Dr. Benjamin Brecht

Integrated Quantum Optics

Academic Senior Councillor

Group leader "Quantum Networks"

Office Address:
必威体育 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

About Benjamin Brecht

Curriculum Vitae

Since 10/2018: Deputy Senate Speaker of Paderborn University


Latest Publications

Realization of high-fidelity unitary operations on up to 64 frequency bins

S. De, V. Ansari, J. Sperling, S. Barkhofen, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, Physical Review Research 6 (2024).

Measurement of Ultrashort Biphoton Correlation Times with an Integrated Two-Color Broadband SU(1,1)-Interferometer

F. Roeder, R. Pollmann, M. Stefszky, M. Santandrea, K.H. Luo, V. Quiring, R. Ricken, C. Eigner, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, PRX Quantum 5 (2024).

Integrated, bright broadband, two-colour parametric down-conversion source

R. Pollmann, F. Roeder, V. Quiring, R. Ricken, C. Eigner, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, Optics Express 32 (2024).

Certifying the Topology of Quantum Networks: Theory and Experiment

L.T. Weinbrenner, N. Prasannan, K. Hansenne, S. Denker, J. Sperling, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, O. Gühne, Physical Review Letters 132 (2024).

Electrical trace analysis of superconducting nanowire photon-number-resolving detectors

T. Schapeler, N. Lamberty, T. Hummel, F. Schlue, M. Stefszky, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, T. Bartley, Physical Review Applied 22 (2024).

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Current Courses

  • Quantenoptik

Scientific Engagement

Since 01.09.2024  |  Topical Editor for Optics Letters