What is the Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Of­fice?

The Sustainability Office at Paderborn University is a place of direct networking between research, teaching, operations and transfer in relation to sustainability issues. We network internally and externally and strengthen the focus on the transformation process in everyday university life.

Institutionally responsible is the Vice President for Business and Human Resources Administration and the Vice President for Knowledge and Technology Transfer. Strategically, the Sustainability Office is linked to the Vice Presidents of Paderborn University, laying the foundation for a sustainable transformation process in 2023.

Mul­ti­pli­er func­tion

The Sustainability Office is represented by the Head of Sustainable Infrastructure, Matthias Gierth, and the Sustainability Officer, Friederike H?usler. This direct networking of administration, research and teaching paves the way for the development of a holistic sustainability strategy. The goal is to strengthen a common understanding of sustainability at all levels at Paderborn University.

In addition, the sustainability office is the point of contact for the many individual initiatives of students and committed employees, who have already been able to gain valuable experience with their intensive work on sustainable topics in recent years.

Who is behind the Sustainability Office?

Das Team Matthias Gierth und Friederike H?usler
What is the mission at the Sustainability Office at Paderborn University?

We see ourselves as a connecting element, as multipliers and as a mouthpiece for issues of transformation towards more sustainability. The establishment of the sustainability office is a first step on the path of transformation. However, we do not want to and cannot implement this path alone. Therefore, we attach great importance to transparency, the creation of understanding and participation of all status groups of the university.

Sus­tain­able op­er­a­tion

In the Sustainable Infrastructure Department, we form the basic framework for the university's internal transformation process.

Department 5 for Facility Management, Operational Technology, Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection is responsible for the sustainable operations of Paderborn University and initially focuses primarily on ecological sustainability issues.

Fields of ac­tion Sus­tain­able op­er­a­tion

Areas of action in which processes can be analysed and the implementation of sustainable procedures can be initiated.

  • Climate neutrality
  • Renewable energies
  • Environmental and energy management
  • Building and space management
  • Mobility concepts
  • procurement
  • Waste management
  • Process landscape
  • Personnel
  • Event Management
  • Communication with the Studierendenwerk
  • Communication

So­cial sus­tain­ab­il­ity

As Paderborn University, we are already broadly positioned in the field of social sustainability with the Healthy University, the commitment of the Equal Opportunities Officer and the Family-friendly University.

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Unit

In the Sustainability Unit, we promote the development of a holistic understanding of sustainability at Paderborn University. This understanding serves as the basis for the development of the sustainability strategy in cooperation with the sustainability group. We also promote communication among the core processes of research, teaching and knowledge and technology transfer and strengthen the exchange with the university administration.

UPB's path to be­com­ing a sus­tain­able uni­ver­sity


Starting shot 2023: Establishment of the Sustainability Office

The Sustainability Office is represented by the Head of Sustainable Infrastructure and the Sustainability Officer.

We start with an analysis phase to develop a "Status Quo: Sustainability at Paderborn University".
This forms the basis for a successful transformation of Paderborn University.


First meeting of the Sustainability WG

Representatives of all status groups at Paderborn University are invited to the sustainability group.

A holistic understanding of sustainability at Paderborn University can only be established within the framework of a joint exchange process at all levels.


Understanding sustainability

The understanding of sustainability defines the starting point for all further developments with regard to sustainability at Paderborn University. We will implement, communicate and uphold it across the board.



Aubauend auf dem Status-Quo analysiert das Nachhaltigkeitsbüro mit internen und externen Statusgruppen der Universit?t Paderborn die relevantesten Handlungsfelder in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit an der Universit?t Paderborn. 


Sustainable operating concepts

We lay the foundations for energy and environmental management systems.


Sustainability strategy

Based on the understanding of sustainability, we are launching the strategy process within the framework of the sustainability group to develop a holistic sustainability strategy for Paderborn University.


Sustainability reporting

To communicate and promote measures for more sustainability at Paderborn University, we are embarking on the path to sustainability reporting.


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Friederike Marie Haver

Behavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management / Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Sustainability Advisor

Write email +49 5251 60-6455
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Matthias Gierth

Dezernat 5 - Geb?udemanagement, Betriebstechnik, Arbeits- und Umweltschutz

Head of Department 5.5 Sustainable Infrastructure

Write email +49 5251 60-4405