
SYNERGY - Harnessing the Learning Assets Within the SME Business Community


SYNERGY is a 24-month ERASMUS+ project. It is embedded in the 'Strategic Partnerships' action with a focus on Vocational Education and Training (VET). It is implemented as an internationally oriented project in the EU education program.

Seven institutions from seven countries are cooperating in SYNERGY: Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Romania. The partnership includes universities, research institutions, vocational training providers, regional education development institutions and a technology partner.


The objectives of SYNERGY are:

(1) To support the development of a culture of learning within the micro-enterprise sector cultivating positive attitudes towards learning among micro-enterprise owners by ensuring that learning materials developed are relevant to their needs and appropriate to their learning preferences;

(2) To support the continuous professional development of vocational education staff by providing a bespoke in-service training program that builds their knowledge and understanding of the business world and supports their work in non-traditional blended learning environments

(3) To create a sense of community animating micro-enterprise owners and education service providers towards a common set of educational goals and objectives ensuring that service provision is tailored to address the needs of local businesses;

(4) To design and implement a series of cost-effective, flexible, bespoke peer-to-peer learning micro-social networks to considerably increase the range and accessibility of educational services and supports;

(5) To provide a suite of bespoke media-rich learning resources that address specific skill needs within the micro-enterprise sector identified through research with the target group;

(6) To promote inter-cultural awareness and grow the potential for international business development for micro-enterprises by linking the on-line learning communities created in the different Member States.

Key Facts

Project duration:
09/2014 - 08/2016
Funded by:
?EU Erasmus+

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

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