Help for Teaching Staff

On these pages, you will find all the relevant information for members of teaching staff.

User guides, answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), the PAUL glossary and all the support channels available can be accessed via the above navigation menu.


Gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

Being named as a lecturer in the PAUL system does not give rise to any claims against Paderborn University and, in particular, does not establish an employment relationship under social security law. As a precautionary measure, the acceptance of work performance in this context is rejected.

Here we provide you with two information sheets that you as a teacher can use to find out about PAUL in a nutshell.

Basics of PAUL's new web design (PDF; German version only)

Exam administration / assessment entry (PDF; German version only)

You can find more detailed information in particular in the operating instructions for teaching staff

You can download information for exam supervisors via the following download link:

Instructions for exam supervisors (PDF; German Version only)

You can download the protocol for oral examinations via the following download link:

Protocol for oral examinations (PDF; German version only)

Op­er­at­ing in­struc­tions

The instructions for exam administration give you an overview of your tasks in exam administration with PAUL.

In particular, it describes how you can create participant lists for your exams from PAUL and how to enter grades in PAUL.

Exam administration guide (PDF, German version only)

Many questions are answered by our FAQ for lecturers.

Otherwise, please contact the course manager responsible for you or the PAUL hotline for lecturers.

FAQ Teach­ers

To log in to PAUL, you must enter the user name and password of your Paderborn University account in the grey line at the top of the page and confirm with OK (Log in).

At ellung_eines_Uni-Accounts_(Lehrende_u._Angestellte) you can find out how to get your university account

You can have a new password set in the Notebook Café (Room I0.401) - directly opposite Building Q, before the University Library and the main entrance. To do this, you must appear there in person during opening hours and present a valid photo ID, e.g. your employee ID. You can also contact the User Advisory Service at imt(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de or phone: 05261/60-5544.

Have you just received your Uni account?

It can take up to 24 hours after receiving your Uni account before you can use PAUL.

Have you forgotten your user name or password?

You can have a new password set in the Notebook Café (I0.401). To do this, you must appear there in person during opening hours and present a valid photo ID, e.g. your employee ID. You can also contact the user advisory service at or phone: 05251/60-5544.

The message appears: Username or password incorrect?

Common causes of incorrect password entries are:

  • Caps Lock (Shift Lock or Num Lock) is activated
  • Upper/lower case mixed up in the password
  • Keyboard layout other than the usual one (e.g. English keyboard)

The message appears: Access denied?

PAUL has accepted your university account, but your status does not allow you to log in to PAUL.
Please check whether you have the status "Lehrender / Lecturer" in your Uni account.
If you have the status "Lecturer" there and still receive this message, please contact PAUL Support:

Does your university account have the user status: "Personal / Staff"?

The user status of a university account must be "Studierende / Students" or "Lehrende / Teachers" in order to be able to log in to PAUL.
You can check your user status in the ZIM service portal (formerly IMT service portal).
You cannot log into PAUL with the status "Personal / Staff".

According to a resolution from the PAUL project phase, the following titles have been defined by the system as the only available titles in PAUL (resolution of 26 January 2012):


Prof. Dr.

Jun. prof.

Jun. Prof. Dr.


Please note:
Only the above-mentioned academic titles are transferred to PAUL. A different entry in the ZIM service portal ( will result in no academic title being displayed in PAUL.

For specific questions about event management, about examination administration or for general questions please use the PAUL support channels

PAUL guarantees that system messages are sent correctly in PAUL, but does not guarantee correct forwarding once they have been transferred to the email system.

In order for your students to be able to prove that they have attended the courses, their attendance must be registered in PAUL.

The central administration of examination data - which began in the winter semester 2011/12 - also requires all courses to be entered in PAUL.

PAUL is the leading system for all course data at Paderborn University, as decided by the Presidential Board and all Dean's Offices.

In order for your students to be able to prove that they have attended the courses and register for examinations, their attendance must be registered in PAUL.

If, as a lecturer, you would like one or more people to help you manage your courses in PAUL, you can choose between the PAUL roles of deputy and course assistant (LVA). By assigning one of these two roles, you transfer some of your rights to the authorised person, but as a lecturer you remain responsible for the implementation and execution of the course - and can continue to carry out all tasks yourself.

Rights and assignment of a deputy

Rights and assignment of a course assistant

Technical requirements:

For a person to be able to act as a deputy or course assistant for you in PAUL, they must be able to log in to PAUL.

If the person you wish to appoint is not yet able to log in to PAUL with their university account, please arrange for them to apply for the relevant role once in the ZIM service portal (formerly IMT service portal). - If the person does not yet have a university account, they must first apply for access in the ZIM.

If you are to assist a lecturer in a course, e.g. as a member of staff or secretary, you must apply once for the role of course assistant (LVA) or deputy.

As a deputy of a lecturer, you can only act after you have been assigned the appropriate rights by Central IT and Media Services (ZIM) (Specialised administrative procedures). The prerequisite for this is a completed and signed application for the institution of a deputy.

