Tan­dem learn­ing

In a language tandem, two people with different mother tongues meet regularly to improve their skills in a target language, which is the mother tongue of their tandem partner. Each tandem learner is therefore alternately a learner and a helper or expert.


1) "free" learning (search for partners: tandem market ), e.g.:


2) take part in the accompanied tandem course (with ECTS option) including workshops, learning advising and portfolio work

Non-binding information sessions are held at the start of each semester with the most important information about tandem learning, the tandem market, the tandem course (3 ECTS option) and support options.

? When and where?

Thu, 10.10.24, 13:15-14:00
Thu, 17.10.24, 13:15-14:00 (identical)
Location: I3.119

? No registration necessary, just show up!

Lan­guage learn­ing in tan­dem

For all interested persons at UPB

  • with a desire for direct linguistic and cultural exchange
  • with previous knowledge of a language1
  • with an interest in training individual fields (e.g. "speaking")

You must have found a partner for the tandem course, e.g. in the tandem market

1 Special features for zero knowledge or A1: If you have little knowledge of the target language, you cannot organise a language tandem in the strict sense (it can still be useful for an exchange about language and culture).
You should be aware of this: If you as a learner only have an A1 level, it is more difficult for your partner because you cannot help him/her as well if you lack basic language skills in his/her mother tongue

Ba­sic Rules

  1. We meet regularly (e.g. 1-2 times a week, at least 2 hours per week in total).
  2. We practise both languages separately.
  3. We spend the same amount of time on each language at each meeting.
  4. As a learner, I decide what we do.
  5. As an expert, I am patient and help.
  6. We treat each other with respect and inform our partner if we cannot keep to agreements.

Depending on the format:

  • 1) Free learning is possible at any time without registration (workshops only on certain dates). For the search for partners & contact: Link Tandemb?rse
  • 2) Tandem course every semester (registration up to 1 week before the workshop or course start via the website. (Registration via PAUL is optional. It shows your interest in learning in tandem).

Tan­dem mar­ket

The tandem market is designed to help you find a suitable tandem partner when searching independently. The tandem market is accessible to UPB members at any time and is completely non-binding. There is no matching service .

And this is how it works:

  • Login with your IMT user name
  • You set up a "profile" in which you indicate which language(s) you speak ("Offerering") and for which language(s) you are looking for a tandem partner ("Looking for")
  • You will receive a list of potential tandem partners to contact independently and arrange an initial meeting to discuss your ideas. There is no matchmaking process.

If everything fits, you can start learning - good luck!

For the best possible start, you are welcome to come to a Tandem info meeting or contact us personally.

→ Click here for the tandem market!

Special features for zero knowledge or A1: If you are at the very beginning or are at A1 level, a classic language tandem will be rather challenging. Nevertheless, the exchange about language and culture can be enriching for both fields. Please bear in mind: If you only know A1, it is more difficult for your tandem partner as you lack the basis to provide effective support in return.

Seagull Tandem

A project run by the University of Greifswald and others, with important tips for tandem learning and good ideas and materials (videos, photos, topic sheets) for tandem work for various languages and levels A1-B2. You can also find a selection of topic sheets and handouts as printouts in the media centre / SPRECHraum.

University of Marburg

Cross-language material in different languages for conversation topics & activities (e.g. in the fields of "getting to know each other", "exchanging information" or "creative activities") with indication of level

Language hero

Platform of a language lover with many tips for language learning, also in tandem

Find a Tandem - TandemPartners

Regional/local search for tandem partners (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Denmark, USA and UK) - face-to-face or e-Tandem


Find e-Tandem partners worldwide via app and communicate via smartphone (with correction function); for a fee: book a tutor. Target languages: DE, EN, ES, F, IT, JP, RUS, PRT, CN

The Mixxer

Language exchange page (live chat via the website, private via Skype)

Conversations Exchange

Search & find partners worldwide; face-to-face or e-Tandem; with helpful tips and tutorials for foreign language learning (for the source languages DE, EN, ES F, IT, RUS, ARAB, JP, CN, KOR, RUS)

?I found the input from a native speaker particularly helpful, giving me an even more detailed look behind the scenes of the language and culture. We were also able to work very individually and I made a new friend.”

Ehemalige Tandemlernerin,

Con­tact us

business-card image

Ilka D?nhoff

Zentrum für Sprachlehre

Tandem learning, Autonomous Learning, Language Advising, Strategy 必威体育s

Write email +49 5251 60-2095