Tan­dem Course

Welcome to the Tandem Course at the UPB Centre for Language Learning!

Here you can

  • improve your language skills through exchanges with native speakers
  • receive & develop useful strategies and tips from workshops
  • experience culture up close
  • gain experience in autonomous learning & project management

In­form­a­tion about the tan­dem course

Autonomous language learning in tandem aims to help two people of different native tongues improve their abilities in their target language through regular study sessions. Each tandem partner is both learner and helper or expert as the target language of one partner is the mother tongue of the other.

Learning in tandem is based on the principles of reciprocity (both partners benefit from the learning partnership, each helps the other to the best of their ability) and autonomy (each is responsible for their own learning progress - this includes learning goals, methods, pace, etc.). This way of learning is highly individualised, unfamiliar to many and can be very effective.

Numerous studies have shown that the efficiency of cooperative tandem learning can be significantly increased through guidance and counselling.

In the workshops of the tandem course, you will therefore receive and develop specific ideas and strategies for learning in tandem as well as general information on various skills such as "speaking" or "vocabulary" (non-tandems are welcome to join as well - please refer to the workshop description).

Participants in the tandem course can choose from the general workshops (see also "Requirements & Performance").

Max. Capacity (course & individual workshops): 12 participants

You will benefit most from the advantages of the language tandem if you have basic knowledge of the target language. A prerequisite for participation in the tandem course is therefore a level of A2/B1 in the respective target language, B1 in German (exceptions may be possible - please contact tandem@kw.upb.de.)

The classification is based on self-assessment, there is no test.

Pre­requis­ites and re­quire­ments for ECTS


You will need

  • a tandem partner (to be found in the tandem maket)
  • a language combination of "German + x"
  • willingness to show initiative, be cooperative and take on responsibility
  • at least. 2 SWS + preparation and follow-up work

Requirements for 3 ECTS (with or without grade)

  • participation in the introductory workshop
  • at least 1 further (strategy) workshop
  • participation in the final tandem workshop (including a short presentation)
  • participation in an individual tandem learning counselling session
  • 1-2x/week individual sessions (2h) with your tandem partner (plus preparation and follow-up and some documentation), time & place flexible
  • further timely portfolio assignments incl. final reflection

For students in the teaching degree it can be considered as a professional internship and integrated into the "Dealing with heterogeneity" profile.


If you meet the requirements you’ll be able to register for the tandem course.

“Registration” in PAUL is (in contrast to other ZfS courses) nonbinding. It does however show your interest in a language tandem and you will receive further information during the application/revision process.

Binding registration for the tandem course (with ECTS-option) will be available through this ?APPLICATION FORM on our website starting from the beginning of the semester up until the Sunday before our workshop.

  • Registering for the Tandem introductory workshop will simultaneously enrol you in the tandem course. Your teacher will then add you in PAUL.
  • After the introductory workshop you will be enabled to take part in further general (strategy) workshops, where all interested foreign language learners can participate (tandem course participants will be prioritised in the selective process).
business-card image

Ilka D?nhoff

Zentrum für Sprachlehre

Tandem learning, Autonomous Learning, Language Advising, Strategy 必威体育s

Write email +49 5251 60-2095