Digital process integration in vocational teacher training


?Die digitale Transformation ver?ndert Berufe in einer Geschwindigkeit, die berufsbildende Schulen – und in der Konsequenz die berufliche Lehrerbildung – vor gro?e Herausforderungen stellt. Das Projekt ?DiPoLe‘ betrachtet die digitale Transformation nicht als prim?r technologische Herausforderungen; vielmehr versteht es digitale Transformation als eine tiefgreifende ?konomisch-gesellschaftliche Ver?nderung, welche die Prozesse der beruflichen Bildung, die professionelle Haltung beruflicher Lehrer*innen und die Art und Weise, wie wir Lehrerbildung betreiben grundlegend in Frage stellt.

F?rderlinie Curriculum 4.0 NRW der landesweiten Digitalisierungsoffensive mit der DH.NRW?


The project 'DiPoLe' considers the digital transformation as a profound economic-social change that fundamentally questions the processes of vocational education, the professional attitude of vocational teachers and the way we educate teachers. In addition to challenges, the digital transformation also offers great opportunities to bring professional teacher education a decisive step further. DiPoLe aims to establish processes of exchange and collaboration between the central actors in vocational education and training in order to advance continuous course development. Based on three guiding principles, firstly that vocational teacher education must become more integrative and secondly that it must become increasingly dynamic, thirdly that it must also become more cooperative, DiPoLe pursues the objective of a more comprehensive integration of the topic 'digital transformation' in the study program "Business Education: Teacher Training at Vocational Colleges" at the University of Paderborn. However, as the sustainable development of study programs at universities is often a challenging process, DiPoLe strives for a cooperative interaction of many actors within the university as well as in schools and companies. The aim is to ensure that students recognize digitization as a thematic as well as a didactic-methodological thread throughout the entire course of study.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
10/2020 - 12/2023
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:

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Principal Investigators

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Niklas S?nger

Wirtschafts- und Sozialp?dagogik

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Prof. Dr. Tobias Jenert

Dekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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