Fre­quently asked ques­tions (FAQ)

1. Why should I take part in the sur­vey as a stu­dent?

There are many good reasons to take part in the project.
Completing the questionnaire offers the opportunity to reflect on and communicate individual study experiences and educational paths. Completing the questionnaire is an important contribution to improving the range of courses and study conditions, the university's counselling and service facilities and the practical and career orientation of the degree programme.

The main results will be published on the project website.

2 Who can take part in the study?

The surveys are aimed at all enrolled students.

3. How can I take part in the sur­vey?

You can access the online questionnaire at /zv/6-1/studierendenbefragungen/aktuelle-befragung/. There, please click on the link "Click here to access the online questionnaire" and then enter your personal access code, which was sent to you by e-mail, in the field provided.

4. How se­cure is the pro­gramme used to con­duct the on­line sur­vey?

All data is treated as strictly confidential and stored securely to prevent unauthorised access. All data provided by the respondent in the online portal is always transmitted in encrypted form. The personal access code also contributes to security. The ID code is a randomly generated sequence of letters and numbers. It will be sent to you by e-mail. It is not possible to take part in the survey without an ID code. This ensures that the questionnaire can only be completed by people who belong to the target group.

5. How is an­onym­ity guar­an­teed?

The survey data (i.e. the answers of the respondents) are separated from the personal data already available at Paderborn University (name, email address, etc. of the respondent) and stored separately from each other, so that no connection can be established between survey data and personal data. All results from the surveys are also published in aggregated form and therefore do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual persons.

6 What hap­pens to the re­spond­ents' ad­dresses?

Students are asked by Department 6.1 to take part in the survey by email. For this purpose, Department 6.1 requires current student email addresses. At the end of the survey, all address data held by Department 6.1 will be deleted.

7 What hap­pens to the res­ults of the study?

The results of the survey are incorporated into the centralised quality development in teaching and learning at Paderborn University. In addition, parts of the response data will also be made available to the faculties of Paderborn University for their own analyses to further develop the quality of studying and teaching as well as for academic research.

8. Can par­ti­cipants in the study view the res­ults?

Central results of the student survey will be published online on the Internet after the end of the survey and evaluation phase.

9. Can my an­swers be as­signed to my per­son on the basis of the code?

No, it is not possible to assign your details to you personally using the code. Although Paderborn University has your email address and code to invite you to take part in the survey, your answers will be recorded by ISTAT. ISTAT is a company founded by the University of Kassel, which has proven to be a reliable partner for universities in projects involving surveys. ISTAT supports the Paderborn University with the technical realisation of the student survey. ISTAT, in turn, does not know your name and address and provides Paderborn University with the student responses without the code. This means that it is not possible to link your answers to your code.

10. Who can I con­tact if I have fur­ther ques­tions?

If you have any further questions or comments, please contact Mr Lutz Heidemann by telephone (05251 60-3897) or by e-mail ( heidemann[at]