


The joint research project DigiMal.nrw (Digital Mathematics Teacher Education) focusses on improving the quality of major courses in the mathematics teacher education programme (basic mathematics education, primary school and special needs education) to enhance the students' access to the subject of mathematics and mathematics education. For this purpose, the NRW-wide consortium of eight universities creates digitally supported teaching and learning materials. They are developed to enable students to solve subject-related problems and to efficiently and successfully cope with studies and examinations in mathematics and mathematics education.

Within the framework of the sub-project "Heterogenit?t im Mathematikunterricht" (Diversity in the Maths classroom), modularised course materials are being created in cooperation of Prof. Dr. Uta H?sel-Weide (UPB), Prof. Dr. Elke S?bbeke (WBU) and Prof. Dr. Christoph Selter (TU DO) in order to prepare teacher edcation students for diversity in teaching mathematics. The materials enable students to build up professional knowledge and professional competences to act professionally and reflectively in the tension between individual support of students and collaborative learning in the classroom.

The developed materials for teaching and examination are evaluated by intensive mutual exchange between the actors with regard to a) the structuring of the content, b) the accuracy and adaptivity of the initiated cognitive activities for the acquisition of the content and c) their media-related implementation. In particular, the evaluation dimensions b) and c) are empirically evaluated by use-of-potential analyses and their effects among the students.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
01/2020 - 12/2022
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Uta H?sel-Weide

PLAZ – Professional School of Education

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Project Team

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Ninja Del Piero

AG H?sel-Weide

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