In­ter­na­tion­al Work­shop Re­sum­ing the Av­ant-Garde: Fo­cus City, 15-16 Ju­ly 2021 – Pader­born Uni­ver­sity, De­part­ment of Art/Me­dia Aes­thet­ics (ON­LINE)

Urbanization, in combination with both industrialization and mobilization, created one of the greatest challenges for social life and the arts in modernity. The radical change of perception – scandalized by the avant-garde – culminated in the image of the city. Established coordinates of space and time and the conventions of mimetic representation became questionable. At the same time the technical media offered the potential to test new artistic methods and techniques, innovative modes of representation and imagination, and to combine them with the development and training of new forms of perception, focusing on new forms of living and a future society. Thus, in a time of extreme social, technical and political turns, the image of the city became the screen for disperse artistic and political avant-garde movements and projections.

The international workshop Resuming the Avant-Garde: Focus City thematizes images and projects of the city in artistic experiments and confrontations based on the new technical media of the historical avant-garde in the 1920s and early 1930s. These developments, their artistic influences and effects will be reconsidered from today's perspective. Considering these topics, the workshop lectures and artist talks will examine contemporary projects by photographers, filmmakers and artists dealing with the space of the city in modernity and resuming artistic experiments and methods of the historical avant-garde to create contemporary reconstructions, aesthetic reinvention and (critical) renewal.

For further information and program of the workshop please visit:

Participation and registration:

This event will take place digital-only via Zoom. If you are interested to participate in the workshop, please send us an e-mail to:

Hosted by:

Prof. Dr. Inga Lemke
Yana Lebedeva
Michel Diester
Raphael Pixa


Department of Art / Media Aesthetics
Paderborn University
必威体育 Str. 100
D- 33098 Paderborn
Federal Republic of Germany