Press, Com­mu­nic­a­tions and Mar­ket­ing

The Department of "Press, Communications and Marketing" provides the public with information about Paderborn University in the areas of research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer. It promotes the national and international visibility of the university, and is responsible for strategic communication. The employees publish press releases, articles and interviews, create flyers and brochures, run the university shop, are responsible for the corporate design and the official social media channels, and accompany and advise university researchers on all public relations issues. Our team is the first point of contact for journalists and the media.

Get in touch with us – we will be glad to help.

Die Broschüren liefern aktuelle Informationen rund um die Universit?t – Zahlen, Daten, Fakten. 必威体育 erhalten sie kostenlos in der Stabsstelle Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing. Hier finden 必威体育 auch eine PowerPoint-Pr?sentation über die Uni für Hochschulangeh?rige.

Zu den Broschüren geht es hier.

The Brand Portal for the new corporate design of Paderborn University is still under construction, so some content is not yet fully available. In particular, the editorial design templates for posters, flyers, brochures, annual reports and the like will not follow until autumn 2023. If necessary, please continue to use the old available templates and guidelines until then ("network structure" until July 2023). These are temporarily available here.

Please note that the templates are only accessible within the university network. Use VPN access when you are on the road or at home to access all information.  

If you have any questions, suggestions or support regarding the old and new corporate design, the Marketing Team will be happy to help. Simply send an email to:

Selected articles about research at Paderborn University are accessible on the page for research news.

In our photo archive we offer you current photos of the Executive Board, the Advisory Board, the Senate, buildings and campus, science and research, student life as well as music, art and sports on campus. In addition, we have provided information on how to handle photo, video and audio recordings. Please find further information here.

Press releases can be found in the newsroom and, as far as it concerns upcoming events, in the calendar.

Service for journalists and scientists:
The Department of Press and Communications is available to journalists as their first point of contact concerning media enquiries and expert placement.

Investigation network:
You are an editor and would like to be informed regularly? We will gladly add you to our distribution list.

We support scientists in spreading research news and results in the media - beyond the scientific community .

If you are a journalist or a scientist, please feel free to contact us via e-mail presse(at)zv.upb(dot)de or get in touch with one of the contacts.

Vor dem Hintergrund des wegfallenden Abiturjahrgangs in 2026 geht die Universit?t Paderborn das Thema Studierendengewinnung mit dem Projekt ?Studierendengewinnungsstrategie 2026“ strategisch an. Hierfür setzen die Stabstelle Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing sowie die Zentrale Studienberatung in Abstimmung und Kooperation mit den Fakult?ten, der PLAZ - Professional School of Education sowie den Projekten ?Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft“ und ?MINT@UniPB“ bis 2026 umfangreiche Ma?nahmen um. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Ma?nahmen und Ansprechpersonen gibt es auf der Projektwebseite ?StudStrat 2026“.

In our Unishop you will find a large selection of articles in uni-design, which you can easily order online. Among other things, we offer clothing for women, men and infants, stationery, electronic items and various accessories such as backpacks and bags, drinking bottles and coffee mugs. You can find the Unishop here