Pil­lar 2: So­cial and meth­od­o­lo­gic­al com­pet­ence

Soft Skills are not optional requirements for employers, they are essential. Volunteer in the International Office?s Buddy Programme, improve your presentation and creative techniques or explore your own abilities and talents in a workshop from the Zentrale Studienberatung (Student Guidance Centre). There are a lot of options to expand your key competencies!


Partner Description Type of offer  
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)

As part of the student body, they represent the student body, execute decisions from the student parliament (StuPa) and handle administrative issues of the student body.
  • 必威体育s on important skills, e.g. finance, project management and many more
  • Goal: transfer of knowledge and upgrading skills in different areas
  • Target audience: partly all students, partly only people in active voluntary engagements
  • Diverse opportunities, to voluntarily participate in the AStA
Further information about the offer can be found here.
Events/必威体育s, voluntary work  

Ausl?ndische Studierendenvertretung (ASV)

The ASV supports international students and encourages culturally diverse activities at Paderborn University

  • Several events on integration of international students as well as support of different cultures
  • Biggest event is the Intercultural Week, organisation of orientation week, Cultural Nights, Party’s, Excursions, movie nights, etc.

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/必威体育s, voluntary work  

Campus Consult e.V.

The student consultancy based in the Technology Park in Paderborn has been advising companies in the OWL region for more than 25 years

  • Campus Consult's aim: Gaining practical experience and putting theoretical knowledge into practice
  • Enhancement of soft skills and professional competencies through participation in and implementation of training courses and projects
  • Students have the opportunity to get to know management consultancies from all over Germany

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary work  
Career Service

Central contact for student and graduates concerning questions around job applications, entry into employment and career path

Event program

  • Comprehensive event programme with lectures, company visits and workshops for specific topics, including career orientation and career planning
  • Events are organised in cooperation with external and internal experts and employers

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Project "Karrieresprungbrett Praxis”

  • Getting to know a regional company, development of a 3-day project accompanied by company representatives.
  • Participants gain insight into the company as well as information about the job market and fields of activity.
  • The aim is, among other things, to apply the knowledge learned during the studies in practice.

Further information about the offer can be found here.


DAAD-Projekt: Welcome-Studierende engagieren sich für Flüchtlinge

Students at Paderborn University accompany students with a refugee background during life at University and in general

  • Recreational activities with tandem-partners and in groups (sports, music, excursions and many more)
  • Students BA/MA of Education are able to have their participation in the programme recognise as their vocational internship
Further information about the offer can be found here.
Voluntary work  

Fachschaftsrat International Business Studies (FSR IBS)

Represents the students of the subject area IBS in the university politics and enables versatile engagement at the University of Paderborn

  • Collaboration in various areas: O-week planning, events, office hours, trips, etc.
  • Participation in weekly exchanges about current topics of university politics

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary work  

Fachschaftsrat Wirtschaftsinformatik (FSR Winfo)

Representation for students of Business Information Systems at Paderborn University and Germany wide

  • Organisation of different events with cultural,-study, and career related focus
  • Participation in University committees

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/必威体育s, voluntary work  

Fachschaftsrat Wirtschaftswissenschaften (FSR Wiwi)

Representation for students of Economic Science through elected representatives in University committees

  • Wide range of participation in events, especially orientation week
  • Regular internal events, e.g. barbecue, bowling and canoeing

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work  

Fachschaftsrat Popul?re Musik und Medien

Representation for students of Popular Music and Media studies

  • Organisation of projects for students of the music department, including orientation week
  • Organisation of events and engagement in University politics

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/必威体育s, voluntary work  

The project supports the social and professional integration of international students.

  • InRegio offers international students a variety of options within the region, career orientation and brings international students, regional groups, clubs and companies together
  • 必威体育s and events on several topics:
    • Help with professional integration
    • Job preparation, dealing with studying and Networking events
    • Intercommunication between international students and the region

Further information about the offer can be found here.


Integra Studium und Beruf

Support programme for students with a refugee background and international students.

  • Diverse range of workshops to communicate knowledge of the German language, soft skills for university and integration into the work force (mostly in German)
  • Mostly four-hour base and extension workshops
  • Cooperation with partners for excursions to companies and fairs
Further information about the offer can be found here. 
Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

Biggest institute in the humanities with around 3500 students in different Bachelor and Master programmes
  • Students with or without refugee background reflect together on the hardship and perspective of people with a refugee background through literary work
  • People with a refugee background are encouraged to confidently reflect on their own situation
  • Students without a refugee background are encouraged to empathize with the refugee narrative
  • Weekly meetings and meetings between students with and without refugee background

MTP – Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V.

