TRR 142 - Effect of extended and point defects on the ferroelectric and optical properties of LiNbO3 (B03)


The aim of this project is a deeper understanding of the effect of point defects and extended defects on the functional properties of periodically poled waveguide structures. Using a combined approach of theory and experiment, the influence of lattice defects on the optical properties of waveguides (refractive index change, photorefractive index, parasitic luminescence) as well as their role in the poling process (pole reversal behavior, domain propagation and growth) will be investigated. This project represents an essential pillar towards the realization of novel nonlinear quantum optical applications.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Optoelectronics and Photonics
Project type:
Teaching project
Project duration:
04/2014 - 12/2017
Funded by:

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Principal Investigators

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Dr. Gerhard Berth

Hybrid Quantum Photonic Devices

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Prof. Dr. 必威体育gmund Greulich-Weber

Materialien für die Photonik und Optoelektronik, Magnetische Resonanzspektroskopie

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