Projects from Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley

Mesoscopic Quantum Optics

11 projects were found

ERC- Grant: QuESADILLA: Quantum Engineering Superconducting Array Detectors in Low-Light Applications

Optical measurements are fundamental to experimental science and observations of nature. At the single photon level, superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) are well-established as the gold standard in measurement, due to their near-unit efficiency, negligible noise and ultrafast response. Building SNSPD arrays and simultaneously ...

Duration: 09/2022 - 08/2027

Funded by: EU

TRR 142 - Polaron signatures in the optical response of lithium niobate (B07*)

This joint theory-experiment project will explore the rich physics of polarons and their optical signatures. In particular, we plan to resolve their influence on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of the material as well as their condensation, hopping and dissociation characteristics in interaction with intrinsic and extrinsic point ...

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2025

Funded by: DFG

TRR 142 - Cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion with temporal filtering using integrated superconducting detectors (C07*)

In this project, we will study the parametric down-conversion in a cavity with integrated superconducting detectors under cryogenic conditions. By using ultrafast driving electronics, we will implement pump filtering in the time domain, by enabling the integrated detector only after the pump has decayed away. The herald photon remains resonant with ...

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2025

Funded by: DFG

PhoQuant: Photonic Quantum Computing - Quantum computing evaluation platform

When a sufficient number of quantum particles are interconnected, quantum computers can handle tasks that are unsolvable for classical computers. This – among other unique selling points – is a major advantage of photonic platforms: Integrated architectures and sophisticated manufacturing processes offer an enormous scaling potential. The aim of ...

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2026

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Dr. Benjamin Brecht

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Photonic Quantum Systems Network (PhoQSNET) - Quantum communication infrastructure

Data security is critical to modern society. From personal data and identity fraud to cyber-attacks threatening the integrity of sovereign nations, the need for secure communication and data processing has never been greater. While quantum networks address some of these issues, in that they can be provably secure for many cryptographic ...

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2027

Funded by: DFG

PhoQC: Photonic Quantum Computing

Photonic Quantum Computing (PhoQC): The aim is to research the fundamentals for the realization of photonic quantum computers. For this purpose, an internationally leading research center is to be created at the University of Paderborn in perspective, in which the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering sciences, computer science and electrical ...

Duration: 11/2021 - 12/2024

Funded by: MKW NRW, EIN Quantum NRW

QPIC-1: Photonic Integrated Quantum Computer

Quantentechnologien werden einen transformativen Einfluss auf unsere Gesellschaft besitzen; insbesondere Quantencomputing welches den grundlegenden quantenmechanischen Effekt der Verschr?nkung für die effiziente Berechnung von Aufgaben verwendet, die mit einem klassischen Computer in realistischer Zeit nicht durchgeführt werden k?nnen. Zusammen mit ...

Duration: 07/2021 - 06/2025

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: Dr. Christof Eigner

ISOQC: Integrated Superconducting Optoelectronics for Quantum Communication

The aim of this project is the integration and application of high-efficiency superconducting detectors on nonlinear lithium niobate waveguides. This will enable to development of new tools in quantum optical communication technology. The main challenge is to maintain the advantages of the high nonlinearity of lithium niobate at the cryogenic ...

Duration: 08/2018 - 07/2023

Funded by: BMBF

TRR 142 - Integrierte messungsinduzierte Nichtlinearit?ten mit integrierten supraleitenden Detektoren (C06)

This project will investigate the theoretical potential and experimental feasibility of integrating superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) on lithium niobate waveguides in order to implement a measurement-induced nonlinearity. Such nonlinearities arise from probabilistic mea-surement events and as such, can be implemented at very ...

Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2021

Funded by: DFG

Supraleitendes Detektorsystem

Die neulich gegründete Forschungsgruppe "Mesoskopische Quantenoptik" (MQO) forscht in Richtung fundamentaler Experimentalphysik mit gro?en Quantenzust?nden. Solche Zust?nde spielen eine wichtige Rolle an der Grenze zwischen den sogenannten quanten- und klassischen Weltbildern, sowie Anwendungen in neuen Quantentechnologien. Neulich haben wir ...

Duration: 01/2016 - 12/2016

Funded by: DFG