"Ger­man Lit­er­at­ure of the Present": Well-known au­thors con­tin­ue read­ing series at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in Novem­ber

 |  ReadingPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesZentrum für deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur (ZdG)Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

In November, the Institute for German and Comparative Literature and the Centre for Contemporary German Literature at Paderborn University cordially invite all interested parties to further literary readings by well-known authors. The readings take place every Monday at 4.15 pm in Lecture Hall G at Paderborn University. Admission is free. The events are organised by Prof. Dr. Norbert Otto Eke and Prof. Dr. Stefan Elit. Further information and an overview of all dates can be found on the website of the reading series.

6 November: Markus Orths reads from novel "Mary & Claire"

On 6 November, Markus Orths will read from his current novel "Mary & Claire". Orths, born in 1969 in Viersen on the Lower Rhine, studied philosophy, Romance languages and literature and English in Freiburg im Breisgau. He held the 36th Paderborn Visiting Lectureship for Writers in the winter semester 2016/17 and the 31st Bamberg Poetics Professorship in the summer semester 2018. Orths lives as a freelance writer in Karlsruhe. He has already published numerous works, including the novels "Corpus" (2002), "Lehrerzimmer" (2003), "Catalina" (2005), "Das Zimmerm?dchen" (2008), "Die Tarnkappe" (2011), "Alpha & Omega – Apokalypse für Anf?nger" (2014), "Max, sechs Frauen, sechs Lieben, ein Jahrhundert" (2017), "Picknick im Dunkeln" (2020), "Mary & Claire" (2023) and "Der Pastor und das letzte Hemd" (to be published at the end of 2023). He has also published the story collections "Schreibsand" (1999), "Fluchtversuche" (2006) and "Irgendwann ist Schluss" (2013), the children's books "Billy Backe aus Walle Wacke" (2015), "Das Zebra unterm Bett" (2015) and "Crazy Family: die Hackebarts r?umen ab!" (2023) as well as the radio plays "Im Séparée" (2011) and "Lovegames" (2013). He was also co-editor of the literary magazine "Konzepte" (1999 to 2003). Orths has received numerous awards and scholarships for his work, including "open mike" from the literaturWERKstatt Berlin, the Telekom Austria Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition, the Phantastikpreis of the city of Wetzlar, the German Science Fiction Prize as well as a scholarship from the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, a literary scholarship from the state of Baden-Württemberg and a one-year scholarship from the German Literature Fund.

13 November: Doron Rabinovici presents novel "Die Einstellung"

On 13 November Doron Rabinovici will present his new novel "Die Einstellung". Rabinovici was born in Tel Aviv in 1961 and moved with his family to Vienna in 1964, where he now lives as a writer, historian and essayist. He studied history, ethnology, medicine and psychology at the University of Vienna, where he also received his doctorate. In the 1980s he founded the "Wiener Freundeskreises der israelischen Friedensbewegung Friede Jetzt". From 1986 onwards he was active against anti-Semitism and racism in the "Republikanischen Club". As an academic, he researched in particular the Jewish Community of Vienna during the National Socialist era. In the winter semester 2011/12, he held the 30th Paderborn Visiting Lectureship for Writers. He has been a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Literature since 2018. Rabinovici's published works include "Suche nach M." (1997), "Ohnehin" (2000), "Der neue Antisemitismus. Eine globale Debatte" (2004), "Andernorts" (2010), "Herzl Reloaded – kein M?rchen" (2016), "Die Au?erirdischen" (2017), "'Alles kann passieren!‘ Ein Polittheater" (2018), "Neuer Antisemitismus? Fortsetzung einer globalen Debatte" (2019), "I wie Rabinovici: Zu Sprachen finden" (2019) and "Die Einstellung" (2023). He has received the following prizes and honours for his works, among others: 3sat Prize of the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition, Ernst Robert Curtius Prize for Essay Writing, Clemens Brentano Prize of the City of Heidelberg, Willy and Helga Verkauf-Verlon Prize of the D?W for Austrian Anti-Fascist Journalism, Honorary Prize of the Austrian Book Trade for Tolerance in Thought and Action, Rosa Jochmann Plaque, Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art. 

20 November: Eva Christina Zeller reads from "Unterm Teppich. Roman in 61 Bildern"

On 20 November Eva Christina Zeller will read from "Unterm Teppich. Roman in 61 Bildern". Zeller, born in Ulm in 1960, studied philosophy, German language and literature, theatre studies and rhetoric in Berlin and Tübingen. She has been a freelance author and lecturer in creative writing at the University of Tübingen since 1981. Zeller has since published numerous poems, prose and theatre works as well as an academic thesis, such as "Wort-Bilder. Gedichte" (1981), "Das Meer kennt kein Meer. Gedichte" (1985), "Ingeborg Bachmann: Der Fall Franza" (1988), "Folg ich dem Wasser. Gedichte" (1988), "Stiftsgarten, Tübingen. Gedichte" (2002), "Mütter. Gedichte" (2006), "Liebe und andere Reisen. Gedichte" (2007), "Die Erfindung deiner Anwesenheit. Gedichte" (2012), "An die Arbeit" (play, world premiere 2012), "Auf Wasser schreiben. Gedichte" (2016), "Proviant von einer unbewohnten Insel. Gedichte" (2020) and "Unterm Teppich. Roman in 61 Bildern" (2022). Her publications have been awarded numerous prizes and scholarships, including the prize of the Bundesakademie Wolfenbüttel in 2009 for her theatre monologue "An die Arbeit", the Venice scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and residency scholarships of the Brechthaus (Svendborg/Denmark), the Bergman Estate (Far?, Sweden) or the Cill Rialaig Arts Centre (Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, Ireland). Most recently, she received, among others, the prize of the Academy for Spoken Word for the competition "W?chst das Rettende auch?".

27 November: Birgit Weyhe presents graphic novel "Rude Girl"

On 27 November, Birgit Weyhe will present her new graphic novel "Rude Girl". Weyhe, born in Munich in 1969, grew up in East Africa. She studied in Constance and Hamburg (Master's degree in German Literature and History). She is a graphic novel artist and her comics are even read in Japan. Her publications to date include the graphic novels "Ich weiss" (2017), "Reigen (2011)", "Im Himmel ist Jahrmarkt" (2013), "Madgermanes" (2016), "German Calendar, No December" (2018), "Unterm Birnbaum" (2019), "Lebenslinien (2020)" and "Rude Girl" (2022), in addition to numerous short comics. She has received, among others, the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung Comic Award, the Max-und-Moritz-Preis for the best German-language comic, the award for best German-language comic artist from Comic Salon Erlangen and a nomination for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize. Since 2012, she has also given various guest lectures at universities in Germany and the USA.

On 18 December, the next event will be the inaugural reading for the 42nd Paderborn Guest Lectureship for Writers, which will be given by the Büchner Prize winner Jan Wagner.

This text has been translated automatically.


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Prof. Dr. Stefan Elit

Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft


Write email +49 5251 60-2872