Frame­work and work­shop pro­gramme

In addition to the kick-off, a workshop is held at the beginning to determine the individual position and clarify goals, which forms the basis of the programme. To prepare for the mentoring relationship, there is first a workshop on finding a mentor and then a workshop on organising the tandem relationship.
The further mentoring relationship is accompanied by an interim review and the final event.

Experts are invited to the network meetings to provide insight into career-relevant topics and share experiences
Meetings in recent years have been held on the following topics, for example:

  • Milestones of an academic career
  • A look at the university's structures from the perspective of the central equal opportunities officer
  • Compatibility of science and family
  • Final spurt doctorate - post-docs report on the transition

The mentoring programme is supplemented by thematically coordinated workshops. For example, workshops can be offered on career and network development or resilience in everyday academic life. Further workshop offers can be found on the pages of the Equal Opportunities Officer, Human Resources Development or at the faculty-specific Graduate Centres.