The nationwide biggest non-profit marketing-student-initiative with 19 university locations

  • Goals: to offer interested students a view into practical marketing
  • Diverse range of opportunities for members, as well as non-members, e.g. 必威体育s, lectures, in which students and companies can reach out to one another
  • Students regularly work on projects, national major events, based on club internal training

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work  

oikos Paderborn

A community made up of students from every subject with the common goal, to cause a change towards a more social, environmental and economical sustainability at University

  • Organisation of different formats surrounding the issue of sustainability z.B. conferences, company visits, workshops, lectures
  • participation in marketing, finance and event organisation
  • Participation in international conferences

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work  

Support social projects, discusses current global politics and prepares delegates for attendance at national and international conferences (MUN)
  • Weekly meetings
  • Taking over specific task, e.g. social media
  • Providing input concerning current global topics in politics
  • Preparation and Participation in language exercises

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work  
Patenprogramm des International Office

Assistance-programmes to voluntarily help exchange students
  • Programmes for every student
  • Starts every winter and summer term
  • Supporting exchange students from partner universities with their arrival and first steps in Paderborn, including helping with administrative issues, moving into student accommodation and orientation in Paderborn
  • Individual matching between students
Further information about the offer can be found here.
Voluntary Work  

Peer-Mentoring-Program "Einblick!"

Offers prospective female graduates the opportunity to exchange with other female students about the prospect of a doctorate and the preparation of a doctorate

  • Supervision by a doctoral student during the 6-month program
  • Individual coaching to support the transition to the doctoral phase
  • Further offers: Small group meetings, workshops, framework program

Further information about the offer can be found here.


perspEktIve M

The mentoring program of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is aimed at female students who are interested in working in science

  • Duration of the program: 6 months
  • Exchange about the framework conditions and requirements for a doctorate
  • Further offers: Group meetings, workshops, framework program, writing retreat, travel means pool

Further information about the offer can be found here.


Queers & Friends

Student initiative for gender and sexual diversity at Paderborn University

  • The initiative takes a stand for acceptance and diversity in Paderborn and wants to show the vast diversity that exists outside of hetero- and homosexuality. They use their presence to help marginalised groups to be part of the centre of society
  • Queer&Friends brings people from all over the LGBTQ+-community together in a safe space
  • Weekly activities, e.g. weekly meetings, movie night and so many more
  • No matter how you identify, you are always welcome at Queer&Friends

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work  

Higher Education Development Office (HEDO)

Consultation and  backing of different agents within the University on everything from constructing to improving Teach-Study-processes. Including qualification measures mainly for students with tutorial tasks 


  • Students are taught through Blended Learning Courses on E-Learning and the use of digital mediums while teaching
  • Following basic training is a practical project in which E-Learning is used in the context of a class
Further information about the offer can be found here.

  • The programme focusses on students in the humanities with tasks surrounding tutorial teaching

  • Contents: workshops (e.g. Teaching and studying, group processes  in a Tutorial, Handling challenging situations), case consultation, sitting in on lectures and production of a learning journal
  • Goals:
    (1) qualification of students in their tutorial tasks and improving university teachings
    (2) qualification of students as a preparation for their later career path
Further information about the offer can be found here.


The Technology Transfer and Start-Up Center of the University of Paderborn supports people interested in founding a company and start-ups on their way to self-employment

  • Various events that take students and graduates one step closer to launching their own startups.
  • Creditable events: Idea workshop for start-up idea, pitch training for presentation practice, validation workshop for idea implementation.
  • Time frame: approx. 4-5 hours each

Further information about the offer can be found here.


The university student newspaper, published every two weeks during the semester and keeps students up-to-date with everything in and around university
  • In-depth look into journalistic work from an idea to the finished newspaper, behind the scenes
  • Free choice of topics, as long as they are relevant and valuable for students at Paderborn University
  • Regular editorial work covers everything from Live-Feed (e.g. tweets about the student parliament) to preparation of Interviews with artists and people at the university (e.g. during the AStA Summer Festival)
Further information about the offer can be found here.
Voluntary Work  

UPBracing Team e.V.

As a student initiative at Paderborn University, UPBracing Team e.v. is focused on the development and production of three Formula racing cars, through interdisciplinary collaboration between departments


  • Development, simulation, construction and production of race cars
  • Participation in Europe-wide Formula Student Events
  • Marketing of race cars & team through communication and marketing

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/必威体育s, voluntary work  
Student Advice Center (ZSB)

Informs students and prospective students on options of studying and support students in stress situations

Autogenic training

  • Includes information, basic exercises and fundamental assumptions
  • Exercises are intensively tested and applied onto individuals

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Overcoming anxiety and stress

  • Teaches methods for building individual stress management skills 
  • Includes elements from cognitive behavioral therapy, solution-focused thinking, and mindfulness-based methods

Further information about the offer can be found here.