The rights as a course assistant are assigned by the course managers (LVM) in the faculties and institutes/departments after they have been authorised accordingly by the respective lecturer.

Pending registrations have not yet been definitively accepted. They still have to be finally confirmed by a course manager. - To do this, the course manager needs to be informed by the lecturer - after the first and/or second enrolment phase has been completed - which students should or should not be accepted.

Accepted enrolments are definitively confirmed in PAUL. However, students have the option of deregistering from a course during the deregistration phase.

Only accepted registrations are considered participants in your course in PAUL, i.e. only these appear in the list of participants and receive system messages. If you use PANDA, only the accepted participants are imported by PANDA.

A special feature of economics is that students only register for modules. Only after completion of the 2nd registration phase are students automatically entered as participants in the courses and only then are they listed in the PAUL participant lists.

Contact for course management: Course managers of the faculties

These are students who have been enrolled on the multi-subject degree programme for the first time for the coming semester. The subject areas are displayed as soon as the semester has started. Subject areas of students enrolled for the winter semester are therefore only displayed from 1 October. Similarly, subject areas for students enrolled for the summer semester are only displayed from 1 April.

For all students who have registered for the examination online in PAUL (or in writing in the ZPS during the second examination registration phase).

By clicking on the menu item "Examination Management" you will be taken to the administration screen for your examinations.

Most teachers access the examination administration entirely via the Assessment Entry menu item, which is displayed as soon as you click on Examination Administration in the menu.

If you want to open the examination lists or enter grades as a deputy, you must proceed differently to the teachers.
First click on the Service button in the top menu and then on the Substitute button in the left-hand menu.(Screenshot)

Decide for which person you want to process which task and select this task (exams / exams with individual examiner or course) accordingly.(Screenshot)

You can now carry out this task in place of this teacher. (Screenshot: "Examinations")

In the table, click on one of the underlined examination types ("Written examination", "Oral examination", "Examination performance"), all of which can be found in the "Examination" column. In the view that then opens, you will find all modules in whose context the course could be taken (with this form of examination and the range of grades listed below).
Below this you will find a list of all participants who are (currently) registered for this examination in PAUL.

If your course can be completed with different forms of examination (e.g. "written examination", "oral examination" or generally "examination performance"), you will be shown a separate examination list for each form of examination (and possibly also for each examination date).
If your course can be taken within the framework of different examination regulations, a separate examination list will be displayed for each applicable range of grades - separately for each type of examination.

In PAUL, separate examination lists are automatically created for each course for all possible examination types, regardless of whether students register for this examination.

Some time after the end of exam registration, the ZPS removes all lists without exam registrations from the lecturer view. If you still find empty lists when entering grades, you are welcome to inform the ZPS so that they can be deleted if necessary.

The grades you are awarded depend on the respective examination regulations. In PAUL, you can see for each examination list which grade range (e.g. 1.0 - 5.0; 1.0 - 6.0 or "passed" - "failed") is to be used in this list for the respective examination. If students with different examination regulations and different grade ranges have taken part in an examination, a separate examination list is generated for each grade range.

Each examination list contains only the participants registered for this examination, who must be assessed according to the same range of grades.

As soon as the respective examination registration phase has ended, all students registered for the examination will be displayed in PAUL. Depending on the examination regulations, examination cancellations can be made (usually up to two days before the examination). By this time at the latest, any necessary admission checks have also been carried out by the ZPS.

Students can also submit sick notes to the ZPS a few days after the examination - in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, there are sometimes different regulations due to the "examination phases" introduced there.

As soon as the examination has been completed, you can enter the grades online in the examination lists in PAUL.

It is also possible to import grades into PAUL once the examination has been completed. Please refer to the FAQ below "I want to manage the grades in Excel. How do I create a corresponding template in PAUL?"

By clicking on the "Print participant list" button, you can display a list of all participants in this exam (form) sorted by surname, including their matriculation number, and print it out by clicking on the "Print" button. Alternatively, you can also select this list to paste it into a document using the clipboard.

For an oral examination, please click on the "Details" link and enter the date of the examination in the corresponding fields in the Appointment section after setting the date, as this information is required by the Central Examination Office. By entering the date and time (both are mandatory fields!), you ensure that the student can only deregister from the examination within the applicable deadlines. The student can then also see this date in PAUL. In addition, you can use the "Details" link to enter further comments on the exam or the topic of the exam and, depending on the settings, upload files if necessary.

If you have not been sent an examination record (in good time) for the oral examination, you can use this form.

First open an examination list (menu path: "Teaching" / "Examination administration" / "Assessment input" / click on an examination type).

Enter the existing grades for the respective student in the "Assessment" field. Click (in the upper function line) on "Save" after (and possibly also during) entering the grades. Then check the grades you have entered and click (in the upper function line) on "Release". You can now decide once again whether you want to release all saved scores ("Release all") or only some selected scores ("Release selected").

