Re­search News

LiR­aS: In­nov­at­ive sensor tech­no­logy for auto­mated driv­ing ap­plic­a­tions

New research project combines technology and science

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"An Aca­dem­ic Ca­reer is Chal­len­ging but In­cred­ibly Ful­filling"

Interview with postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ying Pan for nationwide ?Hydrogen Week“

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Na­tion­wide "Hy­dro­gen Week"

At Paderborn University, we are using the campaign week as an opportunity to give this beacon of hope a special stage - in the form of a themed special, a landing page and a hands-on activity in the city.

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Mo­bil­ity of the fu­ture: New vehicle con­cepts and swarm in­tel­li­gence for the trans­port and en­ergy trans­ition

Climate-friendly, sustainable and user-orientated: The "New Mobility Paderborn" initiative, in which more than 70 network partners have joined forces under the leadership of Paderborn University, is committed to linking the transport and energy transition as an application centre.

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In the chem­istry lab of the fu­ture

Using VR goggles and controllers, students at Paderborn University learn the basics of practical laboratory work in the "VirtuChemLab"

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Cit­izen sci­ence in the hy­dro­gen bus: ex­per­i­ments on Pader­born's town hall square

nationwide Hydrogen Week

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Weath­er dis­asters, pan­dem­ics & co: data plat­form for crit­ic­al haz­ard situ­ations un­der con­struc­tion

Paderborn University scientists involved in EU project

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New re­search centre for sus­tain­ab­il­ity at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

"Paderborn Research Centre for Sustainable Economy" officially opened

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How do young people in Germany view the constitution? What role does it play in the lives of schoolchildren? What thoughts and emotions do they associate with it?

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New study by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity ex­am­ines the role of work­arounds in or­gan­isa­tions

As targeted deviations from standard processes, workarounds enable employees to overcome hurdles and increase their overall productivity. Although their use is widespread in companies, many aspects have been little researched to date.

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Paderborn University was awarded the DHV seal of approval for fair and transparent appointment negotiations by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) on 1 June.

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Hol­ist­ic En­ergy Trans­ition in In­dustry: Pader­born Part­ners Present Concept at "Woche der Um­welt" in Ber­lin

There are many aspects to the energy transition in industry: Energy consumption must be reduced, processes must be electrified and demand must be met with green electricity and hydrogen. Integrated energy systems are the key to this.

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IT solu­tions for product de­vel­op­ment: con­sor­ti­um de­vel­ops mod­el-based im­pact ana­lyses to eval­u­ate tech­nic­al changes

Impact analyses make dependencies visible at an early stage with the help of innovative IT solutions, allowing companies to act instead of react.

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AI in edu­ca­tion: In­ter­view on In­ter­na­tion­al Chil­dren's Day

1 June is International Children's Day. To mark the occasion, Prof Dr Katharina Rohlfing, spokesperson for the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 318 at Paderborn University and Bielefeld University, will be speaking about artificial intelligence (AI) in children's and young adult literature.

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Pader­born IT Se­cur­ity Day 2024: Speak­ers wanted

Call for Lec?tu?res & Work?shops

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