
NGEnvironment - Foster European Active Citizenship and Sustainability Through Ecological Thinking by NGOs in secondary schools


NGEnvironment is a 36-month European adult education project that is being implemented as a 'Strategic Partnership for adult education' as part of the EU's ERASMUS+ program in the key action 'Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices'.

The project focuses on improving the relevant and high-level basic and cross-sectional skills of EU citizens in the context of adult education and from the perspective of lifelong learning. It empowers new leaders for change engagement. In addition, the project contributes to improving entrepreneurial, foreign language and digital skills, as well as promoting employability. Furthermore, socio-educational and professional development are supported through measures implemented by non-governmental organizations.

NGEnvironment aims to support various types of NGOs (non-governmental organizations – NROs – non-governmental organizations), in particular those with an environmental mandate, that aim to solve such problems while promoting social cohesion (promoting inclusion, integration, alleviating poverty, combating exclusion and marginalization).

By improving the capacity of NGO leaders, NGEnvironment helps to improve and expand the range of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled adults, so that literacy and entrepreneurship skills are acquired and recognition is also sought.

NGEnvironment is specifically tailored to adult target groups, promoting social cohesion and talent, taking into account their specific needs and concerns. This is done through novel learning approaches and a holistic, participatory, motivational, pedagogical process that ultimately leads to the development of a wide range of key competencies with a long-term impact on European active citizenship and sustainability.

Social inclusion and social integration will be achieved when NGEnvironment trains new NGO leaders to provide equal learning opportunities for all, regardless of gender, religion, cultural background, age, etc. The project promotes social integration by creating jobs for people who are socially segregated or under-qualified.

The primary target groups of the NGEnvironment project can be divided into three categories:

1) adult citizens aspiring to become NGO leaders/entrepreneurs,

2) existing NGO employees who, with regard to lifelong learning, will receive advanced learning opportunities, and

3) existing NGO employees who are willing to share their expertise and support the new leaders by participating in the immersion process.

A participatory society can only function if citizens are well informed, actively engage in civic activities and are equipped with the skills of advocacy, debate, compromise and leadership.

The NGEnvironment project offers clear and tangible benefits for all stakeholders:

1. improving basic leadership skills,

2. promoting citizenship and NGO action,

3. supporting green and social action with proven benefits for the environment, the region and local communities, and

4. promoting social cohesion, integration and inclusion

with benefits and more opportunities for all, is a win-win for all stakeholders.


- University of Paderborn, Chair of Business Education II, Germany

(coordinator, university partner, evaluation, dissemination and didactics partner)

- Rightchallenge – Associa?áo, Portugal

(educational and media partner)

- EPEK – Society for Envirponmental Eduction of Korinthia, Greece

(NGO partner)

- Across Limits Ltd., Malta

(technical partner)

- Future in Perspective Limited, Ireland

(dissemination and media design partner)

- Permacultura Cantabria, Asociación cultural y medioambiental Permacultura Cantabria, Spain

(implementation partner, educational partner)

- SINERGIE Soc. Cons. a r.l., Singergie Sicietà Consortile a Responsabilità Limitata, Italy

(implementation partner, educational partner)

- Grupul Pentru Integrare Europeana Romania, Romania

(NGO partner)


The project focuses on sustainability and business start-ups by NGOs (non-governmental organizations or NROs – non-governmental organizations or non-governmental organizations). The focus is on improving relevant and high-level basic and cross-sectional skills of EU citizens in the context of adult education from a lifelong learning perspective. New leaders empowered for change engagement. In addition, the project contributes to improving entrepreneurial, digital and foreign language skills and promoting employability. NGEnvironment aims to support NGOs, particularly those with an environmental mandate, that are aimed at solving such problems while promoting social cohesion (promoting inclusion, integration, alleviating poverty, combating exclusion and marginalization).

In NGEnvironment,

(a) an educational program aimed at mentors of NGOs who take on new potential NGO leaders in the immersion program and

(b) a program aimed specifically at new future NGO leaders and promoting a range of essential skills will be developed. An online platform with an integrated online observatory will provide insights into showcases and best practices. An engagement toolkit for involving NGOs will be developed and instructive videos showing best practice by NGOs and their social impact will also be created. A survival guide will provide information for people starting up a business who want to open an NGO in the field of sustainability, and a policy paper will be produced. This will explain why a change in policy approach to support NGOs could be relevant and the policy options available to achieve this.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
09/2018 - 08/2021
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

About the person


The tangible outputs will include several intellectual outputs:

- An initial research report conducted in each country to determine the state of the art, establish general guidelines and gather information for all development measures in the project.

- Two training packages:

(a) an educational program aimed at NGO mentors who take on new potential NGO leaders in the immersion program and

(b) a program specifically for future NGO leaders that promotes a range of essential skills.

- Online platform with all relevant project information, including the results of the outputs, as well as an observatory in which the associated NGOs can be presented in more detail and considered as a showcase of best practice.

An engagement toolkit to better engage with NGOs, addressing paper-based, online and audiovisual communication channels. It serves as a valorization framework, ensures broad project reach and promotes motivation to participate.

Instructive videos with best practice on NGOs and their social impact, to provide role models and examples to support project valorization. A video documentary recording the project's development history will also be produced.

A “Survival Guide for NGO Establishment and Funding” will be provided to train and educate potential new NGO leaders, as well as a layperson's report explaining the reasons, objectives, main conclusions of the project and the resulting case studies.

A policy paper will be produced explaining why a change in policy approach to supporting NGOs might be relevant, and discussing the available policy options with their pros and cons. In conclusion, this policy paper will suggest a course of action based on the experience and insights gained from the NGEnvironment project based on a more institutional/political perspective.