate provider. It is generally not recommended to choose the cheapest offer. If you want to have coverage that is at least close to the coverage of a statutory health insurance, you should definitely choose a premium option, which usually costs around 60-80 euros per month. When choosing, you should bear in mind that many insurance policies exclude benefits for illnesses that were already present before you entered Germany. In addition, the maximum insurance term is usually limited, which may mean that you have to look for a new insurance policy if you have not completed your studies by then. In such a case, your only option is to apply for a regular private health insurance policy, which Germans can also choose as an alternative to statutory health insurance under certain conditions. There is no entitlement to membership in a private health insurance scheme. In particular, if you have pre-existing conditions, it is likely that your admission will not be accepted. If you decide to take out private health insurance, you must submit the insurance contract to a statutory health insurance fund for examination. If you have sufficient private insurance cover, you can be exempted from the statutory insurance obligation. Please note that you will then not be able to switch back to a statutory health insurance fund for the whole duration of your studies!

Changing health insurance
At the beginning of your studies, you have to choose between private and statutory health insurance. It is only possible to change between these two systems during your studies except of a few exceptional cases (e.g. if you get married, etc.). If you have opted for statutory health insurance, you can only change to another statutory health insurance during your studies. The only possibility for leaving is after you have reached the age of 30. If you have opted for a private health insurance company, there is usually no possibility of changing to a statutory health insurance company. Membership in a statutory health insurance is only possible after the end of studies again.

Change into the statutory health insurance after the completion of a German language course
When you are switching after the succesfull completion of a study preparatory German language course to a degree programs, you have the chance to become a member in a statutory health insurance fund. If you do not apply at this point of time, you will not be able to change to a statutory health insurance during the whole duration of your studies. There is no 2nd chance! We recommend that you seek advice from a statutory health insurance company in this regard. If you nevertheless choose a private health insurance and want to enroll for a degree program, you have to present the "Befreiungsbescheinigung von der Krankenversicherungspflicht " (certificate of exemption from compulsory health insurance) of a statutory health insurance during the enrolment. This proves to the university that the private health insurance coverage is sufficient for enrollment at the university in accordance with the regulations of the German social code V. 

Students are still subject to compulsory membership in a statutory health insurance fund, but if they have started their studies from their home country due to the Corona pandemic, they have a good chance of being reimbursed for the health insurance contribution for this period. We would therefore strongly recommend that you apply for reimbursement from your health insurance company once you have arrived in Germany.

Please note, however, that the decision on whether or not to waive the fees ultimately depends on the respective statutory health insurance fund. Moreover, it is always a case-by-case decision! If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact your insurance company directly. 



As a full time German course participant you are unfortunately not entitled to membership of a statutory health insurance. You must find a private health insurance company that will accept you.

If you start your studies after the German course, you have the chance to be admitted to a statutory health insurance. You must apply for admission to a statutory health insurance fund before you start your specialised studies, as it is no longer possible during your studies. There is no 2nd chance! We recommend that you seek advice from a statutory health insurance fund in this regard.

There are no tuition fees at Paderborn University! Our University (like many other Higher Education Institutions in Germany) receives considerable financing from the government. The semester contribution of 310€ mainly covers the cost for the semester ticket which allows you to use different means of public transportation for free! Find out about the area of validity here. Moreover your student ID card provides a wide range of concessions: for bank accounts, sometimes telecommunication companies, but also for cinema and theatre tickets. Enjoy subsidized meals at our dining halls that start from 1,70€.

The following information shall give you a broad idea of the expenses of living and studying in Paderborn.

The regular costs of living (per month) for students range approximately within the following frame:


260 Euro - 360 Euro

Health insurance

ca. 96 Euro


ca. 200 Euro


min. 80 Euro

Semester Fees

ca. 340 Euro per semester


50 Euro - 100 Euro


800 - 950 Euro

When you first arrive in Paderborn, please make sure that you have enough cash to avoid any financial problems. During the first week, you will have to paythe first month¡¯s rent (€ 260 - € 360) and a deposit (normally about 1-2 monthly rents). Additional costs are the semester ticket for public transport (~ € 310) and possibly the contribution to the health insurance (€ 96; DSH course students will also have to pay the course fees of 500 Euro) before the course starts.


Who causes a damage in Germany is obligated to the compensation! Consider that the damage sums could be higher than in your home country. Please check your insurance cover in case of a damage in Germany! The costs for a liability insurance in Germany for an individual starts already at about 25 Euro per year.


Information about scholarships and grants can be obtained at the German Embassies, branches of the Goethe Institute and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  The DAAD offers a variety of scholarship programs for international students, academics and scientists from all countries.

You can search the DAAD's online database at

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Kennedyallee 50
53275 Bonn

If your application for a scholarship requires an informal confirmation by the International Office that you fulfill the requirements for the degree program of your choice, please submit your inquiry in time: Processing takes ca. 4 weeks. To process your inquiry, we need a copy of your previous degree and a complete transcript of records of all study years.