1002 projects were found

Dialect Atlas of Middle West Germany

Duration: 01/2016 - 12/2030

Funded by: AWK

Supraleitendes Detektorsystem

Die neulich gegründete Forschungsgruppe "Mesoskopische Quantenoptik" (MQO) forscht in Richtung fundamentaler Experimentalphysik mit gro?en Quantenzust?nden. Solche Zust?nde spielen eine wichtige Rolle an der Grenze zwischen den sogenannten quanten- und klassischen Weltbildern, sowie Anwendungen in neuen Quantentechnologien. Neulich haben wir ...

Duration: 01/2016 - 12/2016

Funded by: DFG

"Wert-e-sch?pfung-en" des Orange Blossom Special Festivals

In Kooperation mit dem Orange Blossom Special Festival in Beverungen.

Duration: 01/2016 - 12/2017

Schule digital - der L?nderindikator 2017

Phase 3 "MINT"

Duration: 01/2016 - 12/2017

Funded by: Deutsche Telekom Stiftung


In interdisziplin?rer Perspektive stellt das über 1000 zweispaltige Seiten umfassende Handbuch in einer Struktur korrespondierender, verwandte Themen und Fragestellungen von verschiedener Seite aufnehmender und solcherart miteinander kommunizierender Artikel den aktuellen Stand der Vorm?rzforschung in kulturwissenschaftlicher Fokussierung zur ...

Duration: 01/2016 - 11/2020

Funded by: Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, FVF

Bernd Alois Zimmermann Complete Edition

The subject of this project is one of the most striking German composer personalities of the 20th century. The works of Bernd Alois Zimmermann (1918-1970) not only aroused the interest of researchers at an early stage, but have also established themselves in the repertoire worldwide outside circles specializing in New Music. His opera Die Soldaten ...

Duration: 01/2016 - 12/2041

Funded by: AdW Mainz, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

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Federal State Office for Intangible Cultural Heritage, North Rhine-Westphalia

Intangible cultural heritage includes customs, rituals, festivities, performing arts, oral expressions, knowledge and skills that are passed down from generation to generation and evoke feelings of identity, continuity and community. In 2013, the Federal Republic of Germany ratified the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible ...

Duration: 12/2015 - 12/2024

Funded by: MKW NRW

Contact: Jonas Leineweber

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HOBBIT: Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data

Duration: 12/2015 - 11/2018

Funded by: EU

Model-based potential analysis - identifying and raising weak points for effective and efficient development

Increasing complexity, rising competitive pressure, and the multitude of projects and tasks to be managed in parallel are forcing companies like CLAAS Industrietechnik GmbH to structure their development more efficiently and effectively and to focus their processes on the essential development work. In the project, problems and obstacles in the ...

Duration: 12/2015 - 04/2016

Funded by: Industrie

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QAMEL: Question Answering on Mobil Devices

Duration: 11/2015 - 10/2018

Funded by: EU