Get an in­sight

"Is doing a doctorate an option for me?" - This is a question that many qualified female students often address at a very late stage.

As part of the "Insight!" peer mentoring programme, prospective female graduates exchange ideas with other female students about the prospect of a doctorate. This exchange is accompanied by a doctoral candidate who reports on her own experience, shares strategies for decision-making and provides information on funding opportunities on the path to academia. The aim is to enable all options to be weighed up within the programme framework.


The programme starts twice a year in March and September (application deadlines are 15 February and 15 August). An information event is held online every semester in January and July. We draw attention to these under News and Dates, through announcements and posters on campus.

Tar­get group

The programme is open to all female students who are in the final phase of their studies (around the 3rd-4th master's semester) and are considering whether a doctorate and an academic career is right for them. Interested women can also clarify with the programme coordinator whether participation is sensible and beneficial at the current time. A general prerequisite is the willingness to actively participate in the programme. This includes, in particular, attending the individual events, the small group meetings with the mentor and the exchange between the peer mentees.

Ap­plic­a­tion and timetable

It is necessary to apply for the programme with an application form and a CV in tabular form (to peermento The coordinator will then invite you to a personal introductory interview, which will provide an insight into your motivation for participating and your expectations of the programme. Participation in the kick-off and introductory workshop is always required for a successful start to the programme.

The deadline for participation in the summer semester is 15 February, for participation in the winter semester 15 August. Further information can also be found in the flyer below and in the timetable for the news programme.

In­form­a­tion on the pro­gramme


As a participant in the programme or so-called mentee, the main aim is to create a basis for information and reflection.

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Goals of the programme

The central aim of the programme is to be able to make a considered decision (yes or no to a doctorate) in a process that runs throughout the semester.

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Programme structure

The programme runs for 6 months. The core of the programme is the small group meetings with a doctoral candidate as mentor.

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Small groups

The core of the programme is the small group meetings with a doctoral candidate as mentor.

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News and dates

In­tro­duct­ory event 29th year

On 20 September, the 29th cohort will start the programme with an introductory workshop on personal assessment and trainer Kathrin Behme.

Gradu­ation 28th year

The official graduation of the 28th year is on 24 September. At the last event, we will reflect on the last six months together.

Kick-off event 29th year

At the kick-off event on 25 September, the new mentees will be matched with their mentors.

Ment­ors wanted

We are always on the lookout for new mentors for future years. Interested female doctoral candidates (usually from the 2nd year of their doctorate) are trained by us and are welcome as mentors; former mentees of our programmes often also take on this role.

The next "必威体育 for Mentors" to prepare and qualify as a mentor will take place in January/February 2025. Registrations are accepted at any time via email (to peermento

We look forward to welcoming all new mentors!

Offers for other target groups

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Con­tact us

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Stefanie Leinfellner

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

Mentoring-Programme für Studentinnen

Write email +49 5251 60-2898