"Life at the Springs": Stu­dents of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity present film in­stall­a­tion in the City Mu­seum

 |  CampusNewsArt, Media, Music, TextilesInstitut für MedienwissenschaftenTextil

Participation in the water exhibitions of the five municipal museums

The first works have been installed, glimpses behind the scenes arouse curiosity. After more than a year of preparation, the five museums of the city of Paderborn are jointly presenting the project "Panta Rhei. Water moves". Various exhibitions take up the different aspects and the variety of appearances of water as a living material. In the Paderborn Stadtmuseum, among other things, the filmic and spatial installations on "Life at the Springs" can be seen, which students of Paderborn University developed together with the Berlin filmmaker Rouven Rech. The exhibitions can be seen until 21 January 2024 in the City Museum, Residence Museum, Natural History Museum, Art Museum and in the Municipal Gallery in the Reithalle.

In the media practice seminar "exploring boundaries - documentary work for the museum space" with Rouven Rech, the students of the Institute of Media Studies developed "Leben an den Quellen", a multimedia installation on water culture along the Pader. "The task for the students was to independently create a cinematic installation on the subject of the Pader. The students got together in groups and the results can be experienced in four innovative installations in the City Museum," explains Dr. Andreas Neuw?hner, initiator of the project. The exhibition starts on 25 August at 4 pm with a preview at the Stadtmuseum.

Programme with guided tours, lectures and hands-on activities

An extensive programme accompanying the exhibition project includes guided tours, workshops, lectures, readings, performances, walks and bicycle tours as well as a colourful hands-on programme for younger visitors. All events and information on the exhibitions can be found in the programme booklet, which is available in the city's museums and galleries and at the Tourist Information Centre, as well as on the City of Paderborn's website.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Hannah Brauckhoff): With "Life at the Springs", students at Paderborn University have developed a multimedia installation on water culture along the Pader. It can be seen in the Paderborn City Museum until 21 January 2024.