
Get-UP - Green Entrpreneurship training - underpinning prosperity


GET-UP is an ERASMUS+ project in the Key Action 'Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices', which is embedded in the action 'Strategic Partnerships' with a focus on 'Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training'. It is an internationally oriented project in the EU education program with a duration of 24 months.

The Department of Business Education II at the University of Paderborn is coordinating the GET-UP project, which focuses on the area of entrepreneurship education.

Eight partner institutions from seven countries are cooperating in the project: the coordinating institution from Germany (Department of Business Education II, University of Paderborn), the partner from Romania (Universitatea din Pitesti), the partner from the UK (SFEDI Ltd, Darlington), the two partners from Ireland (Me Ath Partnership, Kells; FIPL Ltd., Ballyjamesduff Cavan), the partner from Cyprus (European University Cyprus, Nicosia), the partner from Spain (FUERM, Murcia) and the technology partner from Finland (INNOVENTUM OY, Joensuu).

The latest data on the development of the 'green economy' show its impact on the EU economic cycle. Good environmental practices have increased employment by 20%, a figure that could rise to 30% by 2030. The number of jobs related to the environment and energy efficiency in the EU increased from 3 million to 4.2 million between 2002 and 2011 and rose by 20% between 2007 and 2011 despite the recession (Green Economy Report, 2014 Italian Presidency, Council of the European Union).

Transitioning to a greener economic model and achieving 'green growth' represents both a challenge and an opportunity for EU Member States. It is widely recognized that a successful transition to a 'green' and resource and energy efficient economy will reshape labor markets. Skills are a key factor in promoting 'green growth' and creating additional employment in a wide range of sectors. The European Commission recognizes that the eco-industries offer great opportunities for young people, so Member States are encouraged to redesign their training efforts and include 'green employment' as a central goal of their national employment plans. Developing and promoting new curriculum resources to support the growth of the green economy is therefore essential if the EU 2020 priorities for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth are to be achieved.

Entrepreneurs are agents of change and renewal in the economy and as such they are important actors in the transition to a green economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the EU economy, providing a high level of employment and largely contributing to GDP growth. A new group of 'green entrepreneurs', who can identify, create and exploit opportunities in the green sector, supports employment and innovation as well as sustainable economic and social development. 'Green entrepreneurs' can provide the breeding ground for starting and sustaining a 'green economy' by providing 'green products and services', introducing 'green production techniques', promoting demand for 'green products and services' and creating 'green jobs'.

The aim of the GET-UP project is to develop a tailored green entrepreneurship curriculum, which is currently not available in any of the partner countries in this form. In addition, the partners are committed to ensuring that best practice in pedagogical instruction and the highest design standards are achieved in the production of learning content. GET-UP uses advances in technology to generate appealing and inspiring learning content. This blended learning environment is designed to generate optimal learning gains. GET-UP therefore also supports teachers and trainers by developing a 'train-the-trainer' program to ensure their effective engagement.

The project language is English.

Key Facts

Project duration:
09/2016 - 08/2018
Funded by:
?EU Erasmus+

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

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