
Green-4-Future - Greening the EntreComp Framework to Reconcile Economic Development and Environmental Security


The ERASMUS+ project Green-4-Future is a strategic partnership in vocational education and training (VET) that is co-funded by the European Commission. The aim is to reconcile economic goals with environmental and climate goals. The core idea of the project is to rethink the EntreComp reference framework developed by the Joint Research Center (JRC), the internal science service of the European Commission. In particular, it is about greening the EntreComp reference framework.

In addition to creating a Green EntreComp framework, i.e. a green version of the EntreComp reference framework, the Green-4-Future partners will focus on business modeling for circular economy companies, create an in-service training for VET teachers and design a Green-4-Future MOOC.

The nine project partners come from Germany, Cyprus, Croatia, Austria, Ireland, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria and Portugal. The coordinator is the University of Paderborn, Chair of Business Education II. The other partners are universities, research institutions and vocational training institutions. Thus, Green-4-Future comprises 4 universities, 3 research centers/institutes, 2 vocational training institutions, all of which are active in the field of vocational training and green entrepreneurship.


- University of Paderborn, Chair of Business Education II, Germany

(coordinator, university partner, evaluation, dissemination and didactics partner)

- Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology Ltd-Cardet, Cyprus

(research education evaluation partner)

- Callidus ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih - Institute for Adult Education, Croatia

(VET partner)

- Berufsf?rderungsinstitut Burgenland, Austria

(VET partner)

- Spectrum Research Centre CLG, Ireland

(research center partner)

- Universitatea din Pitesti, Romania

(higher education partner)

- University of Peloponnese, Greece

(higher education partner)

- Burhaski Svoboden Universitet, Bulgaria

(higher education partner)

- Instituto de Soldadure e Qualidade, Portugal

(research center partner)

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
09/2020 - 08/2023
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

About the person



According to the EntreComp framework defined as follows: “Entrepreneurship is when you act upon opportunities and ideas and transform them into value for others. The value that is created can be financial, cultural, or social” (FFE-YE - Fonden for Entreprenr?rskab (2012): Impact of Entrepreneurship Education in Denmark - 2011: The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship - Young Enterprise, Ejlskovsgade 3D, 5000 Odense C, Denmark). The project focuses on the target groups of VET tutors (VET = vocational education and training), VET professionals in initial and continuing vocational education and training, start-ups in the green economy and social sectors, and business owners. In terms of content, the GreenEntreComp Framework will be created and thus the EntreCompFramework will be revised and adapted with regard to sustainability and the green economy, business models for circular economy businesses will be processed and analyzed, further training on business start-ups in the field of sustainability for VET tutors will be developed and a Green-4-Future MOOC for sustainability training will be implemented and evaluated.


Green-4-Future – Project Insights to its best! In: Training and Cooperation Activity (TCA) “Green Erasmus: pathways to sustainable projects and institutions”
J.N. Schneider, Green-4-Future – Project Insights to Its Best! In: Training and Cooperation Activity (TCA) “Green Erasmus: Pathways to Sustainable Projects and Institutions,” Munich, Germany, 2023.
Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Business CANVAS Model – in Green Entrepreneurships
J.N. Schneider, Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Business CANVAS Model – in Green Entrepreneurships, Paderborn, Germany, 2023.
Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA2. Creative Thinking – in Green Entrepreneurships
J.N. Schneider, Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA2. Creative Thinking – in Green Entrepreneurships, Paderborn, Germany, 2023.
Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Use, sharing and creating Open Educational Resources – Why is it so important?
J.N. Schneider, Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Use, Sharing and Creating Open Educational Resources – Why Is It so Important? , Paderborn, Germany, 2023.
Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Creative Thinking – in Green Entrepreneurships
J.N. Schneider, Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Creative Thinking – in Green Entrepreneurships, Paderborn, Germany, 2023.
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