PANDA - the new learning platform of the Paderborn University


Under the title PANDA (Paderborn Assistance System for News, Documents and Exchange) the university is currently developing a new learning platform based on Moodle under the leadership of the IMT. The aim is to make the new learning platform available for use throughout the University of Paderborn in order to modernise the learning platform koaLA, which has been used throughout the university so far, and to integrate currently used isolated applications into a uniform environment.

PANDA will support both standardized e-learning activities commonly used at universities and continue to offer the specific solutions disseminated at the University of Paderborn and available in koaLA. In addition to aspects of (self-)assessment, the usability of mobile devices, usability aspects, a layout based on the web design and CI concept, accessibility, data protection and data security will also be taken into account.

The project is implemented in cooperation with the Higher Education Development Office, the chair of Prof. Dr. Szwillus, the central administration of Paderborn University and with the support of all faculties.


Slides for the steering committee meeting on 19.12.2018

Slides for the steering committee meeting on 06.02.2018

Slides for the steering committee meeting on 07.07.2017

Slides for the steering committee meeting on 28.02.2017

Slides for the steering committee meeting on 10.11.2016

Steering committee

The steering committee, which has equal numbers of members from different areas of the university, advises both the project management and the executive committee on all critical project issues: As a coordinating body between all those involved, the steering committee also makes recommendations on possible further development options (requirements management) and sends people to the extended project team as required.

Members of the steering committee - as of 19.01.2018:

  • Ingo Behrendes, Faculty WW
  • Angelina Berisha-Gawlowski, PLAZ
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen, Faculty WW
  • Andreas Brennecke, data protection officer
  • Dr. Sebastian Buck, Faculty WW
  • Christian Cloer, IMT
  • Julius Erdmann, ASTA
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Fechner, Chemistry, Faculty NW
  • Dr. Matthias Fischer, Faculty EIM
  • Melissa Fortmann, Scientific Staff Council
  • Andreas Fr?ger, Faculty KW
  • Dr. Annegret Hilligus, PLAZ
  • Matthias de Jong, ASTA
  • Dr. Cornelia Kaiser, Faculty EIM
  • Ursula K?nig, Staff Council
  • Prof. Dr. Ilka Mindt, Faculty KW
  • Thomas Mitschke, PAUL
  • Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel, IMT
  • Hubert Quint, Scientific Staff Council
  • Christian Ritter, IMT
  • Prof. Dr. Mirko Schaper, Faculty MB
  • Dr.-Ing. Sascha Schiller, PVT, Faculty MB
  • Thomas Schwalk, PAUL
  • René Sprotte, University Library
  • Leon Tappe, ASTA
  • Dr. Agnes Szabone Varnai, Physics, Faculty NW
  • Dr. Thomas Wassong, Faculty EIM
  • Dr. Ulrich Willmes, IMT


Project management:

  • Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel (CIO)
  • Prof. Dr. Birgit Riegraf (President)

Extended project team:

  • Andreas Brennecke
  • Sybille Filehr
  • Stefan Finke
  • Marius Hüttig
  • Iris Neiske
  • Dominik Niehus (coactum)
  • Heiko N?then
  • Tobias Oetterer
  • Christian Ritter
  • Axel Vincenz
  • Dr. Ulrich Willmes


The currently used learning platform of the University of Paderborn koaLA is based on the Paderborn proprietary development sTeam, which is powerful, but proprietary and not widely used and therefore can only be kept stable in the long run with considerable risk and effort. The learning platform Moodle (open source), which is widely used at German universities, is to be used as the basis for PANDA. The overall functionality of the learning platform will thus be based on standardised, current technology, but will be adapted to the Paderborn needs and specific koaLA functionality: The usability and "cherished" Paderborn-specific functions should be retained as far as possible, while the layout of the new learning platform should be adapted to the design of the University of Paderborn. The adjustments will also be made in an open license form, so that the rights to use the overall solution are held by the University of Paderborn.

Throughout the entire project, koaLA and PANDA must be operated in parallel. In principle, the changeover to the new platform is to be organized on a faculty-byfaculty basis and will be spread over two semesters. In the first semester, voluntary multipliers will be trained and converted to the new platform. Subsequently, all courses of the faculty will be made available. Currently the following order is planned: KW and NW, WiWi, MB, EIM. koaLA will continue to be available for reading access after the conversion is complete; there are no plans to automatically transfer courses from previous semesters to the new PANDA.

Information and training material will be made available; teachers and supporting SHKs will be explicitly trained.

The faculties and student representatives have been asked to appoint contact persons for the formation of a steering committee, with whom the central project team will coordinate regularly and who will be responsible for the aspects of communication, requirements management and error analysis of the project on the part of the faculties and students.

Join in

Volunteer users of the new PANDA are always welcome! The IMT will be happy to create new courses for you on request. Please use the course creation form linked on the PANDA homepage or send an e-mail with the listed data to

  • Number and title of the course
  • Name of the lecturer
  • Desired password for students to enrol in the course themselves (optional)

Here you will receive support in setting up and using PANDA:

Personal contact persons:

Enquiries and suggestions are welcome at any time to:

Subscribe to the PANDA newsletter to receive regular news:

Key Facts

Project duration:
10/2016 - 03/2019
PANDA im HilfeWiki

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel

Key research area Transformation and Education

About the person
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Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf

Allgemeine Soziologie

About the person

Project Team

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Tobias Oetterer

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

About the person
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Heiko N?then

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

About the person
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Axel Vincenz

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

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Christian Ritter

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

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Dr. Ulrich Willmes

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

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Dipl.-Inf. Stefan Finke

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

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Andreas Brennecke

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

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Sybille Filehr

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

About the person
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Iris Neiske

Higher Education Development Office

About the person
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Dominik Niehus

coactum GmbH

Cooperating Institutions

coactum GmbH

Cooperating Institution

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If you have any questions about this project, contact us!

Christian Ritter

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Projektmanagement

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Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel

Key research area Transformation and Education

Apl. Professorin

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