HR­S4R Audit - Ex­cel­lent Work­ing Con­di­tions in Aca­demia

In order to strengthen the European Research Area and to improve the working conditions of researchers, the European Commission has established a fundamental framework. The “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” both contain principles that are directed at researchers as well as their employers and funders. They are the basis for the HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) audit, a process initiated by the European Commission in order to promote the implementation of these principles. Participating institutions that are committed to implementing these principles and are successful in establishing and promoting them in their HR strategy receive the “HR Excellence in Research Award” after being closely assessed by the European Commission.  

Paderborn University’s Executive Board endorses and supports the European Commission’s objectives and principles and has therefore decided that the University will participate in the audit process.

What Ad­ded Value Does the HR­S4R Audit Of­fer?

Through its participation, Paderborn University commits to implementing the principles and requirements defined in the Charter & Code in order to continue improving the working conditions of its researchers and to obtain the “HR Excellence in Research Award”. Thus, Paderborn University will be able to sustainably strengthen both its future potential and its visibility.  

As an organisational development tool, the HRS4R process

  • offers an integral, systematic review and further development of existing HR strategies and processes through external assistance by the European Commission,
  • helps in strengthening strategic cross-sectional issues (e.g., promotion of early career researchers, gender equality, internationalisation, recruitment of specialists) over the long term, and
  • works towards removing barriers for international researchers and improving their recruiting process.

With the “HR Excellence in Research Award”, Paderborn University has the opportunity to obtain an internationally recognised seal, which is granted as part of an external, quality-assured process. This award

  • can actively be used in the University’s external representation
  • offers advantages in acquiring (international) third-party funding and
  • strengthens our employer attractiveness over the long run – especially for international researchers.

The HR­S4R-Pro­cess at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity


Establishing a Project Group (August 2023)

The HRS4R audit is a long-term process through which Paderborn University commits to optimising the work environment of its researchers in a sustainable manner. Paderborn University has decided to participate in the audit and has established a project group in charge of preparing the application documents.



Submitting the Letter of Endorsement (October 2023)

After submitting a letter of endorsement, in which Paderborn University commits to complying with the principles set out in the Charter & Code of the European Commission and to implementing them as part of the HRS4R audit, the start of the process has officially been confirmed by the European Commission.


Project Kick-off (November 2023)

During a kick-off event, experts from academia and administration, along with additional stakeholders of the process, were informed on the project and further steps that Paderborn University will be taking in the near future.


Developing a Gap Analysis and an Action Plan (Start: November 2023)

The project group will now work with experts from academia and administration to develop the necessary application documents within the span of one year. Initially, they carry out an extensive gap analysis. This analysis encompasses an evaluation of the current status with regard to the principles contained in the Charter & Code to help identify areas of action for Paderborn University. Based on these areas of action, a plan of action will be developed, which will assist Paderborn University in further implementing the respective principles through its HR strategy.

Pro­ject struc­ture?

The Executive Board of Paderborn University has decided to participate in the HRS4R audit and has established a project group in charge of preparing the application documents. Within the Executive Board, the Vice President for Research and Junior Academics assumes strategic responsibility for the HRS4R process and ensures regular communication with the Executive Board and the various university committees.   

As part of the HRS4R process, the Jenny Aloni Centre's Board of Directors acts as an overseeing commitee. It accompanies the entire process, advises the project group and ensures the regular involvement of researchers from various career stages as well as members from the management level and interest groups in the HRS4R process. 

The project group commissioned by the Executive Board is responsible for the operational implementation of the HRS4R process and the coordination and consolidation of the content-related work of the project.     

  • Dr. Johanna Flore | Coordinator Audit HRS4R  
  • Dr. Johanna Braukmann | Scientific Personnel Development 
  • Caroline Dahmen | Personal Assistant to the Vice President for Research and Junior Academics

Fur­ther In­form­a­tion

“The European Charter for Researchers" and “The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" form the basic framework for the HRS4R audit. The Charter specifies general requirements, responsibilities, and entitlements concerning researchers, their employers, and funders. Additionally, the Code defines basic principles and requirements concerning the selection and recruitment process of researchers.


Dr. Johanna Flore

Personalentwicklung und Justiziariat (SG 4.5)

Room B1.325
Paderborn University
必威体育 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn