
FEL - Electronic training record


The use of e-learning tools is not yet fully integrated into everyday life for teachers and learners in the vocational training sector, and particularly in vocational nursing training. This applies to teachers in the sense of the educational staff at nursing schools as well as to the practical instructors, i.e. the employees responsible for practical instruction, at the training institutions and for the trainees themselves.

At the same time, the importance of an e-learning tool with an integrated electronic/digital training record (FEL) for vocational nursing training is of particular importance in order to be able to implement modern nursing training.

The aim of accompanying new nursing training courses with a digital tool with supporting and supplementary digital content and combining this project with the possibility of a digital training certificate, taking into account Section 17 Sentence 2 No. 3 of the Nursing Professions Act (PflBG), is forward-looking and combines theory and practice. The e-learning tool makes it possible to improve the quality of training through technical support and an adapted didactic concept. It is also possible to reduce the administrative workload for training companies, practical instructors and nursing schools. The proportion of women using and integrating digital teaching/learning courses can also be increased. For example, women often use social media for online offerings, but to a lesser extent OER and teaching and learning offerings. Promoting women is therefore an integral part of the FEL project.

The FEL project is developing, implementing and evaluating an e-learning tool for the care sector. The development work is based on a didactic concept that is based on the PVEC (Paderborn Vocational Education Concept for eLearning) according to Beutner and is combined with the three-shell model of vocational training evaluation according to Beutner (cf. Beutner 2018 and Beutner 2021) as part of the evaluation.

There are currently not many e-learning approaches and digital tools that are specifically designed for nursing training and geared towards its requirements (cf. Trübswetter et al. 2019). The Nursing Professions Act (PflBG) has created a new, modern and generalist occupational profile by merging the three previous nursing professions in the areas of 'geriatric nursing', 'healthcare and nursing' and 'healthcare and pediatric nursing'. The associated innovative, generalist nursing training pursues the objective of enabling trainees to care for people of all ages in all areas of care and to offer options in training. A sample draft training certificate has already been developed on the basis of the Nursing Professions Act (PflBG) and the Nursing Professions Training and Examination Ordinance (PflAPrV). This documents and visualizes the progress of individual training and agreements made between the people involved in the training, i.e. trainees, teachers and practical instructors, and makes them transparent and comprehensible. The sample training record is designed in the form of a learning portfolio. The FEL project uses this as the basis for implementing and utilizing a corresponding learning and documentation portfolio as an e-learning tool. This makes it easier for those involved to track the training process, focuses on individual support and feedback and incorporates learning areas, documentation areas and test areas that are meaningfully linked by learning analytics. The FEL e-learning tool is implemented as an app to guarantee ease of use and availability.

The learning area of the FEL e-learning tool offers

(a) micro-units and teaching/learning materials,

(b) interactive learning tasks and

(c) learning games.

In the documentation area of the app,

(a) the training record and examination documentation are kept,

(b) the competence documentation area with self-assessments and external assessments of competence development and competence growth is included and

(c) examples of methodological integration in theory and practice are provided as a service for practical instructors.

In the test area of the FEL e-learning tool (app), tools

(a) are offered for monitoring learning status,

(b) for feedback and

(c) for self-reflection.

Using an innovative learning analytics approach, the areas are linked together and information and feedback is generated for the trainees, practical instructors and teachers. In the FEL project, the FEL e-learning tool is being developed, prototyped, implemented, iteratively developed and improved, evaluated and made widely effective in a transfer concept in close cooperation with Paderborn University, the technology partner Ingenious Knowlegde GmbH, the ZFG Münster nursing school, other nursing schools, nursing service providers, the BIBB/project sponsor and social stakeholders. A design-based research approach is used in which both educational product development and design as well as research and knowledge acquisition are taken into account in accordance with a solid research design.


The use of e-learning tools is not yet fully integrated into the daily routine of teachers and learners in vocational education and training, especially in vocational nursing education. This applies to both teachers, i.e. the pedagogical staff of the nursing schools, and practical instructors, i.e. the staff of the training institutions responsible for practical instruction, as well as to the trainees themselves. At the same time, the importance of an e-learning tool with integrated electronic/digital proof of training (FEL) for vocational nursing training is particularly important in order to be able to implement up-to-date nursing training. The aim of the project is to accompany the new nursing training with a digital tool with supporting and supplementary digital content and to combine this project with the possibility of a digital proof of training, taking into account § 17 sentence 2 no. 3 of the Nursing Training Act (PflBG). The approach is future-oriented and combines theory and practice.

The FEL project will develop, implement and evaluate an eLearning tool for the care sector. The basis of the development work is a didactic concept based on the PVEC - Paderborn Vocational Education Concept for eLearning - according to Beutner and combined with the three-shell model of vocational training evaluation according to Beutner (cf. Beutner 2018 and Beutner 2021) within the framework of the evaluation.

In the FEL project, the e-learning tool FEL will be developed, prototyped, implemented, iteratively developed and improved, evaluated and made broadly effective in a transfer concept in close cooperation between the University of Paderborn, the technology partner Ingenious Knowlegde GmbH, the Nursing School ZFG Münster with other nursing schools, nursing service providers, the BIBB / project management organisation and social stakeholders. A design-based research approach is being used, in which both the development and design of educational products as well as research and knowledge acquisition are taken into account according to a sound research design.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
09/2021 - 08/2024
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:
bibb - FEL

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

About the person


Family Business Library. Presentation at the LTTA of FBL: Motivation, Barriers and Problems while starting a business
J.N. Schneider, Family Business Library. Presentation at the LTTA of FBL: Motivation, Barriers and Problems While Starting a Business, Sassari, Sardinia, 2022.
Developing an e-learning tool with integrated electronic training certificate (FEL) for professional nursing training
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, N.C. Grüttner, S.N. Koppius, J. Stelzer, Developing an E-Learning Tool with Integrated Electronic Training Certificate (FEL) for Professional Nursing Training, Barcelona, Spain, 2022.
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