
GoMobile - Mobile Learning in vocational education


GoMobile is an Erasmus+ project, in the Key Action 'Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices' which is part of the action 'Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training'. It is an internationally oriented project with a duration of 18 months.

Mobile learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. Mobile learning involves teaching and learning using mobile information and communication technologies such as tablets, smartphones and laptops. The internet is also often integrated into the process. Mobile learning can be used in various contexts of vocational education and training: in courses, schools, companies or individually by individual learners.

The Erasmus+ project GoMobile deals with this new and innovative way of learning and teaching with a focus on vocational education and training. It focuses on exploring the possibilities and compiling practical advice for teachers, students and developers of educational solutions.

The special feature is that it is an Erasmus+ project without Intellectual Outputs and therefore only partner meetings are funded. This provides a high degree of flexibility. As a consortium, the GoMobile partners are preparing an acceptance study in the partner countries. The aim is to design a book on mobile learning at the meetings and in the time between them that presents a European view of assumptions, experiences, problems and opportunities in this area and addresses the challenges in vocational education and training. 

The target groups are teachers, trainers, students and business and VET educators. The survey examines theses about the user-centered, ubiquitous and mobile approach, which is usually directed at different target groups.

In GoMobile, the partners will develop and implement this book in English on mobile learning in VET. It will provide the survey results and the findings of the studies in the partner countries as well as additional checklists and tips for teachers and trainers.

The GoMobile project is designed like a former Leonardo II partnership project. Most of the work is carried out in the meetings of the partners.

The project has a duration of 18 months and started on 01.10.2016.

Key Facts

Project duration:
10/2016 - 03/2018
Funded by:
?EU Erasmus+

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

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