In­di­vidu­al coach­ing

As a complementary offer to the mentoring programme, interested women and former mentees have the opportunity to take advantage of individual coaching. The coaching can involve a one-off session or several consecutive meetings to support the process. The coaching sessions are confidential. If you are interested, Dr Julia Steinhausen (further training in systemic solution-focused coaching certified by the Systemic Society) is available for an initial non-binding information meeting.

In coaching, the coachee is supported in developing their own solutions; the coach does not give any advice or solutions. And: It is not professional counselling, coaching helps to reflect on career-relevant aspects and to set new goals.

Coach­ing for doc­tor­al can­did­ates and post-docs

Coach­ing with a view to the doc­tor­al pro­cess

A doctorate is a challenge and requires perseverance, prioritisation, a good balance between intellectual demands and perfectionism, and much more. . At some points in the process, coaching can be helpful in mobilising resources, formulating goals and developing initial steps to overcome challenges.

Ca­reer Coach­ing - What comes after the doc­tor­ate?

At the end of their doctorate, doctoral candidates are particularly concerned with the question of what their future career path should look like. A decision may be pending or there may already be a concrete perspective. Coaching can help to define goals and make decisions. Coaching is also useful for the upcoming transition, e.g. a change of job or taking on new (management) tasks, in order to reflect on your own resources and skills and prepare yourself well.

Coach­ing for post-docs

This programme is aimed at female post-doctoral candidates who want to plan their future career path. In the post-doc phase, important decisions usually have to be made that require a neutral view from the outside. Coaching can help you to reposition yourself and implement the next steps in a solution-focussed manner.