In­ter­na­tion­al Tues­days

Internationalisation at Paderborn University is a cross-sectional task and cannot be successful without the effort, energy, and enthusiasm of a great variety of units and people. However, daily tasks often do not leave enough time for an exchange with students or colleagues who may be working in different fields or on entirely different projects.

The event series “International Tuesdays” wants to overcome this. Since the summer semester of 2021 it brings together members of Paderborn University during lunchtime, to present their work or best practices and talk about their ideas and experiences in a casual environment.

When and where do the events take place?

During the lecture period, we offer events on several Tuesdays between 1 and 2 pm, aiming at all interest groups at UPB (students, researchers, lecturers, administrative staff) depending on the individual topic. Students and teachers, researchers and staff, colleagues and those who are generally interested in international topic, are invited to listen, share, and discuss! Usually, the events take place virtually via Zoom.

Please note that two face-to-face events will be offered at a different time in the summer semester 2024:

  •     On 25 June at 3.30 pm (room: Q 2.122), Dr Katja Simons, Head of the Campus OWL office in New York, will introduce herself and her activities.
  •     On 30 July 2024 at 6 pm, UPB's Welcome Services will be offering a joint Liboribummel for international employees. Prior registration is required for the Liboribummel.

All other events will take place as usual at 1 pm via Zoom. The link can be found on this website in the right column.

You can find this semester's programme below:

Over­view Sum­mer Semester 2024

Speaker: Dr. Katja Simons (on campus, 3.30pm, Room Q2.122)

On 25 June 2024, Katja Simons, head of the Campus OWL liaison office in New York, will come to Paderborn University. During the Meet Greet, she will introduce herself and inform about the Campus OWL activities in New York All interested members of Paderborn University are cordially invited to get to know Katja Simons or to meet her again.

The meeting will take place on campus at 3.30pm. Room: Q 2.122

The liaison office in New York is a joint office by the higher education institutions in OstWestfalenLippe ( It promotes opportunities for study, research and entrepreneurship, and facilitates collaboration with North American partner institutions The office serves as a hub to connect students, researchers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders from both sides of the Atlantic to enable cooperation and knowledge exchange Further information:

Target Group: All interested members of Paderborn University
Language: German or English
Speaker: Angelina Dick and Emily Meier, University Translators

Transnational exchange and global networking have long been an integral part of higher education, and Paderborn University is also committed to expanding and deepening international cooperation. International students and researchers contribute to the creation of a campus that is increasingly characterised by intercultural competence, diversity, and bilingualism. The University’s Translation Office supports this process by translating key German content into English, thereby helping to overcome language barriers and promote the international orientation of Paderborn University.

In the course of this event, the two University translators Angelina Dick and Emily Meier will introduce themselves, present their tasks, explain what a typical translation workflow looks like, and give an insight into current projects, such as the creation of a University-wide glossary.

Target group: All interested members of Paderborn University
Language: German and English
Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Leitloff, COLOURS Implementation Office Lead, Dr. Christine Hante-Koch (CoSpace Officer), Dr. Alena Diedrich (CoSpace Officer)

On July 9, 2024, the COLOURS CoSpace Officer Dr. Alena Diedrich and Dr. Christine Hante-Koch, and the COLOURS Implementation Office Lead, Dr. Isabelle Leitloff will present the European University Alliance COLOURS, its vision, objectives and activities. There will also be time for the participants to share their wishes and questions.

The European University Alliance COLOURS, coordinated by Paderborn University, brings together nine universities with a total of around 126,000 students and 12,300 employees in nine countries. Supported by 55 associated partners, the Alliance promotes social and technological innovations within and outside of academic institutions. COLOURS supports open innovation ecosystems that promote sustainable regional development and contribute to green, digital and social changes.

Target Group: All interested members of Paderborn University
Language: German
Speaker: Tilo Wodzinski, Dep. 6

International rankings assess the performance of universities, departments or study programmes on the basis of various indicators. The importance of rankings from providers such as THE and QS continues to increase for universities, particularly in an international context. UPB actively engages with international rankings and endeavours to deal with them systematically.

At this event, Tilo Wodzinski, international rankings officer from Department 6, will explain which international rankings exist, how they work and what role they play for UPB and its stakeholders. This event will focus on the Leiden Ranking 2024.

Target group: All interested members of Paderborn University
Language: German
Speaker: Anna Marina Vogt, Welcome Services

From 27 July to 04 August 2024, the Libori fair will take place in Paderborn. It is considered Paderborn’s “Fifth Season” and is one of the oldest and largest fairs in Germany, tracing back to the year 836. It brings a unique mixture of ecclesiastical ceremony and festivities to the city including a funfair and cultural events.

As part of the “International Tuesdays” event series, the Welcome Services team would like to invite you to visit the fair together on Tuesday, 30 July. We are going to meet up at 6 p. m., stroll through the city and explore the various unique facets of the fair together. It will also be an opportunity to meet your international colleagues and connect with each other. Registrations are necessary and can be done here.  We are going to send further information upon registration. Feel free to forward this invitation to your (international) colleagues that might as well be interested in participating.

What? Libori Fair Stroll for international Researchers and Employees

When? Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 6 p. m.

Where? Paderborn City Center

Registration necessary? Yes!

We are looking forward to a fun after-work event. Do not hesitate to get in touch with the Welcome Services in case of any questions.

Target group: International researchers and employees of Paderborn University
Language: English / German

We are looking forward to seeing you during one of the events!

Questions, suggestions and general ideas are always welcome!


The events take place via Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 688 4923 3146
Code: 827342





Here you can find the past events of International Tuesdays and - if available - the corresponding presentations.

Dr. Katrin Renkwitz

International Relations Office

Assistant to the Vice-President for international relations (parental leave cover)

Write email +49 5251 60-4691
business-card image

Davina Stiller

Paderborn University

Assistant to the Vice-President for international relations (on parental leave)

Write email +49 5251 60-2328