QuaSiD: Quality assurance in the digitisation strategy: success factors and constellations of actors in the dissemination and anchoring


Many digitisation projects in universities have already been successfully implemented and found broad acceptance, while other projects have brought little benefit to those involved. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the success and failure factors of digitisation projects, their diffusion and fundamental challenges, the QuaSiD project would like to focus on examples of different digitisation processes and strategies at universities and in cross-university cooperation.

QuaSiD is funded by the BMBF in the funding line "Digital University Education" over three years. The project runs from March 2017 to April 2020.

Project management

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel, head of the Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)



Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel, head of the Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Meister, chair for media education and empirical media research

Melanie Wilde M.A., scientific assistant at the Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)


Project members

Marcel Graf-Schlattmann, M.A. 

Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Birte Thomsen, M.A. (since January 2020)

Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Former project members

Melanie Wilde, M.A. (March 2017 - January 2020)


The project focuses on the question of the moments and the central constellations of actors that constitute a successful dissemination and sustainable anchoring as a quality assurance measure of digitisation projects within the digitisation strategy. To this end, in a first step, the actor constellations involved in this process and their effects will be examined by means of case studies and a method triangulation of guideline interviews and document analyses with the help of actor-network theory (cf. for example Callon & Latour 1981; Callon 1986; Latour 1987; Law 1992). Strategies currently in use will also be analysed and reflected upon under the premise of the university as a special form of organisation (cf. Cohen/March 1974; Mintzberg 1979). In a second step, patterns of success or failure factors are identified. Finally, in the third and final step, the insights gained are compiled and recommendations for action developed on this basis.


26/27.03.20 (accepted contribution)

Conference: 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Research on Higher Education (GFHF), Hamburg. Lecture: Success factors and conditions for the strategic digitisation of higher education teaching.


Conference: Third Spaces!? Digital Learning Environments for the Promotion of Theory-Practice-Relationships in University Teaching, University of Jena. Lecture: Success factors of digitisation processes at universities.


Conference: Strategies Beyond Borders - Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Berlin. 必威体育: Success factors for the continuity and anchoring of digitisation projects.


Webinar: "Digital higher education: From Research into Practice" of the VDI/VDE IT. Lecture and discussion: How to anchor digitisation projects sustainably.


Conference: HFDcon 2019: Networking meeting of the projects from the BMBF funding lines "Research on digital higher education". Organisation of two thematic tables: "Which results can and should be sustainably anchored? How can this be achieved beyond a university" and "Which topics have remained open?


Conference: 20th DINI Annual Conference "1999-2019-2039: Innovative projects in research, teaching and infrastructure, Osnabrück. Poster contribution: Collective willingness to change as a success factor in the digital transformation of university teaching.


Conference: Joint Annual Conference DELFI & GMW, Berlin. Lecture followed by discussion: Digitisation strategies on the test bench.


Conference: University CIO Congress 2019, 23/24 May 2019, G?ttingen. 必威体育: Disseminate and anchor digitisation projects sustainably.


Institute Colloquium Media Studies, University of Paderborn. Lecture with subsequent discussion: Quality Assurance in the Digitization Strategy.


Conference: Conference Networked University - Networks for Teaching, TU Darmstadt. Poster contribution: Digitization in the university context: A strategic change process through networking and cooperation.


Conference "State of the Art 2018: Strategic Opportunities and Fields of Action for Digitisation" at Herrenhausen Castle, Hanover. Poster contribution: Digitisation in the university context: A strategic change process. i.V.


Conference "Digitization as a challenge for university didactics" at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Poster contribution: Higher education strategy as a process: On the general and university-specific understanding of the concept of strategy. link: www.zq.uni-mainz.de/files/2018/05/QuaSiD.pdf


Symposium "Universities in the Digital Age" at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Berlin. Presentation of the project: Quality Assurance in the Digitisation Strategy:

Success Factors and Actor Constellations in Dissemination and Embedding. link: www.wihoforschung.de/_medien/downloads/16DHL1020_QuaSiD_Poster_Fachtagung.pdf


Systematically identify and strengthen cooperation potentials. Lecture at the annual conference of the Society for Research on Higher Education (GFHF) in Hannover.

Key Facts

Project duration:
03/2017 - 03/2020
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Dorothee M. Meister

Medienp?dagogik und empirische Medienforschung

About the person
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Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel

Key research area Transformation and Education

About the person

Project Team

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Dr. Marcel Graf-Schlattmann

Information and Media Technologies Centre (IMT) (until 2024)

About the person



Graf-Schlattmann, M.; Meister D. M.; Oevel G. & Wilde M. (i.E.): Kollektive Ver?nderungsbereitschaft als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor von Digitalisierungsprozessen an Hochschulen. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung. 15/1 (Publication March 2020).

Graf-Schlattmann, M., Meister, D. M., Oevel, G. & Wilde, M. (2019): Success Factors for the Consolidation and Anchoring of Digitalisation Projects. In: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (2019). Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age. Book of Abstracts. Berlin: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. S. 12-14. Link: https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/sites/default/files/dateien/HFD_AP_51_Strategies_Beyond_Borders_BookofAbstracts_web.pdf 

Graf-Schlattmann, Marcel, Meister, Dorothee M., Oevel, Gudrun, & Wilde, Melanie (2019): Digitalisierungsstrategien auf dem Prüfstand – eine empirische Untersuchung auf Basis der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie an deutschen Hochschulen. In: Hafer, J., Mauch M. & Schumann, M. (Hrsg.). Teilhabe in der digitalen Bildungswelt. Münster, New York: Waxmann. S. 14-26. Link: https://www.waxmann.com/?eID=texte&pdf=4006Volltext.pdf&typ=zusatztext 

Graf-Schlattmann, Marcel, Meister, Dorothee M., Oevel, Gudrun, & Wilde, Melanie (2019): Digitaler Wandel als strategischer Transformationsprozess – zum allgemeinen und hochschulspezifischen Verst?ndnis der Digitalisierung. Link:


Graf-Schlattmann, Marcel; Meister, Dorothee M.; Oevel, Gudrun; Wilde, Melanie (2018): Hochschulstrategie als Prozess. Zum allgemeinen und hochschulspezifischen Begriff der Strategie. Link: https://zenodo.org/record/1293797