Li?­bori Fair Stroll for In­?ter­?n­a?­tion?al Re?search?ers and Em?ploy?ees on 30 Ju?ly 2024

Following the successful event in 2023, the Welcome Services for international researchers and employees organised a Libori fair stroll last Tuesday. Fourteen researchers and employees accepted the invitation to explore Paderborn’s “fifth season” together.

The stroll started at the meeting point in front of the “Libori Galerie”, ran along the “Grube” and the “Domplatz” before discovering the “Pottmarkt” and the stage in front of the town hall. The evening ended with a selection of food and drinks offered at the “Plaza Europa”.

The Welcome Services regularly organise networking opportunities for international colleagues at Paderborn University. If you would like to stay up to date on the next events, feel free to register for the mailing list on our homepage.