To save your grades in PAUL, click on the "Save" button after entering your grades. These saved grades can still be changed by you and are not yet visible to the student.
Only when you click on the "Release all" or "Release selected" buttons are the grades saved in the respective list published in PAUL and the respective student can view their grade in PAUL. If you enter further grades in PAUL after a release, these must also first be saved in PAUL and then also released.

As soon as the grades are finalised, you should also release them. Please do not wait for a possible examination review.

If one or more grades that have already been released are to be changed at a later date, e.g. after a written examination, please contact the Central Examination Office (ZPS) to discuss how to proceed.

Every student can view their own grades in PAUL - as soon as you have released them. Other students do not have access to these grades.

You can find the corresponding instructions here.
Once you have imported the sheet music as a *.txt file as described in the instructions, you can continue to correct and add to it in PAUL until you have released and published it.

Do not enter a grade. Instead, click on the "Absent" checkbox and then on "Release".
If the student was absent due to illness or other excused absence, the ZPS will enter this in PAUL promptly. - If you only enter or import your grades into PAUL afterwards, you do not need to click on the "Absent" checkbox for these students.

At the top of each examination list, all modules are listed in the context of which the respective course could be taken. You can display an overview of the grades released to date by clicking on the "Grade list" button next to each module.

After receiving your Uni account, it may take up to 24 hours before you can use PAUL.

Common causes of incorrect password entries are

  • Caps Lock (Shift Lock or Num Lock) is activated
  • Upper/lower case mixed up in the password
  • Keyboard layout other than the usual one (e.g. English keyboard)

PAUL has accepted your university account, but your status does not allow you to log in to PAUL.

Please check whether you have the status " Lecturer" in your Uni account.

If you have the status "Lecturer" and still receive this message, please contact PAUL Support: or phone 60- 2727.

The user status of a university account must be "Students" or "Teachers" in order to log in to PAUL.

You can check your user status in the ZIM service portal (formerly IMT service portal).

You cannot log into PAUL with the status "Staff".


E-mail to PAUL Support:

PAUL teacher hotline: (05251) 60 2727 (Mondays - Thursdays 9 am - 3 pm)

E-mail to PAUL Support:

Clerks in the Central Examination Office

Course manager: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Dr.-Ing. Balewski - -
Tel. (05251) 60 2995

Dr.-Ing. 必威体育vers - -

Course manager: Computer Science

Mr Blume - -
Tel. (05251) 60 3325

Course manager: Mathematics

Course Manager Mathematics - -

Mr Fr?ger - -
Tel. (05251) 60 2905

Mrs Windhorn - -
Tel. (05251) 60 3695

Student Office (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) - -
Tel. (05251) 60 3719
Room C5.322

Mr Schiller - -
Tel. (05251) 60 3334

Course manager: Physics

Matthias Reichelt - Bachelor, Master - -
Tel. (05251) 60 2326

Michael Mayer - Subject teaching - -
Tel. (05251) 60 5798

Yvonne Webersen - Teacher Training - -
Tel. (05251) 60 2669

Course manager: Chemistry

Mr Hoischen - -
Tel. (05251) 60 5760

Course manager: Sports and Health

Mrs Güldenpenning - -
Tel. (05251) 60 5303

Mr Buck - -
Tel. (05251) 60 4284

Mrs Mense - -
Tel. (05251) 60 3645

Mrs Behrent - -
Tel. (05251) 60 2857

Mes­sage for­ward­ing

  • Click on the "My data" button in the top toolbar.
  • Click on "Forwarding" in the left-hand menu.
  • Take note of the information in the centre field.
  • Click on "System message configuration" in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on "Change" on the right.
  • To the right of the question: "Forward messages to Uni-Mail address?", click on the checkbox.
  • Don't be confused by the words "Password protected" or "Public" - at Paderborn University you can only forward messages to the password-protected university email address.
  • Confirm your selection by clicking on "Save".
  • Your change will be visible as a tick is now displayed in the box behind the question "Forward messages to university e-mail address?".
  • From now on, a copy of the PAUL messages sent to you will be sent to your university e-mail address ( Direct link to Webmail / Information on university e-mail ). You will still see the original in PAUL. To do this, click on "Messages" in the left-hand menu under "My data".

Please note:

Unfortunately, the university cannot guarantee that forwarded system messages will actually arrive at your university e-mail address. Failure to receive this additional service does not constitute an excuse for failure on the part of the student. Therefore, please check your system messages in PAUL regularly

Con­tact form

Pers?nliche Daten
Informationen zum Studium
Ihre Anfrage

Declaration of consent *


Students and lecturers access PAUL via a web client, while other users use a so-called rich client. In both the web client and the rich client, terms are used in PAUL and the underlying CampusNet software in a very specific way, which may occasionally differ from colloquial usage.

The following glossary has been created to facilitate communication between PAUL users.

In particular, this glossary can help teachers and students to better understand the terms they are confronted with when using PAUL.

(currently only available in German version)
Glossar Campusmanagement (PDF; 161 kb)