"Vis­ion Slam" – Look­ing for the best idea of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity!

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Garage33 organises idea battle of the faculties

Good ideas are everywhere! At the university, people are researching, tinkering or working on creative solutions for everyday challenges in a wide variety of areas. Yet good ideas often remain undiscovered. With the "Vision Slam", garage33 wants to celebrate these ideas and offer them a stage.

Which faculty will bring the innovation of tomorrow?

The "Vision Slam" is a competition with a slam character in which the five faculties of Paderborn University compete against each other. Similar to a poetry slam, all contributions are presented on a stage in an entertaining way and at the end, in addition to a jury, the audience also decides which idea makes it to the next round.

There will be several rounds and preliminary decisions. In a preliminary decision, the idea generators from a faculty will compete against each other in a pitch battle. In the end, the best idea of the respective faculty will be determined.

The big "Vision Slam" final will take place in February 2024 on a big stage at the "moonshots & moneten" Start-up Summit in Paderborn. Here, the best ideas from the five faculties will compete against each other and pitch their idea in front of a large audience of experts. The winning team will be chosen by a jury and receive an award.

Everyone has what it takes to found a company!

The "Vision Slam" is intended to encourage students and staff from all faculties to present their innovative ideas. The faculty, whether from academia or leisure, does not play a role. Likewise, the idea does not have to be fully developed to take part in the "Vision Slam". The garage33 team supports the idea providers in the preparation and presentation of their own idea.

Students, academic staff and alumni as well as all other members of Paderborn University can take part, either as a team or as an individual. All that is required for the application is a brief description of the idea and details of the team members. The deadline for applications is 15 October. Further information is available on the event website of the "Vision Slam".

Interested parties who still lack an idea can take part in the "Find your Idea" workshop on 27 September at 10 a.m. in garage33.

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Event banner of the "Vision Slam".
Photo (TecUP): The best idea from Paderborn University is being sought in the "Vision Slam" idea battle. Students, academic staff and alumni of the university can take part.