Dr. Christian Bartelheimer

Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Betriebliche Informationssysteme

Academic Councillor for a Limited Period

Office Address:
必威体育 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Office hours:

freitags 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr nach vorheriger Anmeldung per Mail

About Christian Bartelheimer

My research centers on the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative information systems to facilitate digital service and process innovations. Additionally, I explore the impacts of deploying cutting-edge IT artifacts on individuals, structures, and processes within organizations. My research results have been published in esteemed, peer-reviewed journals, including the Information Systems Journal (ISJ), the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), and Electronic Markets (EM), and have been presented at all leading Information Systems conferences. To develop my research findings, I employ both the design-oriented and the behaviorist research paradigms to holistically investigate phenomena at the intersection of people, tasks, and technology and to explore the impact of IT artifact utilization on organizations and society. I am the current president of the Special Interest Group for Services (SIG SVC) within the Association for Information Systems (AIS). Additionally, I am a member of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). I maintain an active role as a Reviewer, Associate Editor, and Track Chair for numerous academic journals and actively participate in all major Information Systems conferences.


Selected Publications

Improving Process Mining Maturity: From Intentions to Action

J. Brock, K. Brennig, B. L?hr, C. Bartelheimer, S. von Enzberg, R. Dumitrescu, Business & Information Systems Engineering (2024).

Workarounds as generative mechanisms for bottom‐up process innovation—Insights from a multiple case study

C. Bartelheimer, V. Wolf, D. Beverungen, Information Systems Journal 33 (2023) 1085–1150.

Designing digital actor engagement platforms for local high streets: an action design research study

C. Bartelheimer, P. zur Heiden, C.I. Berendes, D. Beverungen, European Journal of Information Systems (2023) 1–34.

Systematizing the lexicon of platforms in information systems: a data-driven study

C. Bartelheimer, P. zur Heiden, H. Lüttenberg, D. Beverungen, Electronic Markets 32 (2022) 375–396.

Seven Paradoxes of Business Process Management in a Hyper-Connected World

D. Beverungen, J.C.A.M. Buijs, J. Becker, C. Di Ciccio, W.M.P. van der Aalst, C. Bartelheimer, J. vom Brocke, M. Comuzzi, K. Kraume, H. Leopold, M. Matzner, J. Mendling, N. Ogonek, T. Post, M. Resinas, K. Revoredo, A. del-Río-Ortega, M. La Rosa, F.M. Santoro, A. Solti, M. Song, A. Stein, M. Stierle, V. Wolf, Business & Information Systems Engineering 63 (2020) 145–156.

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Current Courses

  • Process Mining