Pub­lic lec­tures offered by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  TransferLecturePress release

In the winter semester of 2023/24, Paderborn University once again invites all interested parties to attend various lecture series on socially relevant topics. Every week, lecturers and researchers from all five faculties, as well as external experts, will deal with diverse aspects of sustainability, music and religion, and Europe.

"UPB for Future"

Together with the department of Prof. Dr. René Fahr, Vice-President for Technology Transfer at Paderborn University, the Office of Educational Innovations and University Didactics is organising a joint lecture series on the topic of sustainability. Under the title "UPB for Future", all interested parties will have the opportunity to deal with current challenges and approaches to solutions. On Thursday, 19 October, the Paderborn scientist Dr. Johanna Sackel will give the opening lecture under the title "From Tree Plantations, Baby Boomers and Blue Economy – Spotlights on the History of Sustainability". The lectures will take place throughout the winter semester on Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. in lecture hall L1. Prior registration is not necessary.

Students who would like to receive a certificate of attendance or have the lecture credited to their Studium Generale must register for the lecture series in advance via PAUL or PANDA.

"Conceptions of Europe from an Interdisciplinary Perspective"

In the winter semester 2023/24, the lecture series "Conceptions of Europe from an Interdisciplinary Perspective" will take place for the first time at Paderborn University. In this lecture series, cultural scientists and economists from Paderborn as well as guest researchers from abroad will examine the phenomenon of Europe from different perspectives and disciplines. The programme includes topics such as Europe as a political construction and as an economic area, Europe from the perspective of pop music research, the legal systems of Europe as well as German, Romance, English, historical and philosophical perspectives on Europe. All those interested are invited to attend the lecture series on Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. in room H4.203 (individual events will take place in other rooms; information on these can be found on the event website). The first event is on 12 October. The events will also be broadcast live online.

"Music – Religion – Global"

The Detmold/Paderborn Musicology Seminar (Faculty of Cultural Studies at Paderborn University) is organising a lecture series entitled "Music – Religion – Global" at the Detmold location in the winter semester. In it, international experts will address global manifestations of the interplay between music and religion, covering an arc from South Africa to South America, Tibet and Iran to the Caribbean. The series starts on 11 October with Barbara Alge from Goethe University Frankfurt, who will talk about "Musical legacies of colonial encounters: Música Sacra from Minas Gerais". The events will take place on Wednesdays from 6.15 to 7.45 pm in the Kuppelsaal of the Detmold University of Music (Willi-Hofmann-Stra?e 5, 32756 Detmold). All interested parties are cordially invited, registration is not necessary.

"Critical Theories and Analyses of Digital Capitalism"

In the winter semester 2023/24, the new lecture series "Critical Theories and Analyses of Digital Capitalism" of the Paderborn Institute for Media Studies will shed light on which theoretical considerations and which forms of critical practice exist in the field. The lecture series aims to contribute to a better understanding of theories and the philosophy of practice in the context of digital capitalism, as it is currently taking place on numerous internet platforms. The lectures will take place every Tuesday at 6.15 pm from 17 October in room E2.339 (on 14 November in the AStA Stadtcampus at K?nigsplatz 1).

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Amanda Sophie Fiege

Higher Education Development Office

Micro-credentials, Sustainability Certificate "UPB for Future", workshops and advice

Write email +49 5251 60-4332
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreckenberg

Romanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, Fachdidaktik - Bereich Schreckenberg

Write email +49 5251 60-2889
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Prof. Dr. Christian Fuchs

Media Systems and Media Organisation

Professor of Media Systems and Media Organisation

Write email +49 5251 60-3289